Publications of A. Schreier
All genres
Journal Article (9)
Journal Article
193 (1), p. 80 - 80 (2008)
Anxiety disorders in mothers and their children - Authors' reply. British Journal of Psychiatry
Journal Article
192 (4), pp. 308 - 309 (2008)
Anxiety disorders in mothers and their children: prospective longitudinal community study. British Journal of Psychiatry 2006
Journal Article
16 (Suppl. 4), pp. S295 - S296 (2006)
Maternal suicidality and risk of suicidality in offspring: findings from a community study. European Neuropsychopharmacology
Journal Article
33 (3), pp. 111 - 121 (2006)
Suizidalität von Müttern und das Risiko für Suizidalität der Kinder: Ergebnisse einer Allgemeinbevölkerungsstudie. Suizidprophylaxe
Journal Article
40, pp. 283 - 292 (2006)
Clinical characteristics of Major Depressive Disorder run in families - A community study of 933 mothers and their children. Journal of Psychiatric Reseach 2005
Journal Article
38 (5), pp. 276 - 277 (2005)
Does parental rearing behavior play a role in the familial transmission of anxiety and affective disorders? Pharmacopsychiatry
Journal Article
162 (9), pp. 1665 - 1671 (2005)
Maternal Suicidality and Risk of Suicidality in Offspring: Findings From a Community Study. American Journal of Psychiatry 2004
Journal Article
19 (Suppl. 1), pp. 112S - 113S (2004)
Suicidality runs in families: An epidemiological study of young adults and their mothers. European Psychiatry 2003
Journal Article
9, pp. 120 - 130 (2003)
Maternal smoking and smoking in adolescents: a prospective community study of adolescents and their mothers. European Addiction Research