Forschung am Max-Planck-Institut für Psychiatrie

Publikationen von Georgia Balsevich

Zeitschriftenartikel (16)

Hausl, A. S.; Bajaj, T.; Brix, L.; Pohlmann, M. L.; Hafner, K.; De Angelis, M.; Nagler, J.; Dethloff, F.; Balsevich, G.; Schramm, K.-W. et al.; Giavalisco, P.; Chen, A.; Schmidt, M. V.; Gassen, N. C.: Mediobasal hypothalamic FKBP51 acts as a molecular switch linking autophagy to whole-body metabolism. SCIENCE ADVANCES 8 (10), eabi4797 (2022)
Emeny, R. T.; Baumert, J.; Zannas, A. S.; Kunze, S.; Wahl, S.; Iurato, S.; Arloth, J.; Erhardt, A.; Balsevich, G.; Schmidt, M. V. et al.; Weber, P.; Kretschmer, A.; Pfeiffer, L.; Kruse, J.; Strauch, K.; Roden, M.; Herder, C.; Koenig, W.; Gieger, C.; Waldenberger, M.; Peters, A.; Binder, E. B.; Ladwig, K.-H.: Anxiety Associated Increased CpG Methylation in the Promoter of Asb1: A Translational Approach Evidenced by Epidemiological and Clinical Studies and a Murine Model. NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 43 (2), S. 342 - 353 (2018)
Pöhlmann, M. L.; Häusl, A. S.; Harbich, D.; Balsevich, G.; Engelhardt, C.; Feng, X.; Breitsamer, M.; Hausch, F.; Winter, G.; Schmidt, M. V.: Pharmacological Modulation of the Psychiatric Risk Factor FKBP51 Alters Efficiency of Common Antidepressant Drugs. FRONTIERS IN BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE 12, 262 (2018)
Balsevich, G.; Häusl, A. S.; Meyer, C. W.; Karamihalev, S.; Feng, X.; Pöhlmann, M.; Dournes, C.; Uribe-Marino, A.; Santarelli, S.; Labermaier, C. et al.; Hafner, K.; Mao, T.; Breitsamer, M.; Theodoropoulou, M.; Namendorf, C.; Uhr, M.; Páez-Pereda, M.; Winter, G.; Hausch, F.; Chen, A.; Tschoep, M. H.; Rein, T.; Gassen, N. C.; Schmidt, M. V.: Stress-responsive FKBP51 regulates AKT2-AS160 signaling and metabolic function. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 8, 1725 (2017)
Santarelli, S.; Zimmermann, C.; Kalideris, G.; Lesuis, S. L.; Arloth, J.; Uribe, A.; Dournes, C.; Balsevich, G.; Hartmann, J.; Masana, M. et al.; Binder, E. B.; Spengler, D.; Schmidt, M. V.: An adverse early life environment can enhance stress resilience in adulthood. Psychoneuroendocrinology 78, S. 213 - 221 (2017)
Uribe-Marino, A.; Gassen, N. C.; Wiesbeck, M. F.; Balsevich, G.; Santarelli, S.; Solfrank, B.; Dournes, C.; Fries, G. R.; Masana, M.; Labermaier, C. et al.; Wang, X.-D.; Hafner, K.; Schmid, B.; Rein, T.; Chen, A.; Deussing, J. M.; Schmidt, M. V.: Prefrontal Cortex Corticotropin-Releasing Factor Receptor 1 Conveys Acute Stress-Induced Executive Dysfunction. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY 80 (10), S. 743 - 753 (2016)
Santarelli, S.; Wagner, K. V.; Labermaier, C.; Uribe, A.; Dournes, C.; Balsevich, G.; Hartmann, J.; Masana, M.; Holsboer, F.; Chen, A. et al.; Müller, M. B.; Schmidt, M. V.: SLC6A15, a novel stress vulnerability candidate, modulates anxiety and depressive-like behavior: involvement of the glutamatergic system. STRESS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON THE BIOLOGY OF STRESS 19 (1), S. 83 - 90 (2016)
Balsevich, G.; Baumann, V.; Uribe, A.; Chen, A.; Schmidt, M. V.: Prenatal Exposure to Maternal Obesity Alters Anxiety and Stress Coping Behaviors in Aged Mice. NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 103 (3-4), S. 354 - 368 (2016)
Bellisario, V.; Panetta, P.; Balsevich, G.; Baumann, V.; Noble, J.; Raggi, C.; Nathan, O.; Berry, A.; Seckl, J.; Schmidt, M. et al.; Holmes, M.; Cirulli, F.: Maternal high-fat diet acts as a stressor increasing maternal glucocorticoids' signaling to the fetus and disrupting maternal behavior and brain activation in C57BL/6J mice. PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 60, S. 138 - 150 (2015)
Arloth, J.; Bogdan, R.; Weber, P.; Frishman, G.; Menke, A.; Wagner, K. V.; Balsevich, G.; Schmidt, M. V.; Karbalai, N.; Czamara, D. et al.; Altmann, A.; Truembach, D.; Wurst, W.; Mehta, D.; Uhr, M.; Klengel, T.; Erhardt, A.; Carey, C. E.; Conley, E. D.; Ruepp, A.; Müller-Myhsok, B.; Hariri, A. R.; Binder, E. B.: Genetic Differences in the Immediate Transcriptome Response to Stress Predict Risk-Related Brain Function and Psychiatric Disorders. NEURON 86 (5), S. 1189 - 1202 (2015)
Balsevich, G.; Namendorf, C.; Gerlach, T.; Uhr, M.; Schmidt, M. V.: The bio-distribution of the antidepressant clomipramine is modulated by chronic stress in mice: effects on behavior. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 8, 445 (2015)
Balsevich, G.; Namendorf, C.; Gerlach, T.; Uhr, M.; Schmidt, M. V.: The bio-distribution of the antidepressant clomipramine is modulated by chronic stress in mice: effects on behavior. FRONTIERS IN BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE 8, 445 (2015)
Gaali, S.; Kirschner, A.; Cuboni, S.; Hartmann, J.; Kozany, C.; Balsevich, G.; Namendorf, C.; Fernandez-Vizarra, P.; Sippel, C.; Zannas, A. S. et al.; Draenert, R.; Binder, E. B.; Almeida, O. F. X.; Ruehter, G.; Uhr, M.; Schmidt, M. V.; Touma, C.; Bracher, A.; Hausch, F.: Selective inhibitors of the FK506-binding protein 51 by induced fit. NATURE CHEMICAL BIOLOGY 11 (1), S. 33 - + (2015)
Gassen, N. C.; Hartmann, J.; Zschocke, J.; Stepan, J.; Hafner, K.; Zellner, A.; Kirmeier, T.; Kollmannsberger, L.; Wagner, K. V.; Dedic, N. et al.; Balsevich, G.; Deussing, J. M.; Kloiber, S.; Lucae, S.; Holsboer, F.; Eder, M.; Uhr, M.; Ising, M.; Schmidt, M. V.; Rein, T.: Association of FKBP51 with Priming of Autophagy Pathways and Mediation of Antidepressant Treatment Response: Evidence in Cells, Mice, and Humans. PLOS MEDICINE 11 (11), e1001755 (2014)
Balsevich, G.; Uribe, A.; Wagner, K. V.; Hartmann, J.; Santarelli, S.; Labermaier, C.; Schmidt, M. V.: Interplay between diet-induced obesity and chronic stress in mice: potential role of FKBP51. JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY 222 (1), S. 15 - 26 (2014)
Iozzo, P.; Holmes, M.; Schmidt, M. V.; Cirulli, F.; Guzzardi, M. A.; Berry, A.; Balsevich, G.; Balsevich, G.; Andreassi, M. G.; Wesselink, J.-J. et al.; Liistro, T.; Gomez-Puertas, P.; Eriksson, J. G.; Seckl, J.: Developmental ORIgins of Healthy and Unhealthy AgeiNg: The Role of Maternal Obesity - Introduction to DORIAN. OBESITY FACTS 7 (2), S. 130 - 151 (2014)

Konferenzbeitrag (1)

Rein, T.; Stepan, J.; Balsevich, G.; Hartmann, J.; Genewsky, A.; Hafner, K.; Schmidt, M. V.; Eder, M.; Gassen, N.: Novel route to autophagy links to synaptic function and treatment options in depression. 30th Congress of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP), Paris, FRANCE, 02. September 2017 - 05. September 2017. EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 27, S.05.04, S. S530 - S530 (2017)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Bellisario, V.; Panetta, P.; Balsevich, G.; Baumann, V.; Noble, J.; Raggi, C.; Berry, A.; Seckl, J.; Schmidt, M.; Holmes, M. et al.; Cirulli, F.: High-fat diet during pregnancy acts as a stressor increasing maternal glucocorticoids' signaling to the fetus and disrupting maternal behavior in a mouse model. In PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY, 61 Special Issue Aufl., PS2.2.4, S. 10 - 10. 45th Annual Meeting of the International-Society-of-Psychoneuroendocrinology (ISPNE) on Stress and the Brain - From Fertility to Senility, Edinburgh, SCOTLAND, 08. September 2015 - 11. September 2015. Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd., OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND (2015)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Balsevich, G.: Identification of FKBP51 as a novel susceptibility gene for metabolic dysfunction. Dissertation, 181 S., Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München (2016)

Rezension (1)

Häusl, A. S.; Balsevich, G.; Gassen, N. C.; Schmidt, M. V.: Focus on FKBP51: A molecular link between stress and metabolic disorders. MOLECULAR METABOLISM 29, S. 170 - 181 (2019)
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