Publications of Jakob Hartmann

Journal Article (34)

Journal Article
Dedic, N.; Kühne, C.; Gomes, K. S.; Hartmann, J.; Ressler, K. J.; Schmidt, M. V.; Deussing, J. M.: Deletion of CRH From GABAergic Forebrain Neurons Promotes Stress Resilience and Dampens Stress-Induced Changes in Neuronal Activity. Frontiers in Neuroscience; Frontiers Research Foundation, Lausanne, Switzerland 13, 986 (2019)
Journal Article
van Weert, L. T. C. M.; Buurstede, J. C.; Sips, H. C. M.; Vettorazzi, S.; Mol, I. M.; Hartmann, J.; Prekovic, S.; Zwart, W.; Schmidt V, M.; Roozendaal, B. et al.: Identification of mineralocorticoid receptor target genes in the mouse hippocampus. Journal of Neuroendocrinology 31 (8), UNSP e12735 (2019)
Journal Article
Dedic, N.; Kühne, C.; Jakovcevski, M.; Hartmann, J.; Genewsky, A. J.; Gomes, K. S.; Anderzhanova, E.; Pöhlmann, M. L.; Chang, S.; Kolarz, A. et al.: Chronic CRH depletion from GABAergic, long-range projection neurons in the extended amygdala reduces dopamine release and increases anxiety. NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 21 (6), pp. 803 - 807 (2018)
Journal Article
Dedic, N.; Poehlmann, M. L.; Richter, J. S.; Mehta, D.; Czamara, D.; Metzger, M. W.; Dine, J.; Bedenk, B. T.; Hartmann, J.; Wagner, K. V. et al.: Cross-disorder risk gene CACNA1C differentially modulates susceptibility to psychiatric disorders during development and adulthood. MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY 23 (3), pp. 533 - 543 (2018)
Journal Article
Hartmann, J.; Dedic, N.; Pöhlmann, M. L.; Häusl, A.; Karst, H.; Engelhardt, C.; Westerholz, S.; Wagner, K. V.; Labermaier, C.; Hoeijmakers, L. et al.: Forebrain glutamatergic, but not GABAergic, neurons mediate anxiogenic effects of the glucocorticoid receptor. MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY 22 (3), pp. 466 - 475 (2017)
Journal Article
Santarelli, S.; Zimmermann, C.; Kalideris, G.; Lesuis, S. L.; Arloth, J.; Uribe, A.; Dournes, C.; Balsevich, G.; Hartmann, J.; Masana, M. et al.: An adverse early life environment can enhance stress resilience in adulthood. Psychoneuroendocrinology 78, pp. 213 - 221 (2017)
Journal Article
Gassen, N. C.; Hartmann, J.; Zannas, A. S.; Kretzschmar, A.; Zschocke, J.; Maccarrone, G.; Hafner, K.; Zellner, A.; Kollmannsberger, L. K.; Wag, K. V. et al.: FKBP51 inhibits GSK3 beta and augments the effects of distinct psychotropic medications. MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY 21 (2), pp. 277 - 289 (2016)
Journal Article
Santarelli, S.; Wagner, K. V.; Labermaier, C.; Uribe, A.; Dournes, C.; Balsevich, G.; Hartmann, J.; Masana, M.; Holsboer, F.; Chen, A. et al.: SLC6A15, a novel stress vulnerability candidate, modulates anxiety and depressive-like behavior: involvement of the glutamatergic system. STRESS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON THE BIOLOGY OF STRESS 19 (1), pp. 83 - 90 (2016)
Journal Article
Wagner, K. V.; Hartmann, J.; Labermaier, C.; Häusl, A. S.; Zhao, G.; Harbich, D.; Schmid, B.; Wang, Xiao, X.-D.; Santarelli, S.; Kohl, C. et al.: Homer1/mGluR5 Activity Moderates Vulnerability to Chronic Social Stress. NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 40 (5), pp. 1222 - 1233 (2015)
Journal Article
Gassen, N. C.; Hartmann, J.; Schmidt, M. V.; Rein, T.: FKBP5/FKBP51 enhances autophagy to synergize with antidepressant action. AUTOPHAGY 11 (3), pp. 578 - 580 (2015)
Journal Article
Schmidt, U.; Buell, D. R.; Ionescu, I. A.; Gassen, N. C.; Holsboer, F.; Cox, M. B.; Novak, B.; Huber, C.; Hartmann, J.; Schmidt, M. V. et al.: A role for synapsin in FKBP51 modulation of stress responsiveness: Convergent evidence from animal and human studies. PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 52, pp. 43 - 58 (2015)
Journal Article
Gaali, S.; Kirschner, A.; Cuboni, S.; Hartmann, J.; Kozany, C.; Balsevich, G.; Namendorf, C.; Fernandez-Vizarra, P.; Sippel, C.; Zannas, A. S. et al.: Selective inhibitors of the FK506-binding protein 51 by induced fit. NATURE CHEMICAL BIOLOGY 11 (1), pp. 33 - + (2015)
Journal Article
Hartmann, J.; Wagner, K. V.; Gaali, S.; Kirschner, A.; Kozany, C.; Ruhter, G.; Dedic, N.; Häusl, A. S.; Hoeijmakers, L.; Westerholz, S. et al.: Pharmacological Inhibition of the Psychiatric Risk Factor FKBP51 Has Anxiolytic Properties. The Journal of neuroscience: the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 35 (24), pp. 9007 - 16 (2015)
Journal Article
Gassen, N. C.; Hartmann, J.; Zschocke, J.; Stepan, J.; Hafner, K.; Zellner, A.; Kirmeier, T.; Kollmannsberger, L.; Wagner, K. V.; Dedic, N. et al.: Association of FKBP51 with Priming of Autophagy Pathways and Mediation of Antidepressant Treatment Response: Evidence in Cells, Mice, and Humans. PLOS MEDICINE 11 (11), e1001755 (2014)
Journal Article
Masana, M.; Su, Y.-A.; Liebl, C.; Wang, X.-D.; Jansen, L.; Westerholz, S.; Wagner, K. V.; Labermaier, C.; Scharf, S. H.; Santarelli, S. et al.: The stress-inducible actin-interacting protein DRR1 shapes social behavior. PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 48, pp. 98 - 110 (2014)
Journal Article
Balsevich, G.; Uribe, A.; Wagner, K. V.; Hartmann, J.; Santarelli, S.; Labermaier, C.; Schmidt, M. V.: Interplay between diet-induced obesity and chronic stress in mice: potential role of FKBP51. JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY 222 (1), pp. 15 - 26 (2014)
Journal Article
Labermaier, C.; Kohl, C.; Hartmann, J.; Devigny, C.; Altmann, A.; Weber, P.; Arloth, J.; Quast, C.; Wagner, K. V.; Scharf, S. H. et al.: A Polymorphism in the Crhr1 Gene Determines Stress Vulnerability in Male Mice. ENDOCRINOLOGY 155 (7), pp. 2500 - 2510 (2014)
Journal Article
Santarelli, S.; Lesuis, S. L.; Wang, X.-D.; Wagner, K. V.; Hartmann, J.; Labermaier, C.; Scharf, S. H.; Müller, M. B.; Holsboer, F.; Schmidt, M. V.: Evidence supporting the match/mismatch hypothesis of psychiatric disorders. EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 24 (6), pp. 907 - 918 (2014)
Journal Article
Hoeijmakers, L.; Harbich, D.; Schmid, B.; Lucassen, P. J.; Wagner, K. V.; Schmidt, M. V.; Hartmann, J.: Depletion of FKBP51 in Female Mice Shapes HPA Axis Activity. PLOS ONE 9 (4), e95796 (2014)
Journal Article
Albu, S.; Romanowski, C. P. N.; Curzi, M. L.; Jakubcakova, V.; Flachskamm, C.; Gassen, N. C.; Hartmann, J.; Schmidt, M. V.; Schmidt, U.; Rein, T. et al.: Deficiency of FK506-binding protein ( FKBP) 51 alters sleep architecture and recovery sleep responses to stress in mice. JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH 23 (2), pp. 176 - 185 (2014)