Publications of F. Weber

Meeting Abstract (10)

Meeting Abstract
Maccarrone, G.; Nischwitz, S.; Deininger, S. -.; Stadelmann, C.; Koenig, F. B.; Turck, C. W.; Weber, F.: Peptide identification and mapping on MS tissue by MALDI IMAGING. In MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS JOURNAL, 21 (Supplement 11), P335, pp. 131 - 132. 31st Congress of the European-Committee-for-Treatment-and-Research-in-Multiple-Sclerosis (ECTRIMS), Barcelona, SPAIN, October 07, 2015 - October 10, 2015. SAGE Publications Ltd., London EC1Y 1SP, England (2015)
Meeting Abstract
Buck, D.; Dankowski, T.; Bayas, A.; Gold, R.; Heesen, C.; Hohlfeld, R.; Kieseier, B. C.; Lieb, W.; Limmroth, V.; Linker, R. et al.; Mueller-Myhsok, B.; Noethen, M. M.; Paul, F.; Stangel, M.; Tackenberg, B.; Bergh, F. T.; Tumani, H.; Weber, F.; Wiendl, H.; Wildemann, B.; Zettl, U. K.; Ziemann, U.; Zipp, F.; Ziegler, A.; Hemmer, B.: Exome array GWAS in 10,000 Germans identifies association between MUC22 and multiple sclerosis. In EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY, 22 (SI) Supplement 1 Ed., O1113, p. 29 - 29. 1st Congress of the European-Academy-of-Neurology, Berlin, GERMANY, 2015. Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774, USA (2015)
Meeting Abstract
Salmen, A.; Antony, G.; Ziegler, A.; Zipp, F.; Tackenberg, B.; Bergh, F. T.; Tumani, H.; Hohlfeld, R.; Stangel, M.; Heesen, C. et al.; Wildemann, B.; Paul, F.; Bayas, A.; Kieseier, B. C.; Weber, F.; Linker, R. A.; Ziemann, U.; Zettl, U. K.; Limmroth, V.; Chan, A.; Wiendl, H.; Hemmer, B.; Gold, R.: First results of a prospective cohort study in clinically isolated syndromes and early multiple sclerosis of the German Competence Network Multiple Sclerosis. In EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY, 22 Supplement 1 Ed., P4147, p. 446 - 446. 1st Congress of the European-Academy-of-Neurology, Berlin, GERMANY, 2015. Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ, USA (2015)
Meeting Abstract
Dankowski, T.; Buck, D.; Andlauer, T. F.; Antony, G.; Bayas, A.; Bechmann, L.; Berthele, A.; Bettecken, T.; Chan, A.; Franke, A. et al.; Gold, R.; Graetz, C.; Haas, J.; Hecker, M.; Herms, S.; Hohlfeld, R.; Infante-Duarte, C.; Joeckel, K. -.; Kieseier, B. C.; Knier, B.; Knop, M.; Lichtner, P.; Lieb, W.; Lill, C. M.; Limmroth, V.; Linker, R. A.; Loleit, V.; Meuth, S.; Moebus, S.; Müller-Myhsok, B.; Nischwitz, S.; Noethen, M. M.; Friedemann, P.; Pütz, B.; Ruck, T.; Salmen, A.; Stangel, M.; Stellmann, J. -.; Strauch, K.; Stuerner, K. H.; Tackenberg, B.; Bergh, F. T.; Tumani, H.; Waldenberger, M.; Weber, F.; Wiend, H.; Wildemann, B.; Zettl, U. K.; Ziemann, U.; Zipp, F.; Hemmer, B.; Ziegler, A.: Exome Array GWAS in 10,000 Germans Identifies Association between MUC22 and Multiple Sclerosis. In HUMAN HEREDITY, 79 (1), pp. 32 - 33. 43rd European Mathematical Genetics Meeting (EMGM), Brest, France, April 16, 2015 - April 17, 2015. Karger, Basel, CH (2015)
Meeting Abstract
Faber, H.; Krishnamoorthy, G.; Domingues, H. S.; Weber, P.; Pütz, B.; Weber, F.: Role of nuclear receptors in differentiation of MOG-specific Th17 cells and MOG-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. In SI, 275 (1-2), 295, pp. 198 - 199. 12th International Congress of Neuroimmunology (ISNI), Mainz, GERMANY, November 09, 2014 - November 13, 2014. (2014)
Meeting Abstract
Laurent, S. A.; Hoffmann, F.; Kuhn, P.-h.; Hauck, S. M.; Khademi, M.; Olsson, T.; Pfister, H.-w.; Weber, F.; Hohlfeld, R.; Lichtenthaler, S. F. et al.; Meinl, E.: Soluble BCMA is shed from B cells by gamma-secretase, functions as APRIL-specific decoy and reflects intrathecal Ig-production in multiple sclerosis. In SI, 275 (1-2), p. 65 - 65. 12th International Congress of Neuroimmunology (ISNI), Mainz, GERMANY, November 09, 2014 - November 13, 2014. (2014)
Meeting Abstract
Faber, H.; Krishnamoorthy, G.; Weber, P.; Puetz, B.; Weber, F.: Spontaneous and induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) models in mice culminate in common pathways. In MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS JOURNAL, 19 (11), pp. 9 - 10. 29th Congress of the European-Committee-for-Treatment-and Research-in-Multiple-Sclerosis / 18th Annual Conference of Rehabilitation in MS. (2013)
Meeting Abstract
Hoffmann, F.; Hofereiter, J.; Ruebsamen, H.; Faber, H.; Weber, P.; Pütz, B.; Weber, F.; Hohlfeld, R.; Meinl, E.; Krumbholz, M.: Effects of fingolimod treatment on astrocyte functions. In MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS JOURNAL, 19 (11), pp. 241 - 242. 29th Congress of the European-Committee-for-Treatment-and-Research-in-Multiple-Sclerosis / 18th Annual Conference of Rehabilitation in MS, Copenhagen, DENMARK, October 02, 2013 - October 05, 2013. (2013)
Meeting Abstract
Knop, M.; Kirmeier, T.; Faber, H.; Nischwitz, S.; Turck, C.; Weber, F.: Glatiramer Acetate Induced Intracellular Transgelin-2 Elevation Reduces MMP-9 Expression in Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells. In NEUROLOGY, 80 (Supplement), P05.147. 65th Annual Meeting of the American-Academy-of-Neurology (AAN), San Diego, CA, March 16, 2013 - March 23, 2013. (2013)

Poster (2)

Ambrosius, B.; Hessler, N.; Antony, G.; Konig, I. R.; Hoshi, M.-M.; Aly, L.; Luessi, F.; Groppa, S.; Klotz, L.; Meuth, S. G. et al.; Tackenberg, B.; Stoppe, M.; Bergh, F. T.; Tumani, H.; Kuempfel, T.; Stangel, M.; Heesen, C.; Wildemann, B.; Paul, F.; Bayas, A.; Warnke, C.; Weber, F.; Linker, R. A.; Ziemann, U.; Zettl, U. K.; Zipp, F.; Wiendl, H.; Hemmer, B.; Gold, R.; Salmen, A.: Changes of disease characteristics and disease-modifying treatment within one year in the National German MS cohort. 34th Congress of the European-Committee-for-Treatment-and-Research-in-Multiple-Sclerosis (ECTRIMS), Berlin, GERMANY (2018)
Huss, A.; Otto, M.; Tackenberg, B.; Stangel, M.; Aktas, O.; Meuth, S.; Gross, C. C.; Bayas, A.; Wildemann, B.; Luessi, F. et al.; Seipelt, M.; Puetz, M.; Antony, G.; Weber, F.; Uhr, M.; Bischof', F.; Ruprecht, K.; Buck, D.; Retzlaff, N.; Zettl, U. K.; Haghikia, A.; Lukas, C.; Hartung, H. -.; Bergh, F. T.; Warnke, C.; Zipp, F.; Wiendl, H.; Hemmer, B.; Gold, R.; Tumani, H.: Prospective multicenter validation of CSF protein biomarkers in patients with CIS and early MS. 34th Congress of the European-Committee-for-Treatment-and-Research-in-Multiple-Sclerosis (ECTRIMS), Berlin, GERMANY (2018)
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