Insights into epigenetics: Mouse as a model organism
Epigenetic changes on stress gene are similar in mice and humans
OPTIMA-l psycho- therapeutic treatment for depression
Clinical benefit of schema therapy for severe depression proven for the first time

In the Focus

Graduate School IMPRS-TP
The IMPRS-TP PhD program for internationally outstanding students who are passionate about molecular, cellular and systemic psychiatric research. In addition we offer a unique integrated PhD/residenceprogram to exceptional young medical doctors.
We offer excellent conditions for teaching and research through our interdisciplinary cooperation of physicians and basic scientists. We also offer attractive working conditions in clinical care, administration and technology.


Building stem cell-based models to decode human brain-microglia interactions in health and disease

Jul 23, 2024 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Room: Lecture Hall

Hospital Image: © ThinkstockPhotos - demaerre

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