Publications of Nadine Gogolla

Journal Article (13)

Journal Article
Sammons, M.; Popescu, M. C.; Chi, J.; Liberles, S. D.; Gogolla, N.; Rolls, A.: Brain-body physiology: Local, reflex, and central communication. CELL 187 (21), pp. 5877 - 5890 (2024)
Journal Article
Edelman, B. J.; Siegenthaler, D.; Wanken, P.; Jenkins, B.; Schmid, B.; Reßle, A.; Gogolla, N.; Frank, T.; Mace, E.: The COMBO window: A chronic cranial implant for multiscale circuit interrogation in mice. PLOS BIOLOGY 22 (6), e3002664 (2024)
Journal Article
Duffet, L.; Kosar, S.; Panniello, M.; Viberti, B.; Bracey, E.; Zych, A. D.; Radoux-Mergault, A.; Zhou, X.; Dernic, J.; Ravotto, L. et al.; Tsai, Y.-C.; Figueiredo, M.; Tyagarajan, S. K.; Weber, B.; Stoeber, M.; Gogolla, N.; Schmidt, M. H.; Adamantidis, A. R.; Fellin, T.; Burdakov, D.; Patriarchi, T.: A genetically encoded sensor for in vivo imaging of orexin neuropeptides. NATURE METHODS 19 (2), pp. 231 - 241 (2022)
Journal Article
Gogolla, N.: The brain remembers where and how inflammation struck. Cell 184 (24), pp. 5851 - 5853 (2021)
Journal Article
Klein, A. S.; Dolensek, N.; Weiand, C.; Gogolla, N.: Fear balance is maintained by bodily feedback to the insular cortex in mice. Science 374 (6570), pp. 1010 - 1015 (2021)
Journal Article
Zych, A. D.; Gogolla, N.: Expressions of emotions across species. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 68, pp. 57 - 66 (2021)
Journal Article
Klein, A. S.; Gogolla, N.: How mice feel each other's pain or fear. Science 371 (6525), pp. 122 - 123 (2021)
Journal Article
Dolensek, N.; Gogolla, N.: Machine-learning approaches to classify and understand emotion states in mice. Neuropsychopharmacology 46 (1), pp. 250 - 251 (2021)
Journal Article
Klein, A. S.; Dolensek, N.; Weiand, C.; Gogolla, N.: Fear balance is maintained by bodily feedback to the insular cortex in mice. SCIENCE 374 (6570), pp. 1010 - 1015 (2021)
Journal Article
Gehrlach, D. A.; Gaitanos, T. N.; Klein, A. S.; Weiand, C.; Hennrich, A. A.; Conzelmann, K.-K.; Gogolla, N.: A whole-brain connectivity map of mouse insular cortex. eLife 9, e55585 (2020)
Journal Article
Dolensek, N.; Gehrlach, D. A.; Klein, A. S.; Gogolla, N.: Facial expressions of emotion states and their neuronal correlates in mice. Science 368 (6486), pp. 89 - 94 (2020)
Journal Article
Gehrlach, D.; Dolensek, N.; Klein, A.; Chowdhury, R. R.; Matthys, A.; Junghänel, M.; Gaitanos, T. N.; Podgornik, A.; Black, T. D.; Vaka, N. R. et al.; Conzelmann , K.-K.; Gogolla, N.: Aversive state processing in the posterior insular cortex. Nature Neuroscience 22 (9), pp. 1424 - 1437 (2019)
Journal Article
Gogolla, N.: The insular cortex. Current Biology 27 (12), pp. R580 - R586 (2017)

Book Review (3)

Book Review
Sammons, M.; Popescu, M. C.; Chi, J.; Liberles, S. D.; Gogolla, N.; Rolls, A.: Brain-body physiology: Local, reflex, and central communication. CELL 187 (21), pp. 5877 - 5890 (2024)
Book Review
Malezieux, M.; Klein, A. S.; Gogolla, N.: Neural Circuits for Emotion. ANNUAL REVIEW OF NEUROSCIENCE 46, pp. 211 - 231 (2023)
Book Review
Flavell, S. W.; Gogolla, N.; Lovett-Barron, M.; Zelikowsky, M.: The emergence and influence of internal states. NEURON 110 (16), pp. 2545 - 2570 (2022)

Editorial (2)

Karamihalev, S.; Gogolla, N.: Harmonics of the social brain: How diverse brain regions coordinate appetitive social behavior. NEURON 110 (10), pp. 1608 - 1610 (2022)
Gogolla, N.: The brain remembers where and how inflammation struck. CELL 184 (24), pp. 5851 - 5853 (2021)
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