Publications of Joeri Bordes

Journal Article (14)

Journal Article
Kovarova, V.; Bordes, J.; Mitra, S.; Narayan, S.; Springer, M.; Brix, L.; Deussing, J. M.; Schmidt, M. V.: Deep phenotyping reveals CRH and FKBP51-dependent behavioral profiles following chronic social stress exposure in male mice. NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 50 (3), pp. 556 - 567 (2025)
Journal Article
Bordes, J.; Bajaj, T.; Miranda, L.; van Doeselaar, L.; Brix, L.; Narayan, S.; Yang, H.; Mitra, S.; Kovarova, V.; Springer, M. et al.; Kleigrewe, K.; Müller-Myhsok, B.; Gassen, N. C.; Schmidt, M. V.: Sex-specific fear acquisition following early life stress is linked to amygdala and hippocampal purine and glutamate metabolism. COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY 7 (1), 1684 (2024)
Journal Article
Brix, L.; Monleon, D.; Collado, M. C.; Ederveen, T. H. A.; Toksoez, I.; Bordes, J.; van Doeselaar, L.; Engelhardt, C.; Mitra, S.; Narayan, S. et al.; Schmidt, M. V.: Metabolic effects of early life stress and pre-pregnancy obesity are long lasting and sex specific in mice. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE (2023)
Journal Article
Bordes, J.; Miranda, L.; Mueller-Myhsok, B.; Schmidt, M. V.: Advancing social behavioral neuroscience by integrating ethology and comparative psychology methods through machine learning. NEUROSCIENCE AND BIOBEHAVIORAL REVIEWS 151, 105243 (2023)
Journal Article
Bordes, J.; Miranda, L.; Reinhardt, M.; Narayan, S.; Hartmann, J.; Newman, E. L.; Brix, L.; van Doeselaar, L.; Engelhardt, C.; Dillmann, L. et al.; Mitra, S.; Ressler, K. J.; Puetz, B.; Agakov, F.; Mueller-Myhsok, B.; Schmidt, M. V.: Automatically annotated motion tracking identifies a distinct social behavioral profile following chronic social defeat stress. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 14 (1), 4319 (2023)
Journal Article
Kos, A.; Lopez, J. P.; Bordes, J.; De Donno, C.; Dine, J.; Brivio, E.; Karamihalev, S.; Luecken, M. D.; de Almeida-Correa, S.; Gasperoni, S. et al.; Dick, A.; Miranda, L.; Buettner, M.; Stoffel, R.; Flachskamm, C.; Theis, F. J.; Schmidt, M. V.; Chen, A.: Early life adversity shapes social subordination and cell type-specific transcriptomic patterning in the ventral hippocampus. SCIENCE ADVANCES 9 (48), eadj3793 (2023)
Journal Article
Miranda, L.; Bordes, J.; Gasperoni, S.; Lopez, J. P.: Increasing resolution in stress neurobiology: from single cells to complex group behaviors. STRESS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON THE BIOLOGY OF STRESS 26 (1), 2186141 (2023)
Journal Article
van Doeselaar, L.; Stark, T.; Mitra, S.; Yang, H.; Bordes, J.; Stolwijk, L.; Engelhardt, C.; Kovarova, V.; Narayan, S.; Brix, L. M. et al.; Springer, M.; Deussing, J. M.; Lopez, J. P.; Czisch, M.; Schmidt, M. V.: Sex-specific and opposed effects of FKBP51 in glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons: Implications for stress susceptibility and resilience. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 120 (23), e2300722120 (2023)
Journal Article
Brix, L. M.; Haeusl, A. S.; Toksoez, I.; Bordes, J.; van Doeselaar, L.; Engelhardt, C.; Narayan, S.; Springer, M.; Sterlemann, V.; Deussing, J. M. et al.; Chen, A.; Schmidt, M. V.: The co-chaperone FKBP51 modulates HPA axis activity and age-related maladaptation of the stress system in pituitary proopiomelanocortin cells. PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 138, 105670 (2022)
Journal Article
Brix, L.; Toksöz, I.; Aman, L.; Kovarova, V.; Springer, M.; Bordes, J.; van Doeselaar, L.; Engelhardt, C.; Haeusl, A. S.; Narayan, S. et al.; Sterlemann, V.; Yang, H.; Deussing, J. M.; Schmidt, M. V.: Contribution of the co-chaperone FKBP51 in the ventromedial hypothalamus to metabolic homeostasis in male and female mice. MOLECULAR METABOLISM 65, 101579 (2022)
Journal Article
van Doeselaar, L.; Yang, H.; Bordes, J.; Brix, L.; Engelhardt, C.; Tang, F.; Schmidt, M. V.: Chronic social defeat stress in female mice leads to sex-specific behavioral and neuroendocrine effects. STRESS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON THE BIOLOGY OF STRESS 24 (2), pp. 168 - 180 (2021)
Journal Article
Bordes, J.; Poehlmann, M. L.; van Doeselaar, L.; Brix, L.; Engelhardt, C.; Kos, A.; Breitsamer, M.; Winter, G.; Hausch, F.; Chen, A. et al.; Schmidt, M.: The role of the psychiatric risk factor FKBP51 in mediating the effects of chronic stress during early life. EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 31, p. S36 - S36 (2020)
Journal Article
Engelhardt, C.; Tang, F.; Schraut, K.G.; Haeusl, A.; Poehlmann, M.; van Doeselaar, L.; Brix, L.; Bordes, J.; Deussing, J.; Schmidt, M.: Unravelling the influence of FKBP51 in the oval bed nucleus of the stria terminals on stress-induced anxiety. EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 31, pp. S34 - S35 (2020)
Journal Article
van Doeselaar, L.; Engelhardt, C.; Bordes, J.; Brix, L.; Deussing, J.; Czisch, M.; Schmidt, M.: FKBP51 loss in glutamatergic forebrain neurons and early life stress exposure shape anxiety and cognition in female mice. EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 31, pp. S33 - S34 (2020)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Bordes, J.: Combination of deep behavioral phenotyping with brain region and cell type specific manipulations of FKBP51. Dissertation, 208 pp., Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München (2023)

Book Review (1)

Book Review
von Mucke-Heim, I.-A.; Urbina-Trevino, L.; Bordes, J.; Ries, C.; Schmidt, M. V.; Deussing, J. M.: Introducing a depression-like syndrome for translational neuropsychiatry: a plea for taxonomical validity and improved comparability between humans and mice. MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY (2022)
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