Publications of Maik Ködel

Journal Article (16)

Journal Article
Dony, L.; Krontira, A. C.; Kaspar, L.; Ahmad, R.; Demirel , I. S.; Grochowicz, M.; Schafer, T.; Begum, F.; Sportelli, V.; Raimundo, C. et al.; Ködel, M.; Labeur, M.; Cappello, S.; Theis fabian, F. J.; Cruceanu, C.; Binder, E. B.: Chronic exposure to glucocorticoids amplifies inhibitory neuron cell fate during human neurodevelopment in organoids. Science advances 11 (7), p. eadn8631 - eadn8631 (2025)
Journal Article
Hagenberg, J.; Brueckl, T. M.; Erhart, M.; Kopf-Beck, J.; Koedel, M.; Rehawi, G.; Roeh-Karamihalev, S.; Sauer, S.; Yusupov, N.; Rex-Haffner, M. et al.; Spoormaker, V. I.; Saemann, P. G.; Binder, E. B.; Knauer-Arloth, J.: Dissecting depression symptoms: Multi-omics clustering uncovers immune-related subgroups and cell-type specific dysregulation. BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY 123, pp. 353 - 369 (2025)
Journal Article
Froehlich, A. S.; Gerstner, N.; Gagliardi, M.; Ködel, M.; Yusupov, N.; Matosin, N.; Czamara, D.; Sauer, S.; Roeh, S.; Murek, V. et al.; Chatzinakos, C.; Daskalakis, N. P.; Knauer-Arloth, J.; Ziller, M. J.; Binder, E. B.: Single-nucleus transcriptomic profiling of human orbitofrontal cortex reveals convergent effects of aging and psychiatric disease. NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 27, pp. 2021 - 2032 (2024)
Journal Article
Krontira, A. C.; Cruceanu, C.; Dony, L.; Kyrousi, C.; Link, M.-H.; Rek, N.; Pöhlchen, D.; Raimundo, C.; Penner-Goeke, S.; Schowe, A. et al.; Czamara, D.; Lahti-Pulkkinen, M.; Sammallahti, S.; Wolford, E.; Heinonen, K.; Roeh, S.; Sportelli, V.; Woelfel, B.; Koedel, M.; Sauer, S.; Rex-Haffner, M.; Raikkonen, K.; Labeur, M.; Cappello, S.; Binder, E. B.: Human cortical neurogenesis is altered via glucocorticoid-mediated regulation of ZBTB16 expression. NEURON 112 (9), pp. 1426 - 1443.e11 (2024)
Journal Article
Martinelli, S.; Hafner, K.; Ködel, M.; Knauer-Arloth, J.; Gassen, N. C.; Binder, E. B.: Differential Dynamics and Roles of FKBP51 Isoforms and Their Implications for Targeted Therapies. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 25 (22), 12318 (2024)
Journal Article
Yusupov, N.; Roeh, S.; Sotillos Elliott, L.; Chang, S.; Loganathan, S.; Urbina Trevino, L.; Fröhlich, A. S.; Sauer, S.; Ködel, M.; Matosin, N. et al.; Czamara, D.; Deussing, J. M.; Binder, E. B.: DNA methylation patterns of FKBP5 regulatory regions in brain and blood of humanized mice and humans. MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY (2024)
Journal Article
Kuehnel, A.; Hagenberg, J.; Knauer-Arloth, J.; Koedel, M.; Czisch, M.; Saemann, P. G.; Binder, E. B.; Kroemer, N. B.: Stress-induced brain responses are associated with BMI in women. COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY 6 (1), 1031 (2023)
Journal Article
Matosin, N.; Arloth, J.; Czamara, D.; Edmond, K. Z.; Maitra, M.; Froehlich, A. S.; Martinelli, S.; Kaul, D.; Bartlett, R.; Curry, A. R. et al.; Gassen, N. C.; Hafner, K.; Mueller, N. S.; Worf, K.; Rehawi, G.; Nagy, C.; Halldorsdottir, T.; Cruceanu, C.; Gagliardi, M.; Gerstner, N.; Ködel, M.; Murek, V.; Ziller, M. J.; Scarr, E.; Tao, R.; Jaffe, A. E.; Arzberger, T.; Falkai, P.; Kleinmann, J. E.; Weinberger, D. R.; Mechawar, N.; Schmitt, A.; Dean, B.; Turecki, G.; Hyde, T. M.; Binder, E. B.: Associations of psychiatric disease and ageing with FKBP5 expression converge on superficial layer neurons of the neocortex. ACTA NEUROPATHOLOGICA 145 (4), pp. 439 - 459 (2023)
Journal Article
Penner-Goeke, S.; Bothe, M.; Rek, N.; Kreitmaier, P.; Poehlchen, D.; Kühnel, A.; Glaser, L. V.; Kaya, E.; Krontira, A.; Roeh, S. et al.; Czamara, D.; Ködel, M.; Monteserin-Garcia, J.; Diener, L.; Woelfel, B.; Sauer, S.; Rummel, C.; Riesenberg, S.; Arloth-Knauer, J.; Ziller, M.; Labeur, M.; Meijsing, S.; Binder, E. B.: High- throughput screening of glucocorticoid- induced enhancer activity reveals mechanisms of stress- related psychiatric disorders. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 120 (49), e2305773120 (2023)
Journal Article
Yusupov, N.; van Doeselaar, L.; Roeh, S.; Wiechmann, T.; Koedel, M.; Sauer, S.; Rex-Haffner, M.; Schmidt, M. V.; Binder, E. B.: Extensive evaluation of DNA methylation of functional elements in the murine Fkbp5 locus using high-accuracy DNA methylation measurement via targeted bisulfite sequencing. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE (2023)
Journal Article
Czamara, D.; Cruceanu, C.; Lahti-Pulkkinen, M.; Dieckmann, L.; Koedel, M.; Sauer, S.; Rex-Haffner, M.; Sammallahti, S.; Kajantie, E.; Laivuori, H. et al.; Lahti, J.; Raikkonen, K.; Binder, E. B.: Genome-Wide Copy Number Variant and High-Throughput Transcriptomics Analyses of Placental Tissues Underscore Persisting Child Susceptibility in At-Risk Pregnancies Cleared in Standard Genetic Testing. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 23 (19), 11448 (2022)
Journal Article
Cruceanu, C.; Dony, L.; Krontira, A. C.; Fischer, D. S.; Roeh, S.; Di Giaimo, R.; Kyrousi, C.; Kaspar, L.; Arloth, J.; Czamara, D. et al.; Gerstner, N.; Martinelli, S.; Wehner, S.; Breen, M. S.; Koedel, M.; Sauer, S.; Sportelli, V.; Rex-Haffner, M.; Cappello, S.; Theis, F. J.; Binder, E. B.: Cell-Type-Specific Impact of Glucocorticoid Receptor Activation on the Developing Brain: A Cerebral Organoid Study. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY 179 (5), pp. 375 - 387 (2022)
Journal Article
Provencal, N.; Arloth, J.; Cattaneo, A.; Anacker, C.; Cattane, N.; Wiechmann, T.; Roeh, S.; Koedel, M.; Klengel, T.; Czamara, D. et al.; Mueller, N. S.; Lahti, J.; Raikkonen, K.; Pariante, C. M.; Binder, E. B.: Glucocorticoid exposure during hippocampal neurogenesis primes future stress response by inducing changes in DNA methylation. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 117 (38), pp. 23280 - 23285 (2020)
Journal Article
Wiechmann, T.; Roeh, S.; Sauer, S.; Czamara, D.; Arloth, J.; Koedel, M.; Beintner, M.; Knop, L.; Menke, A.; Binder, E. B. et al.; Provencal, N.: Identification of dynamic glucocorticoid-induced methylation changes at the FKBP5 locus. CLINICAL EPIGENETICS 11, 83 (2019)
Journal Article
Zannas, A. S.; Jia, M.; Hafner, K.; Baumert, J.; Wiechmann, T.; Pape, J. C.; Arloth, J.; Koedel, M.; Martinelli, S.; Roitman, M. et al.; Roeh, S.; Haehle, A.; Emeny, R. T.; Iurato, S.; Carrillo-Roa, T.; Lahti, J.; Raikkonen, K.; Eriksson, J. G.; Drake, A. J.; Waldenberger, M.; Wahl, S.; Kunze, S.; Lucae, S.; Bradley, B.; Gieger, C.; Hausch, F.; Smith, A. K.; Ressler, K. J.; Mueller-Myhsok, B.; Ladwig, K.-H.; Rein, T.; Gassen, N. C.; Binder, E. B.: Epigenetic upregulation of FKBP5 by aging and stress contributes to NF-kappa B-driven inflammation and cardiovascular risk. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 116 (23), pp. 11370 - 11379 (2019)
Journal Article
Roeh, S.; Wiechmann, T.; Sauer, S.; Ködel, M.; Binder, E. B.; Provencal, N.: HAM-TBS: high-accuracy methylation measurements via targeted bisulfite sequencing. EPIGENETICS & CHROMATIN 11, 39 (2018)

Conference Paper (4)

Conference Paper
Cruceanu, C.; Roeh, S.; Wehner, S.; Martinelli, S.; Koedel, M.; Di Giaimo, R.; Cappello, S.; Binder, E.: Investigation of Prenatal Stress in the Cerebral Organoid Model: A Focus on Cell-Type Specific Responses Following Glucocorticoid Exposure. 73rd Annual Scientific Convention and Meeting, Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry (SOBP), New York, NY, May 10, 2018 - May 12, 2018. Biological Psychiatry 83 (9, Suppl.), 192, p. S77 - S77 (2018)
Conference Paper
Cruceanu, C.; Roeh, S.; Martinelli, S.; Koedel, M.; Di Giaimo, R.; Cappello, S.; Binder, E.: Investigation of Prenatal Stress in the Cerebral Organoid Model: A Focus on Cell-Type Specific Responses Following Glucocorticoid Exposure. 56th Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP), Palm Springs, CA, December 03, 2017 - December 07, 2017. NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 42, W158, p. S576 - S576 (2017)
Conference Paper
Zannas, A. S.; Gassen, N. C.; Jia, M.; Baumert, J.; Hafner, K.; Ködel, M.; Haehle, A.; Iurato, S.; Carrillo-Roa, T.; Emeny, R. T. et al.; Lahti, J.; Raikkönen, K.; Eriksson, J.; Drake, A.; Waldenberger, M.; Wahl, S.; Kunze, S.; Lucae, S.; Bradley, B.; Gieger, C.; Hausch, F.; Smith, A. K.; Ressler, K. J.; Ludwig, K.-H.; Müller-Myhsok, B.; Rein, T.; Binder, E. B.: Aging- and stress-related epigenetic disinhibition of FKBP5 contributes to NF-κB-driven inflammation and cardiovascular risk. Conference of the World-Association-for-Stress-Related-and-Anxiety-Disorders (WASAD), Würzburg, Germany, September 14, 2017 - September 16, 2017. JOURNAL OF NEURAL TRANSMISSION 124 (10), p. 1292 - 1292 (2017)
Conference Paper
Zannas, A.; Jia, M.; Baumert, J.; Hafner, K.; Ködel, M.; Hähle, A.; Iurato, S.; Carrillo Roa, T.; Emeny, R.; Lathi, J. et al.; Raikkonen, K.; Eriksson, J.; Drake, A.; Waldenberger, M.; Wahl, S.; Kunze, S.; Lucae, S.; Bradley, B.; Gieger, C.; Hausch, F.; Smith, A.; Ressler, K.; Müller-Myhsok, B.; Ladwig, K.-H.; Rein, T.; Gassen, N.; Binder, E.: Aging- and Stress-Related Epigenetic Disinhibition of FKBP5 Contributes to NF-KB-Driven Inflammation and Cardiovascular Risk. 56th Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP), Palm Springs, CA, December 03, 2017 - December 07, 2017. NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 42 (Suppl. 1), T26, pp. S310 - S311 (2017)
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