Publications of Tim Ebert
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Journal Article (6)
Journal Article
17 (834), eadj6603 (2024)
Inhibiting Hippo pathway kinases releases WWC1 to promote AMPAR-dependent synaptic plasticity and long-term memory in mice. SCIENCE SIGNALING 2022
Journal Article
41 (10), 111766 (2022)
Hippo-released WWC1 facilitates AMPA receptor regulatory complexes for hippocampal learning. CELL REPORTS 2021
Journal Article
13, 731603 (2021)
Myo-Inositol Levels in the Dorsal Hippocampus Serve as Glial Prognostic Marker of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Mice. FRONTIERS IN AGING NEUROSCIENCE
Journal Article
11 (1), 318 (2021)
Exploratory drive, fear, and anxiety are dissociable and independent components in foraging mice. TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY
Journal Article
84 (3), pp. 1193 - 1218 (2021)
Inhalational Anesthetics Do Not Deteriorate Amyloid-beta-Derived Pathophysiology in Alzheimer's Disease: Investigations on the Molecular, Neuronal, and Behavioral Level. JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE 2019
Journal Article
29, p. S134 - S134 (2019)
Interactions of the inhalative anaesthetics xenon, desflurane and sevoflurane with the a beta-derived cognitive deficits in an Alzheimer's disease (AD) mouse. EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY