Building of the hospital


In our research hospital, we are primarily dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment and research of psychiatric diseases such as depression and anxiety disorders. It is important to us to ensure that the results of our scientific work are made available to our patients as quickly as possible. We are proud to be among the world's leading institutions. The basic research of our Institute is closely linked to clinical research and the treatment of our patients. In addition to optimizing existing treatments, the findings are used to further develop new therapies.

Our research hospital is located in Schwabing between Luitpoldpark and English Garden. It consists of five wards with a total of 120 beds and 54 day-care spots for 2,000 patients per year. With our research hospital, day clinics and special outpatient clinics, we are able to offer you a rapid and smooth transition from outpatient, day-care and full inpatient care.


Why research is so important in psychiatry
There is still a lot of unexplored territory in psychiatry. In order to be able to treat people individually, we need to know more. This is why we combine research and treatment under the same roof, thus directly benefiting our patients. more
For patients & visitors
Directions, cafeteria, pastoral care... more
Our hospital management team
Doctors, psychologists, care workers and other therapists working for you as a team. more
For our referring physicians
Information for medical doctors and psychologists (German only) more
Our treatment portfolio
We treat our patients with a combination psychotherapy and gentle drug therapy with as little side effects as possible. In addition, we create an individual daily schedule consisting of various treatments such as occupational therapy, psychosocial counselling, sports therapy, nutritional counseling and more. more

Picture on the top: Benno Pütz

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