

The scientific achievements of the Institute are reviewed by internationally recognized scientists every second year. On the basis of a detailed report, the Scientific Advisory Board, consisting of experts appointed by the President of the Max Planck Society, evaluates and consults the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry.
The Board of Trustees supports the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry with issues concerning public perception and communication of scientific and clinical topics. The individual members consult with the management of the Institute on sociopolitical questions and offer assistance.
The administrative staff of the Max Planck Institute support both the various research departments and groups and the closely linked medical facilities. They take responsibility for administrative tasks in the fields of human resources, central services, purchasing, controlling, budgetary and financial accounting as well as patient management.

Former Scientific Members

  • Florian Holsboer
  • Alon Chen

Former Research Group Leaders

Financial Conflict of Interests

Financial Conflict of Interest Policy

Annual Financial Statements

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