Publications of Lea Kaspar

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Dony, L.; Krontira, A. C.; Kaspar, L.; Ahmad, R.; Demirel , I. S.; Grochowicz, M.; Schafer, T.; Begum, F.; Sportelli, V.; Raimundo, C. et al.; Ködel, M.; Labeur, M.; Cappello, S.; Theis fabian, F. J.; Cruceanu, C.; Binder, E. B.: Chronic exposure to glucocorticoids amplifies inhibitory neuron cell fate during human neurodevelopment in organoids. Science advances 11 (7), p. eadn8631 - eadn8631 (2025)
Journal Article
Cruceanu, C.; Dony, L.; Krontira, A. C.; Fischer, D. S.; Roeh, S.; Di Giaimo, R.; Kyrousi, C.; Kaspar, L.; Arloth, J.; Czamara, D. et al.; Gerstner, N.; Martinelli, S.; Wehner, S.; Breen, M. S.; Koedel, M.; Sauer, S.; Sportelli, V.; Rex-Haffner, M.; Cappello, S.; Theis, F. J.; Binder, E. B.: Cell-Type-Specific Impact of Glucocorticoid Receptor Activation on the Developing Brain: A Cerebral Organoid Study. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY 179 (5), pp. 375 - 387 (2022)
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