Publications of Chadi Touma

Journal Article (63)

Journal Article
Rappeneau, V.; Koti, P.; Wilmes, L.; Widner-Andrae, R.; Busch, K.; Touma, C.: Molecular changes in hippocampal energy metabolism in mice selectively bred for extremes in stress reactivity: Relevance of mitochondrial dysfunction for affective disorders. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE (2023)
Journal Article
McIlwrick, S.; Pohl, T.; Chen, A.; Touma, C.: Late-Onset Cognitive Impairments after Early-Life Stress Are Shaped by Inherited Differences in Stress Reactivity. FRONTIERS IN CELLULAR NEUROSCIENCE 11, 9 (2017)
Journal Article
Surget, A.; Van Nieuwenhuijzen, P. S.; Heinzmann, J.-M.; Knapman, A.; McIlwrick, S.; Westphal, W.-P.; Touma, C.; Belzung, C.: Antidepressant treatment differentially affects the phenotype of high and low stress reactive mice. NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 110, pp. 37 - 47 (2016)
Journal Article
McIlwrick, S.; Rechenberg, A.; Matthes, M.; Burgstaller, J.; Schwarzbauer, T.; Chen, A.; Touma, C.: Genetic predisposition for high stress reactivity amplifies effects of early-life adversity. Psychoneuroendocrinology 70, pp. 85 - 97 (2016)
Journal Article
Hennings, J. M.; Uhr, M.; Klengel, T.; Weber, P.; Pütz, B.; Touma, C.; Czamara, D.; Ising, M.; Holsboer, F.; Lucae, S.: RNA expression profiling in depressed patients suggests retinoid-related orphan receptor alpha as a biomarker for antidepressant response. Translational psychiatry 5, e538 (2015)
Journal Article
Schmidt, U.; Buell, D. R.; Ionescu, I. A.; Gassen, N. C.; Holsboer, F.; Cox, M. B.; Novak, B.; Huber, C.; Hartmann, J.; Schmidt, M. V. et al.: A role for synapsin in FKBP51 modulation of stress responsiveness: Convergent evidence from animal and human studies. PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 52, pp. 43 - 58 (2015)
Journal Article
Gaali, S.; Kirschner, A.; Cuboni, S.; Hartmann, J.; Kozany, C.; Balsevich, G.; Namendorf, C.; Fernandez-Vizarra, P.; Sippel, C.; Zannas, A. S. et al.: Selective inhibitors of the FK506-binding protein 51 by induced fit. NATURE CHEMICAL BIOLOGY 11 (1), pp. 33 - + (2015)
Journal Article
Heinzmann, J.-M.; Kloiber, S.; Ebling-Mattos, G.; Bielohuby, M.; Schmidt, M. V.; Palme, R.; Holsboer, F.; Uhr, M.; Ising, M.; Touma, C.: Mice selected for extremes in stress reactivity reveal key endophenotypes of major depression: A translational approach. PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 49, pp. 229 - 243 (2014)
Journal Article
Sotnikov, S.; Wittmann, A.; Bunck, M.; Bauer, S.; Deussing, J. M.; Schmidt, M.; Touma, C.; Landgraf, R.; Czibere, L.: Blunted HPA axis reactivity reveals glucocorticoid system dysbalance in a mouse model of high anxiety-related behavior. PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 48, pp. 41 - 51 (2014)
Journal Article
Krohn, J.; Speed, D.; Palme, R.; Touma, C.; Mott, R.; Flint, J.: Genetic Interactions with Sex Make a Relatively Small Contribution to the Heritability of Complex Traits in Mice. PLOS ONE 9 (5), e96450 (2014)
Journal Article
Gurfein, B. T.; Davidenko, O.; Premenko-Lanier, M.; Milush, J. M.; Acree, M.; Dallman, M. F.; Touma, C.; Palme, R.; York, V. A.; Fromentin, G. et al.: Environmental Enrichment Alters Splenic Immune Cell Composition and Enhances Secondary Influenza Vaccine Responses in Mice. MOLECULAR MEDICINE 20, pp. 179 - 190 (2014)
Journal Article
Mattos, G. E.; Heinzmann, J.-M.; Norkowski, S.; Helbling, J.-C.; Minni, A. M.; Moisan, M.-P.; Touma, C.: Corticosteroid-binding globulin contributes to the neuroendocrine phenotype of mice selected for extremes in stress reactivity. JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY 219 (3), pp. 217 - 229 (2013)
Journal Article
Buschert, J.; Hohoff, C.; Touma, C.; Palme, R.; Rothermundt, M.; Arolt, V.; Zhang, W.; Ambree, O.: S100B overexpression increases behavioral and neural plasticity in response to the social environment during adolescence. JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH 47 (11), pp. 1791 - 1799 (2013)
Journal Article
Palme, R.; Touma, C.; Arias, N.; Dominchin, M. F.; Lepschy, M.: Steroid extraction: Get the best out of faecal samples. Wiener Tierärztliche Monatsschrift Special Issue 100 (9-10), pp. 238 - 246 (2013)
Journal Article
Voigt, C. C.; Kloeckner, P.; Touma, C.; Neuschl, C.; Brockmann, G.; Goeritz, F.; Palme, R.; Thomsen, R.: Hormonal stress response of laboratory mice to conventional and minimally invasive bleeding techniques. ANIMAL WELFARE 22 (4), pp. 449 - 455 (2013)
Journal Article
Coudereau, J. P.; Sreng, L.; Palme, R.; Touma, C.; Pratte, M.: Do social statuses affect the startle reflex in male mice? Behavioural Brain Research 234 (1), pp. 117 - 120 (2012)
Journal Article
Dedic, N.; Touma, C.; Romanowski, C. P.; Schieven, M.; Kühne, C.; Ableitner, M.; Lu, A. L.; Holsboer, F.; Wurst, W.; Kimura, M. et al.: Assessing Behavioural Effects of Chronic HPA Axis Activation Using Conditional CRH-Overexpressing Mice. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology 32 (5), pp. 815 - 828 (2012)
Journal Article
Pillai, A. G.; de Jong, D.; Kanatsou, S.; Krugers, H.; Knapman, A.; Heinzmann, J. M.; Holsboer, F.; Landgraf, R.; Joels, M.; Touma, C.: Dendritic Morphology of Hippocampal and Amygdalar Neurons in Adolescent Mice Is Resilient to Genetic Differences in Stress Reactivity. PLoS ONE 7 (6), e38971 (2012)
Journal Article
Gurfein, B. T.; Stamm, A. W.; Bacchetti, P.; Dallman, M. F.; Nadkarni, N. A.; Milush, J. M.; Touma, C.; Palme, R.; Di Borgo, C. P.; Fromentin, G. et al.: The Calm Mouse: An Animal Model of Stress Reduction. Molecular Medicine 18 (4), pp. 606 - 617 (2012)
Journal Article
Knapman, A.; Kaltwasser, S. F.; Martins-de-Souza, D.; Holsboer, F.; Landgraf, R.; Turck, C. W.; Czisch, M.; Touma, C.: Increased stress reactivity is associated with reduced hippocampal activity and neuronal integrity along with changes in energy metabolism. European Journal of Neuroscience 35 (3), pp. 412 - 422 (2012)