Publikationen von Adam Kolarz
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Zeitschriftenartikel (3)
21 (6), S. 803 - 807 (2018)
Chronic CRH depletion from GABAergic, long-range projection neurons in the extended amygdala reduces dopamine release and increases anxiety. NATURE NEUROSCIENCE 2.
22 (12), S. 1691 - 1700 (2017)
CRF receptor type 2 neurons in the posterior bed nucleus of the stria terminalis critically contribute to stress recovery. MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY 3.
55, S. 87 - 95 (2014)
Behavioral phenotyping of Nestin-Cre mice: Implications for genetic mouse Models of psychiatric disorders. JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH Meeting Abstract (2)
Meeting Abstract
40, S. S314 - S314. 54th Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Neuropsychopharmacology
(ACNP), Hollywood, FL, 06. Dezember 2015 - 10. Dezember 2015. Nature Publishing Group, LONDON N1 9XW, ENGLAND (2015)
CRH Acts Anxiolytic by Modulating Dopamine Release through a Subset of GABAergic Long-range Projection Neurons. In NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, 5.
Meeting Abstract
23 (SI), S. 255 - 255. 22nd Congress of the European-Sleep-Research-Society, Tallinn, 16. September 2014 - 20. September 2014. Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ, USA (2014)
Corticotropin-releasing hormone receptors-2 mutation in the dorsal raphe neurons increases sleep and stress-coping behaviour in mice. In JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH,