Forschung am Max-Planck-Institut für Psychiatrie

Publikationen von A. M. Vogl

Zeitschriftenartikel (14)

Vivi, E.; Roman, C.; Vogl, A. M.; Giusti, S. A.; Butz, E.; Neumann, I. D.; Refojo, D.; Rupprecht, R.; Di Benedetto, B.: Astrocytes prime a synaptic pruning in the prefrontal cortex upon antidepressant treatment. EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 40, S. S423 - S424 (2020)
Roman, C.; Vogl, A. M.; Giusti, S. A.; Butz, E.; Neumann, I. D.; Refojo, D.; Rupprecht, R.; Di Benedetto, B.: Astrocytes prime an early synaptic pruning and remodelling in the prefrontal cortex upon antidepressant treatment. GLIA 67, S. E324 - E324 (2019)
Dedic, N.; Kühne, C.; Jakovcevski, M.; Hartmann, J.; Genewsky, A. J.; Gomes, K. S.; Anderzhanova, E.; Pöhlmann, M. L.; Chang, S.; Kolarz, A. et al.: Chronic CRH depletion from GABAergic, long-range projection neurons in the extended amygdala reduces dopamine release and increases anxiety. NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 21 (6), S. 803 - 807 (2018)
Vogl, A. M.; Brockmann, M. M.; Giusti, S. A.; Maccarrone, G.; Vercelli, C. A.; Bauder, C. A.; Richter, J. S.; Roselli, F.; Hafner, A.-S.; Dedic, N. et al.: Neddylation inhibition impairs spine development, destabilizes synapses and deteriorates cognition. NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 18 (2), S. 239 - 251 (2015)
Giusti, S. A.; Vogl, A. M.; Brockmann, M. M.; Vercelli, C. A.; Rein, M. L.; Truembach, D.; Wurst, W.; Cazalla, D.; Stein, V.; Deussing, J. M. et al.: MicroRNA-9 controls dendritic development by targeting REST. ELIFE 3, UNSP e02755 (2014)
Giusti, S. A.; Vercelli, C. A.; Vogl, A. M.; Kolarz, A. W.; Pino, N. S.; Deussing, J. M.; Refojo, D.: Behavioral phenotyping of Nestin-Cre mice: Implications for genetic mouse Models of psychiatric disorders. JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH 55, S. 87 - 95 (2014)
Vogl, A. M.; Brockmann, M.; Giusti, S.; Czeh, B.; Moebus, A.; Holsboer, F.; Wurst, W.; Lie, C.; Stein, V.; Deussing, J. M. et al.: Neddylation, a new post-translational modification, controls dendrite and synapse development. Journal of Neurochemistry 122 (Suppl. s1), S. 31 - 31 (2012)
Refojo, D.; Schweizer, M.; Kuehne, C.; Ehrenberg, S.; Thoeringer, C.; Vogl, A. M.; Dedic, N.; Schumacher, M.; von Wolff, G.; Avrabos, C. et al.: Glutamatergic and Dopaminergic Neurons Mediate Anxiogenic and Anxiolytic Effects of CRHR1. Science 333 (6051), S. 1903 - 1907 (2011)
Di Benedetto, B.; Vogl, A.; Butz, E.; Refojo, D.; Rupprecht, R.: Astrocytes and neurons coordinate their responsiveness to antidepressant treatment to modulate synaptic plasticity. Pharmacopsychiatry 44 (6), S. 288 - 288 (2011)
Deussing, J. M.; Breu, J.; Kühne, C.; Kallnik, M.; Bunck, M.; Glasl, L.; Yen, Y. C.; Schmidt, M. V.; Zurmühlen, R.; Vogl, A. M. et al.: Urocortin 3 Modulates Social Discrimination Abilities via Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone Receptor Type 2. Journal of Neuroscience 30 (27), S. 9103 - 9116 (2010)
Obradovic, D.; Zanca, C.; Vogl, A.; Trumbach, D.; Deussing, J.; Condorelli, G.; Rein, T.: Vitamin D-3 signalling in the brain enhances the function of phosphoprotein enriched in astrocytes-15 kD (PEA-15). Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 13 (9B), S. 3315 - 3328 (2009)
Silberstein, S.; Vogl, A. M.; Refojo, D.; Senin, S. A.; Wurst, W.; Holsboer, F.; Deussing, J. M.; Arzt, E.: AMYGDALOID pERK1/2 IN CORTICOTROPIN-RELEASING HORMONE OVEREXPRESSING MICE UNDER BASAL AND ACUTE STRESS CONDITIONS. Neuroscience 159 (2), S. 610 - 617 (2009)
Lu, A.; Steiner, M. A.; Whittle, N.; Vogl, A. M.; Walser, S. M.; Ableitner, M.; Refojo, D.; Ekker, M.; Rubenstein, J. L.; Stalla, G. K. et al.: Conditional mouse mutants highlight mechanisms of corticotropin-releasing hormone effects on stress-coping behavior. Molecular Psychiatry 13 (11), S. 1028 - 1042 (2008)
Deussing, J. M.; Lu, A.; Steiner, M. A.; Vogl, A. M.; Holsboer, F.; Wotjak, C. T.; Wurst, W.: Conditional overexpression of corticotropin-releasing hormone in mice, an animal model for understanding the development of corticotropin-releasing hormone-mediated brain pathology. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 11 (Suppl. 1), S. 117 - 117 (2008)

Buchkapitel (1)

Silberstein, S.; Vogl, A. M.; Bonfiglio, J. J.; Wurst, W.; Holsboer, F.; Arzt, E.; Deussing, J. M.; Refojo, D.: Immunology, Signal Transduction, and Behavior in Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis-related Genetic Mouse Models. In: Neuroimmunomodulation: from fundamental biology to therapy, S. 120 - 130 (Hg. Savino, W.). Blackwell, Boston, Mass. (2009)

Meeting Abstract (3)

Meeting Abstract
Roman, C.; Vogl, A. M.; Giusti, S. A.; Butz, E.; Neumann, I. D.; Refojo, D.; Rupprecht, R.; Di Benedetto, B.: Astrocytes prime an early synaptic pruning and remodelling in the prefrontal cortex upon antidepressant treatment. In Glia, 67, S. E324 - E324. 14th European Meeting on Glial Cells in Health and Disease (GLIA), Porto, PORTUGAL, 10. Juli 2019 - 13. Juli 2019. Wiley-Liss, Inc., New York, N.Y. (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Dedic, N.; Kühne, C.; Gomes, K.; Anderzhanova, E.; Hartmann, J.; Schmid, B.; Kolarz, A.; Vogl, A. M.; Wotjak, C. T.; Grinevich, V. et al.: CRH Acts Anxiolytic by Modulating Dopamine Release through a Subset of GABAergic Long-range Projection Neurons. In NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, 40, S. S314 - S314. 54th Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP), Hollywood, FL, 06. Dezember 2015 - 10. Dezember 2015. Nature Publishing Group, LONDON N1 9XW, ENGLAND (2015)
Meeting Abstract
Di Benedetto, B.; Giusti, S. A.; Vogl, A.; Butz, E.; Rein, T.; Refojo, D.; Rupprecht, R.: THE "YIN AND YANG" IN DEPRESSION: HOW ASTROCYTES AND NEURONS DIFFERENTLY RESPOND TO ANTIDEPRESSANTS TO REMODEL NEURONAL SYNAPTIC CONTACTS. In GLIA, 61, S. S109 - S109. 11th European Meeting on Glial Cell Function in Health and Disease, Berlin, GERMANY, 03. Juli 2013 - 06. Juli 2013. (2013)