Publikationen von Martin E. Keck
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Zeitschriftenartikel (76)
93 (1), S. 24 - 35 (2024)
Effectiveness of Schema Therapy versus Cognitive Behavioral Therapy versus Supportive Therapy for Depression in Inpatient and Day Clinic Settings: A Randomized Clinical Trial. PSYCHOTHERAPY AND PSYCHOSOMATICS 2.
25 (9), S. 1236 - 1247 (2020)
Chronotype is associated with psychological well-being depending on the composition of the study sample. JOURNAL OF HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY 3.
18 (1), 170 (2020)
Psychotherapy or medication for depression? Using individual symptom meta-analyses to derive a Symptom-Oriented Therapy (SOrT) metric for a personalised psychiatry. BMC MEDICINE 4.
20 (1), 213 (2020)
The biological classification of mental disorders (BeCOME) study: a protocol for an observational deep-phenotyping study for the identification of biological subtypes. BMC PSYCHIATRY 5.
20 (1), 506 (2020)
Schema therapy versus cognitive behavioral therapy versus individual supportive therapy for depression in an inpatient and day clinic setting: study protocol of the OPTIMA-RCT. BMC PSYCHIATRY 6.
29, S. S16 - S16 (2019)
Deciphering polygenic risk for inflammation and depressive symptoms: a network analysis approach. EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 7.
268 (3), S. 215 - 217 (2018)
Translational research as prerequisite for personalized psychiatry. EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE 8.
92, S. 64 - 73 (2017)
Heart rate variability and cordance in rapid eye movement sleep as biomarkers of depression and treatment response. Journal of psychiatric research 9.
28 (1), S. 95 - 96 (2016)
THE 26TH Danube Symposium of Psychiatry: Psychiatry - Ready for the Future? [Letter to Editor]. PSYCHIATRIA DANUBINA 10.
30 (1), S. 40 - 47 (2016)
The FKBP5 polymorphism rs1360780 influences the effect of an algorithm-based antidepressant treatment and is associated with remission in patients with major depression. JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 11.
65, S. 1 - 8 (2015)
miRNAs and other non-coding RNAs in posttraumatic stress disorder: A systematic review of clinical and animal studies. JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH 12.
5 (4), S. 208 - 13 (2015)
Improvement of nonsuicidal self-injury following treatment with antipsychotics possessing strong D1 antagonistic activity: evidence from a report of three cases. Therapeutic advances in psychopharmacology 13.
16 (6), S. 647 - 663 (2011)
TMEM132D, a new candidate for anxiety phenotypes: evidence from human and mouse studies. Molecular Psychiatry 14.
44 (14), S. 930 - 937 (2010)
Adenosine A(2A) receptor gene: Evidence for association of risk variants with panic disorder and anxious personality. Journal of Psychiatric Research 15.
24 (5), S. 733 - 743 (2010)
Long-term anxiolytic and antidepressant-like behavioural effects of tiagabine, a selective GABA transporter-1 (GAT-1) inhibitor, coincide with a decrease in HPA system activity in C57BL/6 mice. Journal of Psychopharmacology 16.
44 (3), S. 157 - 167 (2010)
Susceptibility to stress in transgenic mice overexpressing TrkC, a model of panic disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research 17.
116 (6), S. 649 - 657 (2009)
The GABA transporter 1 (SLC6A1): a novel candidate gene for anxiety disorders. Journal of Neural Transmission 18.
23 (1), S. 31 - 39 (2009)
Consequences of chronic social stress on behaviour and vasopressin gene expression in the PVN of DBA/2OlaHsd mice-influence of treatment with the CRHR1-antagonist R121919/NBI 30775. Journal of Psychopharmacology 19.
147B (7), S. 1196 - 1204 (2008)
Combined Effects of Exonic Polymorphisms in CRHR1 and AVPR1B Genes in a Case/Control Study for Panic Disorder. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B-Neuropsychiatric Genetics 20.
13 (3), S. 242 - 243 (2008)
Association of polymorphisms in the angiotensin-converting enzyme gene with syndromal panic attacks. Molecular Psychiatry