Publications of Borbála Blaskovich
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Journal Article (7)
Journal Article
Wearables as Translational Physiomarkers and Clinical Endpoints in Insomnia Research: Can Sleep Research Advance Psychiatry? Journal of sleep research, e70028 (2025)
Journal Article
The utility of wearable headband electroencephalography and pulse photoplethysmography to assess cortical and physiological arousal in individuals with stress-related mental disorders. JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH (2023)
Journal Article
31 (2022)
Headband EEG in a mixed psychiatric sample: Home-based objective measurement of potential trans diagnostic sleep disruption. JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH 2020
Journal Article
43 (1), zsz201 (2020)
Cortical hyperarousal in NREM sleep normalizes from pre- to post- REM periods in individuals with frequent nightmares. SLEEP
Journal Article
29 (5), e12965 (2020)
Hyperarousal captured in increased number of arousal events during pre-REM periods in individuals with frequent nightmares. JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH
Journal Article
129, 103610 (2020)
No robust differences in fear conditioning between patients with fear-related disorders and healthy controls. BEHAVIOUR RESEARCH AND THERAPY
Journal Article
75, pp. 192 - 200 (2020)
Unaltered EEG spectral power and functional connectivity in REM microstates in frequent nightmare recallers: are nightmares really a REM parasomnia? SLEEP MEDICINE Meeting Abstract (4)
Meeting Abstract
65, p. S358 - S358. (2022)
The autonomic activity of nightmare sufferers during sleep and emotion-evoking picture viewing. In EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY,
Meeting Abstract
31. 26th Conference of the European-Sleep-Research-Society (ESRS), Athens, GREECE, September 27, 2022 - September 30, 2022. (2022)
Headband EEG in a mixed psychiatric sample: Home-based objective measurement of potential trans diagnostic sleep disruption. In JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH,
Meeting Abstract
31. 26th Conference of the European-Sleep-Research-Society (ESRS), Athens, GREECE, September 27, 2022 - September 30, 2022. (2022)
Headband EEG in a mixed psychiatric sample: quality, feasibility and time/night effects. In JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH,
Meeting Abstract
31. (2022)
Altered parasympathetic activity in idiopathic nightmare sufferers during sleep states and wakefulness under emotional arousal. In JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH,