Publications of A. Sonntag
All genres
Journal Article (27)
Journal Article
157 (2000)
Paroxetine for depersonalization associated with multiple sclerosis. American Journal of Psychiatry
Journal Article
34, pp. 171 - 181 (2000)
Effects of the high-affinity corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 1 antagonist R 121919 in major depression: The first 20 patients treated. Journal of Psychiatric Research 1999
Journal Article
70, pp. 72 - 75 (1999)
Abhängigkeit von "Non-Benzodiazepinhypnotika": Zwei Fallberichte. Nervenarzt
Journal Article
70, pp. 72 - 75 (1999)
Dependency of non-benzodiazepine hypnotics. Two case reports. Nervenarzt 1996
Journal Article
4, pp. 1 - 13 (1996)
Trimipramine and imipramine exert different effects on the sleep EEG and on nocturnal hormone secretion during treatment of major depression. Depression 1994
Journal Article
28, pp. 225 - 238 (1994)
Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH)-induced effects on sleep EEG and nocturnal secretion of growth hormone, cortisol and ACTH in patients with major depression. Journal of Psychiatric Research 1990
Journal Article
157, p. 299 - 299 (1990)
Psychiatric sequelae of listeriosis [Letter]. British Journal of Psychiatry Book Chapter (1)
Book Chapter
Unterschiedlicher Einfluss von Trimipramin und Imipramin auf das Schlaf-EEG und die nächtliche Hormonsekretion während antidepressiver Behandlung. In: Jahrbuch Schlafmedizin in Deutschland 1996, pp. 35 - 38 (Ed. Mayer, G.). MMV Medizin Verlag, München (1997)