Publications of Tanja M. Brueckl

Journal Article (71)

Journal Article
Hagenberg, J.; Brueckl, T. M.; Erhart, M.; Kopf-Beck, J.; Koedel, M.; Rehawi, G.; Roeh-Karamihalev, S.; Sauer, S.; Yusupov, N.; Rex-Haffner, M. et al.; Spoormaker, V. I.; Saemann, P. G.; Binder, E. B.; Knauer-Arloth, J.: Dissecting depression symptoms: Multi-omics clustering uncovers immune-related subgroups and cell-type specific dysregulation. BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY 123, pp. 353 - 369 (2025)
Journal Article
Vater, M.; Rost, N.; Eckstein, G.; Sauer, S.; Tontsch, A.; Erhardt, A.; Lucae, S.; Brueckl, T.; Klopstock, T.; Sämann, P. G. et al.; Binder, E. B.: Huntingtin CAG repeat size variations below the Huntington's disease threshold: associations with depression, anxiety and basal ganglia structure. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS (2024)
Journal Article
Brendler, A.; Schneider, M.; Elbau, I. G.; Sun, R.; Nantawisarakul, T.; Pöhlchen, D.; Bruckl, T.; Czisch, M.; Samann, P. G.; Lee, M. D. et al.; Spoormaker, V. I.: Assessing hypo-arousal during reward anticipation with pupillometry in patients with major depressive disorder: replication and correlations with anhedonia. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 14 (1), 344 (2024)
Journal Article
Fietz, J.; Pöhlchen, D.; Brückl, T. M.; Brem, A.-K.; Padberg, F.; Czisch, M.; Sämann, P. G.; Spoormaker, V. I.: Data-Driven Pupil Response Profiles as Transdiagnostic Readouts for the Detection of Neurocognitive Functioning in Affective and Anxiety Disorders. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY-COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE AND NEUROIMAGING 9 (6), pp. 580 - 587 (2024)
Journal Article
Panagiotaropoulou, G.; Hellberg, K.-L. G.; Coleman, J. R. I.; Seok, D.; Kalman, J.; Mitchell, P. B.; Schofield, P. R.; Forstner, A. J.; Bauer, M.; Scott, L. J. et al.; Pato, C. N.; Pato, M. T.; Li, Q. S.; Kirov, G.; Landen, M.; Jonsson, L.; Muller-Myhsok, B.; Smoller, J. W.; Binder, E. B.; Bruckl, T.; Czamara, D.; der Auwera, S. V.; Grabe, H. J.; Homuth, G.; Schmidt, C. O.; Potash, J. B.; DePaulo, R. J.; Goes, F. S.; MacKinnon, D. F.; Mondimore, F. M.; Weissman, M. M.; Shi, J.; Frye, M. A.; Biernacka, J. M.; Reif, A.; Witt, S. H.; Kahn, R. R.; Boks, M. M.; Owen, M. J.; Gordon-Smith, K.; Mitchell, B. L.; Martin, N. G.; Medland, S. E.; Jones, L.; Knowles, J. A.; Levinson, D. F.; O'Donovan, M. C.; Lewis, C. M.; Breen, G.; Werge, T.; Schork, A. J.; Ophoff, R.; Ripke, S.; Loohuis, L. O.: Identifying genetic differences between bipolar disorder and major depression through multiple GWAS. (submitted)
Journal Article
Blaskovich, B.; Bullón-Tarrasó, E.; Poehlchen, D.; Manafis, A.; Neumayer, H.; Besedovsky, L.; Brückl, T. M.; Simor, P.; Binder, F. P.; Spoormaker, V. I.: The utility of wearable headband electroencephalography and pulse photoplethysmography to assess cortical and physiological arousal in individuals with stress-related mental disorders. JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH (2023)
Journal Article
Rost, N.; Dwyer, D. B.; Gaffron, S.; Rechberger, S.; Maier, D.; Binder, E. B.; Brueckl, T. M.: Multimodal predictions of treatment outcome in major depression: A comparison of data-driven predictors with importance ratings by clinicians. JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS 327, pp. 330 - 339 (2023)
Journal Article
Sun, R.; Fietz, J.; Erhart, M.; Poehlchen, D.; Henco, L.; Brueckl, T. M.; Czisch, M.; Saemann, P. G.; Spoormaker, V.: Free-viewing gaze patterns reveal a mood-congruency bias in MDD during an affective fMRI/eye-tracking task. EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE (2023)
Journal Article
Yusupov, N.; Dieckmann, L.; Erhart, M.; Sauer, S.; Rex-Haffner, M.; Kopf-Beck, J.; Brueckl, T. M.; Czamara, D.; Binder, E. B.: Transdiagnostic evaluation of epigenetic age acceleration and burden of psychiatric disorders. NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY (2023)
Journal Article
Rost, N.; Binder, E. B.; Brueckl, T. M.: Predicting treatment outcome in depression: an introduction into current concepts and challenges. EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE (2022)
Journal Article
Martins, J.; Yusupov, N.; Binder, E. B.; Brueckl, T. M.; Czamara, D.: Early adversity as the prototype gene x environment interaction in mental disorders? PHARMACOLOGY BIOCHEMISTRY AND BEHAVIOR 215, 173371 (2022)
Journal Article
Rost, N.; Bruckl, T.; Koutsouleris, N.; Binder, E. B.; Mueller-Myhsok, B.: Creating sparser prediction models of treatment outcome in depression: a proof-of-concept study using simultaneous feature selection and hyperparameter tuning. BMC MEDICAL INFORMATICS AND DECISION MAKING 22 (1), 181 (2022)
Journal Article
Scherf-Clavel, M.; Weber, H.; Wurst, C.; Stonawski, S.; Hommers, L.; Unterecker, S.; Wolf, C.; Domschke, K.; Rost, N.; Bruckl, T. et al.; Lucae, S.; Uhr, M.; Binder, E. B.; Menke, A.; Deckert, J.: Effects of Pharmacokinetic Gene Variation on Therapeutic Drug Levels and Antidepressant Treatment Response. PHARMACOPSYCHIATRY (2022)
Journal Article
Athreya, A. P.; Bruckl, T.; Binder, E. B.; Rush, A. J.; Biernacka, J.; Frye, M. A.; Neavin, D.; Skime, M.; Monrad, D.; Iyer, R. K. et al.; Mayes, T.; Trivedi, M.; Carter, R. E.; Wang, L.; Weinshilboum, R. M.; Croarkin, P. E.; Bobo V, W.: Prediction of short-term antidepressant response using probabilistic graphical models with replication across multiple drugs and treatment settings. NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 46 (7), pp. 1272 - 1282 (2021)
Journal Article
Brandi, M.-L.; Lahnakoski, J. M.; Kopf-Beck, J.; Nolte, T.; Bruckl, T.; Schilbach, L.: Imagery of negative interpersonal experiences influence the neural mechanisms of social interaction. NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA 160, 107923 (2021)
Journal Article
Fietz, J.; Poehlchen, D.; Brueckl, T. M.; Brem, A. K.; Czisch, M.; Saemann, P. G.: Latent class growth modeling reveals two distinct pupillometric response profiles in a working memory task. EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 44, p. S45 - S45 (2021)
Journal Article
Lopez, J. P.; Brivio, E.; Santambrogio, A.; De Donno, C.; Kos, A.; Peters, M.; Rost, N.; Czamara, D.; Brueckl, T.; Roeh, S. et al.; Poehlmann, M. L.; Engelhardt, C.; Ressle, A.; Stoffel, R.; Tontsch, A.; Villamizar, J. M.; Reincke, M.; Riester, A.; Sbiera, S.; Fassnacht, M.; Mayberg, H. S.; Craighead, W. E.; Dunlop, B. W.; Nemeroff, C. B.; Schmidt, M. V.; Binder, E. B.; Theis, F. J.; Beuschlein, F.; Andoniadou, C. L.; Chen, A.: Single-cell molecular profiling of all three components of the HPA axis reveals adrenal ABCB1 as a regulator of stress adaptation. SCIENCE ADVANCES 7 (5), eabe4497 (2021)
Journal Article
von Kaenel, R.; Merz, F.; Pfister, H.; Brueckl, T.; Zimmermann, P.; Uhr, M.; Holsboer, F.; Hoehne, N.; Ising, M.: Evidence for a prothrombotic State in Patients with remitted Depression. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PSYCHOSOMATISCHE MEDIZIN UND PSYCHOTHERAPIE 67 (2), pp. 224 - 225 (2021)
Journal Article
Schneider, M.; Elbau, I.; Nantawisarakul, T.; Poehlchen, D.; Bruckl, T.; Czisch, M.; Saemann, P. G.; Lee, M. D.; Binder, E. B.; Spoormaker, V. I.: Pupil Dilation during Reward Anticipation Is Correlated to Depressive Symptom Load in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder. BRAIN SCIENCES 10 (12), 906 (2020)
Journal Article
Brückl, T. M.; Spoormaker, V. I.; Sämann, P. G.; Brem, A.-K.; Henco, L.; Czamara, D.; Elbau, I.; Grandi, N. C.; Jollans, L.; Kühnel, A. et al.; Leuchs, L.; Pöhlchen, D.; Schneider, M.; Tontsch, A.; Keck, M. E.; Schilbach, L.; Czisch, M.; Lucae, S.; Erhardt, A.; Binder, E. B.: The biological classification of mental disorders (BeCOME) study: a protocol for an observational deep-phenotyping study for the identification of biological subtypes. BMC PSYCHIATRY 20 (1), 213 (2020)
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