Complex-Psychiatric Ward with a Focus on Addiction (Ward 3)

Focus on patients with psychiatric comorbidities

We carry out a so-called “qualified withdrawal treatment” with our patients. We treat addiction to the following substances: Alcohol, cannabis, medication (e.g. benzodiazepines, sleeping pills and painkillers). We cannot provide withdrawal treatment for addiction to illegal drugs.

More than just physical withdrawal

Our program goes beyond “physical detoxification” and builds important bridges to the so-called withdrawal treatment. We attach great importance to psycho- and sociotherapeutic as well as psychosocial interventions to promote long-term willingness and ability to change. Often other psychiatric disorders, such as anxiety or depression, are one of the reasons behind addiction. Our focus is on the treatment of patients with several acute disorders.

Individual treatment plan with our interdisciplinary team

Our program usually lasts four weeks, during which you are admitted as an inpatient. An interdisciplinary team of doctors, psychologists, occupational and movement therapists as well as our social services take care of our patients individually. The entire multi-professional treatment takes place according to an individual therapy plan.

After supervised physical withdrawal, modular addiction-specific psychotherapy begins in group and individual sessions. The diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric comorbidities takes place in parallel and, if necessary, continues beyond these four weeks.

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