Publications of D. Höhn

Journal Article (28)

Journal Article
Sämann, P. G.; Höhn, D.; Spoormaker, V. I.; Czisch, M.: Bildgebende Verfahren bei der Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung (PTBS). Psychotherapie in Psychiatrie, Psychotherapeutischer Medizin und Klinischer Psychologie 15 (2), pp. 232 - 248 (2010)
Journal Article
Goya-Maldonado, R.; Spoormaker, V. I.; Chechko, N.; Höhn, D.; Andrade, K.; Kluge, M.; Steiger, A.; Holsboer, F.; Czisch, M.; Sämann, P. G.: Subregional amygdala functional connectivity: normative maps and influence of oral citalopram in healthy volunteers. Pharmacopsychiatry 42 (5), p. 219 - 219 (2009)
Journal Article
Höhn, D.; Spoormaker, V. I.; Czisch, M.; Sämann, P. G.: FMRI based resting state networks challenged as predictors of stress coping styles and personality traits in healthy volunteers. Pharmacopsychiatry 42 (5), p. 223 - 223 (2009)
Journal Article
Rosenhagen, M. C.; Höhn, D.; Schuessler, P.; Menke, A.; Holsboer, F.; Uhr, M.: Polymorphisms in the drug transporter gene ABCB1 in treatment resistant depression: clinical practice. Pharmacopsychiatry 42 (5), p. 238 - 238 (2009)
Journal Article
Sämann, P. G.; Höhn, D.; Holsboer, F.; Czisch, M.: Proton-MR-spectroscopy (1 H-MRS) of the left hippocampus and anterior cingulate cortex in recurrent unipolar depression: results from 176 subjects. Pharmacopsychiatry 42 (5), p. 238 - 238 (2009)
Journal Article
Chechko, N.; Czisch, M.; Erhardt, A.; Hoehn, D.; Wehrle, R.; Sämann, P.: Control of the anterior cingulate/mPFC over the amygdala: a longitudinal fMRI study in patients with panic disorder. Pharmacopsychiatry 40 (5), p. 230 - 230 (2007)
Journal Article
Sämann, P. G.; Höhn, D.; Chechko, N.; Kloiber, S.; Lucae, S.; Ising, M.; Holsboer, F.; Czisch, M.: Infralimbic prefrontal cortex structure affects therapy response dynamics in depressive disorder across clinical diagnostic entities. Pharmacopsychiatry 40 (5), p. 215 - 215 (2007)
Journal Article
Sämann, P. G.; Höhn, D.; Hemauer, R.; Chechko, N.; Czisch, M.: Doing nothing is different: enhanced subgenual and thalamic participation in acute depression during awake resting. Pharmacopsychiatry 40 (5), p. 216 - 216 (2007)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Schmaal, L.; Veltman, D. J.; Van Erp, T. G.; Sämann, P. G.; Frodl, T.; Jahanshad, N.; Loehrer, E.; Tiemeier, H.; Hofman, A.; Niessen, W. J. et al.; Vernooij, M. W.; Ikram, M. A.; Wittfeld, K.; Grabe, H. J.; Block, A.; Hegenscheid, K.; Voelzke, H.; Höhn, D.; Czisch, M.; Lagopoulos, J.; Hatton, S. N.; Hickie, I. B.; Goya-Maldonado, R.; Kraemer, B.; Gruber, O.; Couvy-Duchesne, B.; Renteria, M. E.; Strike, L. T.; Mills, N. T.; De Zubicaray, G. I.; McMahon, K. L.; Medland, S. E.; Martin, N. G.; Gillespie, N. A.; Wright, M. J.; Hall, G. B.; MacQueen, G. M.; Frey, E. M.; Carballedo, A.; Van Velzen, L. S.; Van Tol, M. J.; Van der Wee, N. J.; Veer, I. M.; Walter, H.; Schnell, K.; Schramm, E.; Normann, C.; Schoepf, D.; Konrad, C.; Zurowski, B.; Nickson, T.; McIntosh, A. M.; Papmeyer, M.; Whalley, H. C.; Sussmann, J. E.; Godlewska, B. R.; Cowen, P. J.; Fischer, F. H.; Rose, M.; Penninx, B. W.; Thompson, P. M.; Hibar, D. P.: Structural brain alterations in major depression: findings from the ENIGMA Major Depressive Disorder Working Group. In EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, 25 (Supplement: 2), P.2.b.017, pp. S394 - S395. 28th Congress of the European-College-of-Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP), Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS, August 29, 2015 - September 01, 2015. Elsevier Science BV, Amsterdam, NL (2015)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Höhn, D.: Der Zusammenhang zwischen Hirnmorphologie, Therapieantwort und HPA-Achsen Aktivität bei der Depression. Dissertation, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (2008)
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