Publications of Anne Kühnel
All genres
Journal Article (13)
Journal Article
30, 100630 (2024)
Cross-sectional study of retrospective self-reported childhood emotional neglect and inhibitory neurometabolite levels in the pregenual anterior cingulate cortex in adult humans (vol 25, 100556, 2023). NEUROBIOLOGY OF STRESS 2023
Journal Article
25, 100556 (2023)
Cross-sectional study of retrospective self-reported childhood emotional neglect and inhibitory neurometabolite levels in the pregenual anterior cingulate cortex in adult humans. NEUROBIOLOGY OF STRESS
Journal Article
6 (1), 1031 (2023)
Stress-induced brain responses are associated with BMI in women. COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY
Journal Article
120 (49), e2305773120 (2023)
High- throughput screening of glucocorticoid- induced enhancer activity reveals mechanisms of stress- related psychiatric disorders. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2022
Journal Article
92 (2), pp. 158 - 169 (2022)
Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Stress-Induced Network Reconfigurations Reflect Negative Affectivity. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY
Journal Article
169, 105813 (2022)
Acute vagus nerve stimulation does not affect liking or wanting ratings of food in healthy participants. APPETITE 2021
Journal Article
Does transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation affect vagally mediated heart rate variability? A living and interactive Bayesian meta-analysis. PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, e13933 (2021)
Journal Article
20 (1), 213 (2020)
The biological classification of mental disorders (BeCOME) study: a protocol for an observational deep-phenotyping study for the identification of biological subtypes. BMC PSYCHIATRY
Journal Article
41 (14), pp. 4010 - 4023 (2020)
Psychosocial stress reactivity habituates following acute physiological stress. HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING
Journal Article
50 (10), pp. 1727 - 1735 (2020)
Impaired cognitive self-awareness mediates the association between alexithymia and excitation/inhibition balance in the pgACC. PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE
Journal Article
35, pp. 17 - 29 (2020)
Stimulation of the vagus nerve reduces learning in a go/no-go reinforcement learning task. EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY
Journal Article
223, 112971 (2020)
Beyond the average: The role of variable reward sensitivity in eating disorders. PHYSIOLOGY & BEHAVIOR
Journal Article
11 (1), 3555 (2020)
Vagus nerve stimulation boosts the drive to work for rewards. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Dynamic signatures of stress. Dissertation, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (2022)