Forschung am Max-Planck-Institut für Psychiatrie

Publikationen von Wolfgang Wurst

Zeitschriftenartikel (208)

Schmidt, H.; Raj, T.; O'Neill, T. J.; Muschaweckh, A.; Giesert, F.; Negraschus, A.; Hoefig, K. P.; Behrens, G.; Esser, L.; Baumann, C. et al.: Unrestrained cleavage of Roquin-1 by MALT1 induces spontaneous T cell activation and the development of autoimmunity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120 (48), e2309205120 (2023)
Vetrivel, S.; Tiso, N.; Kuegler, A.; Irmler, M.; Horsch, M.; Beckers, J.; Hladik, D.; Giesert, F.; Gailus-Durner, V.; Fuchs, H. et al.: Mutation in the mouse histone gene Hist2h3c1 leads to degeneration of the lens vesicle and severe microphthalmia. EXPERIMENTAL EYE RESEARCH 188, 107632 (2019)
Andre, V.; Gaut, C.; Scheideler, A.; Aguilar-Pimentel, J. A.; Amarie, O. V.; Becker, L.; Garrett, L.; Hans, W.; Hoelter, S. M.; Janik, D. et al.: Laboratory mouse housing conditions can be improved using common environmental enrichment without compromising data. PLOS BIOLOGY 16 (4), e2005019 (2018)
Wittmann, A.; Grimm, M. O. W.; Scherthan, H.; Horsch, M.; Beckers, J.; Fuchs, H.; Gailus-Durner, V.; de Angelis, M. H.; Ford, S. J.; Burton, N. C. et al.: Sphingomyelin Synthase 1 Is Essential for Male Fertility in Mice. PLoS One 11 (10), e0164298 (2016)
Bender, J.; Engeholm, M.; Ederer, M. S.; Breu, J.; Moller, T. C.; Michalakis, S.; Rasko, T.; Wanker, E. E.; Biel, M.; Martinez, K. L. et al.: Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone Receptor Type 1 (CRHR1) Clustering with MAGUKs Is Mediated via Its C-Terminal PDZ Binding Motif. PLOS ONE 10 (9), e0136768 (2015)
de Angelis, M. H.; Nicholson, G.; Selloum, M.; White, J. K.; Morgan, H.; Ramirez-Solis, R.; Sorg, T.; Wells, S.; Fuchs, H.; Fray, M. et al.: Analysis of mammalian gene function through broad-based phenotypic screens across a consortium of mouse clinics. NATURE GENETICS 47 (9), S. 969 - + (2015)
Saarikangas, J.; Kourdougli, N.; Senju, Y.; Chazal, G.; Segerstrale, M.; Minkeviciene, R.; Kuurne, J.; Mattila, P. K.; Garrett, L.; Hoelter, S. M. et al.: MIM-Induced Membrane Bending Promotes Dendritic Spine Initiation. DEVELOPMENTAL CELL 33 (6), S. 644 - 659 (2015)
Arloth, J.; Bogdan, R.; Weber, P.; Frishman, G.; Menke, A.; Wagner, K. V.; Balsevich, G.; Schmidt, M. V.; Karbalai, N.; Czamara, D. et al.: Genetic Differences in the Immediate Transcriptome Response to Stress Predict Risk-Related Brain Function and Psychiatric Disorders. NEURON 86 (5), S. 1189 - 1202 (2015)
Thor, T.; Kuenkele, A.; Pajtler, K. W.; Wefers, A. K.; Stephan, H.; Mestdagh, P.; Heukamp, L.; Hartmann, W.; Vandesompele, J.; Sadowski, N. et al.: MiR-34a deficiency accelerates medulloblastoma formation in vivo. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER 136 (10), S. 2293 - 2303 (2015)
Tischner, C.; Hofer, A.; Wulff, V.; Stepek, J.; Dumitru, I.; Becker, L.; Haack, T.; Kremer, L.; Datta, A. N.; Sperl, W. et al.: MTO1 mediates tissue specificity of OXPHOS defects via tRNA modification and translation optimization, which can be bypassed by dietary intervention intervention. HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS 24 (8), S. 2247 - 2266 (2015)
Brandl, C.; Ortiz, O.; Roettig, B.; Wefers, B.; Wurst, W.; Kuehn, R.: Creation of targeted genomic deletions using TALEN or CRISPR/Cas nuclease pairs in one-cell mouse embryos. FEBS OPEN BIO 5, S. 26 - 35 (2015)
Neschen, S.; Scheerer, M.; Seelig, A.; Huypens, P.; Schultheiss, J.; Wu, M.; Wurst, W.; Rathkolb, B.; Suhre, K.; Wolf, E. et al.: Metformin Supports the Antidiabetic Effect of a Sodium Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitor by Suppressing Endogenous Glucose Production in Diabetic Mice. DIABETES 64 (1), S. 284 - 290 (2015)
Seyfarth, K.; Poschmann, G.; Rozman, J.; Fromme, T.; Rink, N.; Hofmann, A.; Wurst, W.; Stuehler, K.; Klingenspor, M.: The development of diet-induced obesity and associated metabolic impairments in Dj-1 deficient mice. JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY 26 (1), S. 75 - 81 (2015)
Becker, L.; Kling, E.; Schiller, E.; Zeh, R.; Schrewe, A.; Hoelter, S. M.; Mossbrugger, I.; Calzada-Wack, J.; Strecker, V.; Wittig, I. et al.: MTO1-Deficient Mouse Model Mirrors the Human Phenotype Showing Complex I Defect and Cardiomyopathy. PLOS ONE 9 (12), e114918 (2014)
Kraus, P.; Sivakamasundari, V.; Yu, H. B.; Xing, X.; Lim, S. L.; Adler, T.; Pimentel, J. A. A.; Becker, L.; Bohla, A.; Garrett, L. et al.: Pleiotropic Functions for Transcription Factor Zscan10. PLOS ONE 9 (8), e104568 (2014)
Moreth, K.; Fischer, R.; Fuchs, H.; Gailus-Durner, V.; Wurst, W.; Wurst, W.; Katus, H. A.; Bekeredjian, R.; de Angelis, M. H.: High-throughput phenotypic assessment of cardiac physiology in four commonly used inbred mouse strains. JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY B-BIOCHEMICAL SYSTEMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY 184 (6), S. 763 - 775 (2014)
Pertek, A.; Meier, F.; Irmler, M.; Beckers, J.; Skylaki, S.; Endele, M.; Wurst, W.; Prakash, N.; Kuehn, R.: Simple Derivation of Transgene-Free iPS Cells by a Dual Recombinase Approach. MOLECULAR BIOTECHNOLOGY 56 (8), S. 697 - 713 (2014)
Meier, F.; Giesert, F.; Delic, S.; Faus-Kessler, T.; Matheus, F.; Simeone, A.; Hoelter, S. M.; Kuehn, R.; Vogt Weisenhorn, D. M.; Wurst, W. et al.: FGF/FGFR2 Signaling Regulates the Generation and Correct Positioning of Bergmann Glia Cells in the Developing Mouse Cerebellum. PLOS ONE 9 (7), e101124 (2014)
Zumbrennen-Bullough, K. B.; Becker, L.; Garrett, L.; Hoelter, S. M.; Calzada-Wack, J.; Mossbrugger, I.; Quintanilla-Fend, L.; Racz, I.; Rathkolb, B.; Klopstock, T. et al.: Abnormal Brain Iron Metabolism in Irp2 Deficient Mice Is Associated with Mild Neurological and Behavioral Impairments. PLOS ONE 9 (6), e98072 (2014)
Poschmann, G.; Seyfarth, K.; Agbo, D. B.; Klafki, H.-W.; Rozman, J.; Wurst, W.; Wiltfang, J.; Meyer, H. E.; Klingenspor, M.; Stuehler, K.: High-Fat Diet Induced Isoform Changes of the Parkinson's Disease Protein DJ-1. JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH 13 (5), S. 2339 - 2351 (2014)