Publications of Andrea Reßle
All genres
Journal Article (5)
Journal Article
22 (6), e3002664 (2024)
The COMBO window: A chronic cranial implant for multiscale circuit interrogation in mice. PLOS BIOLOGY 2.
Journal Article
42 (8), 112874 (2023)
Sex shapes cell-type-specific transcriptional signatures of stress exposure in the mouse hypothalamus. CELL REPORTS 3.
Journal Article
110 (14), pp. 2283 - 2298.e9 (2022)
Ketamine exerts its sustained antidepressant effects via cell-type-specific regulation of Kcnq2. NEURON 4.
Journal Article
7 (5), eabe4497 (2021)
Single-cell molecular profiling of all three components of the HPA axis reveals adrenal ABCB1 as a regulator of stress adaptation. SCIENCE ADVANCES 5.
Journal Article
155 (10), pp. 2153 - 2160 (2014)
Supraspinal TRPV1 modulates the emotional expression of abdominal pain. PAIN