Publications of Tim Ebert

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Stepan, J.; Heinz, D. E.; Dethloff, F.; Wiechmann , S.; Martinelli, S.; Hafner, K.; Ebert, T.; Junglas, E.; Haeusl, A. S.; Poehlmann, M. L. et al.; Jakovcevski, M.; Pape, J. C.; Zannas, A. S.; Bajaj , T.; Hermann, A.; Ma, X.; Pavenstaedt, H.; Schmidt, M. V.; Philipsen, A.; Turck, C. W.; Deussing, J. M.; Rammes, G.; Robinson, A. C.; Payton, A.; Wehr, M. C.; Stein, V.; Murgatroyd, C.; Kremerskothen, J.; Kuster, B.; Wotjak, C. T.; Gassen, N. C.: Inhibiting Hippo pathway kinases releases WWC1 to promote AMPAR-dependent synaptic plasticity and long-term memory in mice. SCIENCE SIGNALING 17 (834), eadj6603 (2024)
Journal Article
Stepan, J.; Heinz, D. E.; Dethloff, F.; Bajaj, T.; Zellner, A.; Hafner, K.; Wiechmann, S.; Mackert, S.; Mecdad, Y.; Rabenstein, M. et al.; Ebert, T.; Martinelli, S.; Haeusl, A. S.; Poehlmann, M. L.; Hermann, A.; Ma, X.; Pavenstaedt, H.; Schmidt, M. V.; Philipsen, A.; Turck, C. W.; Deussing, J. M.; Kuster, B.; Wehr, M. C.; Stein, V.; Kremerskothen, J.; Wotjak, C. T.; Gassen, N. C.: Hippo-released WWC1 facilitates AMPA receptor regulatory complexes for hippocampal learning. CELL REPORTS 41 (10), 111766 (2022)
Journal Article
Ebert, T.; Heinz, D. E.; Almeida-Correa, S.; Cruz, R.; Dethloff, F.; Stark, T.; Bajaj, T.; Maurel, O. M.; Ribeiro, F. M.; Calcagnini, S. et al.; Hafner, K.; Gassen, N. C.; Turck, C. W.; Boulat, B.; Czisch, M.; Wotjak, C. T.: Myo-Inositol Levels in the Dorsal Hippocampus Serve as Glial Prognostic Marker of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Mice. FRONTIERS IN AGING NEUROSCIENCE 13, 731603 (2021)
Journal Article
Heinz, D. E.; Schoettle, V. A.; Nemcova, P.; Binder, F. P.; Ebert, T.; Domschke, K.; Wotjak, C. T.: Exploratory drive, fear, and anxiety are dissociable and independent components in foraging mice. TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY 11 (1), 318 (2021)
Journal Article
Hofmann, C.; Sander, A.; Wang, X. X.; Buerge, M.; Jungwirth, B.; Borgstedt, L.; Kreuzer, M.; Kopp, C.; Schorpp, K.; Hadian, K. et al.; Wotjak, C. T.; Ebert, T.; Ruitenberg, M.; Parsons, C. G.; Rammes, G.: Inhalational Anesthetics Do Not Deteriorate Amyloid-beta-Derived Pathophysiology in Alzheimer's Disease: Investigations on the Molecular, Neuronal, and Behavioral Level. JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE 84 (3), pp. 1193 - 1218 (2021)
Journal Article
Sander, A.; Rammes, G.; Preis, L.; Wotjak, C.; Jungwirth, B.; Ebert, T.: Interactions of the inhalative anaesthetics xenon, desflurane and sevoflurane with the a beta-derived cognitive deficits in an Alzheimer's disease (AD) mouse. EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 29, p. S134 - S134 (2019)
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