Publications of Bozidar Novak

Journal Article (12)

Journal Article
Filipovic, D.; Novak, B.; Xiao, J.; Tadic, P.; Turck, C. W.: Prefrontal cortical synaptoproteome profile combined with machine learning predicts resilience towards chronic social isolation in rats. JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH 172, pp. 221 - 228 (2024)
Journal Article
Filipovic, D.; Novak, B.; Xiao, J.; Tadic, P.; Turck, C. W.: Prefrontal Cortex Cytosolic Proteome and Machine Learning-Based Predictors of Resilience toward Chronic Social Isolation in Rats. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 25 (5), 3026 (2024)
Journal Article
Liu, X.; Novak, B.; Namendorf, C.; Steigenberger, B.; Zhang, Y.; Turck, C. W.: Long-lived proteins and DNA as candidate predictive biomarkers for tissue associated diseases. ISCIENCE 27 (4), 109642 (2024)
Journal Article
Filipovic, D.; Novak, B.; Xiao, J.; Yan, Y.; Bernardi, R. E.; Turck, C. W.: Chronic fluoxetine treatment in socially-isolated rats modulates the prefrontal cortex synaptoproteome. JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS 282, 104925 (2023)
Journal Article
Filipovic, D.; Novak, B.; Xiao, J.; Yan, Y.; Yeoh, K.; Turck, C. W.: Chronic Fluoxetine Treatment of Socially Isolated Rats Modulates Prefrontal Cortex Proteome. NEUROSCIENCE 501, pp. 52 - 71 (2022)
Journal Article
Lopez, J. P.; Luecken, M. D.; Brivio, E.; Karamihalev, S.; Kos, A.; De Donno, C.; Benjamin, A.; Yang, H.; Dick, A. L. W.; Stoffel, R. et al.; Flachskamm, C.; Ressle, A.; Roeh, S.; Huettl, R. E.; Parl, A.; Eggert, C.; Novak, B.; Yan, Y.; Yeoh, K.; Lebar, M.; Hauger, B.; Harbich, D.; Schmid, B.; Di Giaimo, R.; Turck, C. W.; Schmidt, M. V.; Deussing, J. M.; Eder, M.; Dine, J.; Theis, F. J.; Chen, A.: Ketamine exerts its sustained antidepressant effects via cell-type-specific regulation of Kcnq2. NEURON 110 (14), pp. 2283 - 2298.e9 (2022)
Journal Article
Chevalier, C. M.; Krampert, L.; Schreckenbach, M.; Schubert, C. F.; Reich, J.; Novak, B.; Schmidt, M. V.; Rutten, B. P. F.; Schmidt, U.: MMP9 mRNA is a potential diagnostic and treatment monitoring marker for PTSD: Evidence from mice and humans. EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 51, pp. 20 - 32 (2021)
Journal Article
Herrmann, L.; Ebert, T.; Rosen, H.; Novak, B.; Philipsen, A.; Touma, C.; Schreckenbach, M.; Gassen, N. C.; Rein, T.; Schmidt, U.: Analysis of the cerebellar molecular stress response led to first evidence of a role for FKBP51 in brain FKBP52 expression in mice and humans. NEUROBIOLOGY OF STRESS 15, 100401 (2021)
Journal Article
Hofmann, J.; Huber, C.; Novak, B.; Schreckenbach, M.; Schubert, C. F.; Touma, C.; Rutten, B. P. F.; Schmidt, U.: Oxytocin receptor is a potential biomarker of the hyporesponsive HPA axis subtype of PTSD and might be modulated by HPA axis reactivity traits in humans and mice. PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 129, 105242 (2021)
Journal Article
Park, D. I.; Novak, B.; Yan, Y.; Kaya, M. E.; Turck, C. W.: Paroxetine binding and activation of phosphofructokinase implicates energy metabolism in antidepressant mode of action. JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH 129, pp. 8 - 14 (2020)
Journal Article
Misiewicz, R. Z.; Iurato, S.; Kulesskaya, N.; Salminen, L.; Rodrigues, L.; Maccarrone, G.; Martins, J.; Czamara, D.; Laine, M. A.; Sokolowska, E. et al.; Trontti, K.; Rewerts, C.; Novak, B.; Volk, N.; Park, D. I.; Jokitalo, E.; Paulin, L.; Auvinen, P.; Voikar, V.; Chen, A.; Erhardt, A.; Turck, C. W.; Hovatta, I.: Multi-omics analysis identifies mitochondrial pathways associated with anxiety-related behavior. PLoS Genetics 15 (9), e1008358 (2019)
Journal Article
Zaba, M.; Kirmeier, T.; Ionescu, I. A.; Wollweber, B.; Büll, D. R.; Gall-Kleebach, D. J.; Schubert, C. F.; Novak, B.; Huber, C.; Köhler, K. et al.; Holsboer, F.; Pütz, B.; Müller-Myhsok, B.; Höhne, N.; Uhr, M.; Ising, M.; Herrmann, L.; Schmidt, U.: Identification and characterization of HPA-axis reactivity endophenotypes in a cohort of female PTSD patients. PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 55, pp. 102 - 115 (2015)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Naamanka, J.; Tasanko, E.; Trontti, K.; Novak, B.; Suvisaari, J.; Paunio, T.; Vaht, M.; Mattheisen, M.; Meier, S.; Metspalu, A. et al.; Daly, M.; Erhardt-Lehmann, A.; Turck, C. W.; Hartiala, J. A.; Hovatta, I.: GENOME-WIDE ANALYSIS IDENTIFIES SORCS3 AS A NOVEL SUSCEPTIBILITY LOCUS FOR PANIC DISORDER IN THE FINNGEN STUDY. In EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, 63, p. E101 - E101. (2022)
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