Alon Chen elected next President of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel
Alon Chen, Director at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, has been elected to be the 11th President of the Weizmann Institute of Science. He will take over the position as of December 1st, 2019. Similar to the Max Planck Society, the Weizmann Institute is dedicated to basic research and is one of the most well renowned scientific institutions worldwide.
Alon Chen studied biology at the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot, near Tel Aviv. He then moved to California to pursue his PhD degree at the prestigious Salk Institute for Biological Studies, before returning to the Weizmann Institute as a postdoc. In 2013, Alon Chen was appointed as Director at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry. His research interest focuses primarily on stress and a basic understanding of how animals and humans respond to stress and anxiety. The ultimate goal of his research is to unravel the signaling pathways and the circuits in the brain that play a role in anxiety, depression, and other stress-related disorders.
Yesterday, the Executive Board appointed Alon Chen as the 11th President of the Weizmann Institute. He will take office on December 1st, 2019. "I congratulate Alon on his election," says Elisabeth Binder, Director at the MPI of Psychiatry. "But at the same time, I am sorry to lose him as a valuable colleague," she adds.
See also the press release from the Weizmann Institute of Science.