Publications of Theo Rein

Journal Article (130)

Journal Article
Schaefers, C.; Schmeisser, W.; John, H.; Worek, F.; Rein, T.; Rothmiller, S.; Schmidt, A.: Effects of the nerve agent VX on hiPSC-derived motor neurons. ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY (2024)
Journal Article
Spengler, D.; Rein, T.: Peripheral immune cell-derived matrix metalloprotease 8 (MMP8): brain trafficking promotes depression-like behavior. SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION AND TARGETED THERAPY 9 (1), 136 (2024)
Journal Article
Fries, G. R.; Saldana, V. A.; Finnstein, J.; Rein, T.: Molecular pathways of major depressive disorder converge on the synapse. MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY 28 (1), pp. 284 - 297 (2023)
Journal Article
Schmeisser, W.; Siegert, M.; Thiermann, H.; Rein, T.; John, H.: Highly stable peptide adducts from hard keratins as biomarkers to verify local sulfur mustard exposure of hair by high-resolution mass spectrometry. ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY (2022)
Journal Article
Budzinski, M. L.; Sokn, C.; Gobbini, R.; Ugo, B.; Antunica-Noguerol, M.; Senin, S.; Bajaj, T.; Gassen, N. C.; Rein, T.; Schmidt, M. V. et al.; Binder, E. B.; Arzt, E.; Liberman, A. C.: Tricyclic antidepressants target FKBP51 SUMOylation to restore glucocorticoid receptor activity. MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY (2022)
Journal Article
Schaefers, C.; Rothmiller, S.; Thiermann, H.; Rein, T.; Schmidt, A.: The Efficiency of Direct Maturation: the Comparison of Two hiPSC Differentiation Approaches into Motor Neurons. STEM CELLS INTERNATIONAL 2022, 1320950 (2022)
Journal Article
Rein, T.: Harnessing autophagy to fight SARS-CoV-2: An update in view of recent drug development efforts. JOURNAL OF CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY, e12775 (2021)
Journal Article
Schmeisser, W.; Lueling, R.; Steinritz, D.; Thiermann, H.; Rein, T.; John, H.: Transthyretin as a target of alkylation and a potential biomarker for sulfur mustard poisoning: Electrophoretic and mass spectrometric identification and characterization. DRUG TESTING AND ANALYSIS (2021)
Journal Article
Herrmann, L.; Ebert, T.; Rosen, H.; Novak, B.; Philipsen, A.; Touma, C.; Schreckenbach, M.; Gassen, N. C.; Rein, T.; Schmidt, U.: Analysis of the cerebellar molecular stress response led to first evidence of a role for FKBP51 in brain FKBP52 expression in mice and humans. NEUROBIOLOGY OF STRESS 15, 100401 (2021)
Journal Article
Klionsky, D.; Abdel-Aziz, A.; Abdelfatah, S.; Rein, T.; Brand-Saberi, B.; Dong, X. C.; Kenchappa, C. S.; Li, Z.; Lin, Y.; Oshima, S. et al.; Rong, Y.; Sluimer, J. C.; Stallings, C. L.; Tong, C.-K.; 2285 other, a.: Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition). AUTOPHAGY 17 (1), pp. 1 - 382 (2021)
Journal Article
Rein, T.: Peptidylprolylisomerases, Protein Folders, or Scaffolders? The Example of FKBP51 and FKBP52. BIOESSAYS 42 (7), 1900250 (2020)
Journal Article
Rein, T.: Post-translational modifications and stress adaptation: the paradigm of FKBP51. BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY TRANSACTIONS 48, pp. 441 - 449 (2020)
Journal Article
Rein, T.; Fries, G. R.: Molecular Psychiatry: Trends and Study Examples. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 21 (2), 459 (2020)
Journal Article
Schmidt, U.; Rein, T.: Novel treatment targets for COVID-19: Contribution from molecular psychiatry. WORLD JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY 21 (7), pp. 572 - 575 (2020)
Journal Article
Gassen, N. C.; Niemeyer, D.; Muth, D.; Corman, V. M.; Martinelli, S.; Gassen, A.; Hafner, K.; Papies, J.; Moesbauer, K.; Zellner, A. et al.; Zannas, A. S.; Herrmann, A.; Holsboer, F.; Brack-Werner, R.; Boshart, M.; Mueller-Myhsok, B.; Drosten, C.; Mueller, M. A.; Rein, T.: SKP2 attenuates autophagy through Beclin1-ubiquitination and its inhibition reduces MERS-Coronavirus infection. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 10, 5770 (2019)
Journal Article
Rein, T.: Is Autophagy Involved in the Diverse Effects of Antidepressants? CELLS 8 (1), 44 (2019)
Journal Article
Zannas, A. S.; Jia, M.; Hafner, K.; Baumert, J.; Wiechmann, T.; Pape, J. C.; Arloth, J.; Koedel, M.; Martinelli, S.; Roitman, M. et al.; Roeh, S.; Haehle, A.; Emeny, R. T.; Iurato, S.; Carrillo-Roa, T.; Lahti, J.; Raikkonen, K.; Eriksson, J. G.; Drake, A. J.; Waldenberger, M.; Wahl, S.; Kunze, S.; Lucae, S.; Bradley, B.; Gieger, C.; Hausch, F.; Smith, A. K.; Ressler, K. J.; Mueller-Myhsok, B.; Ladwig, K.-H.; Rein, T.; Gassen, N. C.; Binder, E. B.: Epigenetic upregulation of FKBP5 by aging and stress contributes to NF-kappa B-driven inflammation and cardiovascular risk. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 116 (23), pp. 11370 - 11379 (2019)
Journal Article
Criado-Marrero, M.; Rein, T.; Binder, E. B.; Porter, J. T.; Koren III, J.; Blair, L. J.: Hsp90 and FKBP51: complex regulators of psychiatric diseases. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 373 (1738), 20160532 (2018)
Journal Article
Kretzschmar, A.; Schülke, J.-P.; Masana, M.; Duerre, K.; Müller, M. B.; Bausch, A. R.; Rein, T.: The Stress-Inducible Protein DRR1 Exerts Distinct Effects on Actin Dynamics. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 19 (12), 3993 (2018)
Journal Article
Masana, M.; Westerholz, S.; Kretzschmar, A.; Treccani, G.; Liebl, C.; Santarelli, S.; Dournes, C.; Popoli, M.; Schmidt, M. V.; Rein, T. et al.; Müller, M. B.: Expression and glucocorticoid-dependent regulation of the stress-inducible protein DRR1 in the mouse adult brain. Brain Structure & Function 223 (9), pp. 4039 - 4052 (2018)
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