Publications of J. M. Reichel
All genres
Journal Article (6)
Journal Article
27 (1), pp. 28 - 35 (2017)
Age-related Cognitive Decline Coincides With Accelerated Volume Loss of the Dorsal but not Ventral Hippocampus in Mice. HIPPOCAMPUS 2016
Journal Article
27, pp. 28 - 35 (2016)
Age-related cognitive decline coincides with accelerated volume loss of the dorsal but not ventral hippocampus in mice. Hippocampus
Journal Article
26 (10), pp. 1250 - 1264 (2016)
Beware of Your Cre-Ation: lacZ Expression Impairs Neuronal Integrity and Hippocampus-Dependent Memory. HIPPOCAMPUS 2015
Journal Article
68, pp. 261 - 269 (2015)
The amino acid transporter SLC6A15 is a regulator of hippocampal neurochemistry and behavior. JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH
Journal Article
8, 452 (2015)
Distinct behavioral consequences of short-term and prolonged GABAergic depletion in prefrontal cortex and dorsal hippocampus. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience
Journal Article
8, 452 (2015)
Distinct behavioral consequences of short-term and prolonged GABAergic depletion in prefrontal cortex and dorsal hippocampus. FRONTIERS IN BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Cognition through the (st-)ages. Dissertation, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München (2015)