Forschung am Max-Planck-Institut für Psychiatrie

Publikationen von Nils Rek

Zeitschriftenartikel (20)

Kopf-Beck, J.; Müller, C.; Tamm, J.; Fietz, J.; Rek, N.; Just, L.; Spock, Z. I.; Weweck, K.; Takano, K.; Rein, M. et al.; Keck, M. E.; Egli, S.: Effectiveness of Schema Therapy versus Cognitive Behavioral Therapy versus Supportive Therapy for Depression in Inpatient and Day Clinic Settings: A Randomized Clinical Trial. PSYCHOTHERAPY AND PSYCHOSOMATICS 93 (1), S. 24 - 35 (2024)
Krontira, A. C.; Cruceanu, C.; Dony, L.; Kyrousi, C.; Link, M.-H.; Rek, N.; Pöhlchen, D.; Raimundo, C.; Penner-Goeke, S.; Schowe, A. et al.; Czamara, D.; Lahti-Pulkkinen, M.; Sammallahti, S.; Wolford, E.; Heinonen, K.; Roeh, S.; Sportelli, V.; Woelfel, B.; Koedel, M.; Sauer, S.; Rex-Haffner, M.; Raikkonen, K.; Labeur, M.; Cappello, S.; Binder, E. B.: Human cortical neurogenesis is altered via glucocorticoid-mediated regulation of ZBTB16 expression. NEURON 112 (9), S. 1426 - 1443.e11 (2024)
Penner-Goeke, S.; Bothe, M.; Rek, N.; Kreitmaier, P.; Poehlchen, D.; Kühnel, A.; Glaser, L. V.; Kaya, E.; Krontira, A.; Roeh, S. et al.; Czamara, D.; Ködel, M.; Monteserin-Garcia, J.; Diener, L.; Woelfel, B.; Sauer, S.; Rummel, C.; Riesenberg, S.; Arloth-Knauer, J.; Ziller, M.; Labeur, M.; Meijsing, S.; Binder, E. B.: High- throughput screening of glucocorticoid- induced enhancer activity reveals mechanisms of stress- related psychiatric disorders. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 120 (49), e2305773120 (2023)
Rek, K.; Kappelmann, N.; Zimmermann, J.; Rein, M.; Egli, S.; Kopf-Beck, J.: Evaluating the role of maladaptive personality traits in schema therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy for depression. PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE, PII S0033291722001209 (2022)
Cullen, C.; Kappelmann, N.; Umer, M.; Abdolizadeh, A.; Husain, M. O.; Bonato, S.; Sharma, G.; Xue, S.; Ortiz, A.; Kloiber, S. M. et al.; Mulsant, B. H.; Husain, M. I.: Efficacy and acceptability of pharmacotherapy for comorbid anxiety symptoms in bipolar disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. BIPOLAR DISORDERS (2021)
Paetsch, A.; Moultrie, J.; Kappelmann, N.; Fietz, J.; Bernstein, D. P.; Kopf-Beck, J.: Psychometric Properties of the German Version of the Young Positive Schema Questionnaire (YPSQ) in the General Population and Psychiatric Patients. JOURNAL OF PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT, S. 1 - 10 (2021)
Milaneschi, Y.; Kappelmann, N.; Ye, Z.; Lamers, F.; Moser, S.; Jones, P. B.; Burgess, S.; Penninx, B. W. J. H.; Khandaker, G. M.: Association of inflammation with depression and anxiety: evidence for symptom-specificity and potential causality from UK Biobank and NESDA cohorts. MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY (2021)
Ehrhardt, N. M.; Fietz, J.; Kopf-Beck, J.; Kappelmann, N.; Brem, A.-K.: Separating EEG correlates of stress: Cognitive effort, time pressure, and social-evaluative threat. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE (2021)
Kappelmann, N.; Arloth, J.; Georgakis, M. K.; Czamara, D.; Rost, N.; Ligthart, S.; Khandaker, G. M.; Binder, E. B.: Dissecting the Association Between Inflammation, Metabolic Dysregulation, and Specific Depressive Symptoms A Genetic Correlation and 2-Sample Mendelian Randomization Study. JAMA PSYCHIATRY 78 (2), S. 161 - 170 (2021)
Ford, T.; Degli Esposti, M.; Crane, C.; Taylor, L.; Montero-Marin, J.; Blakemore, S.-J.; Bowes, L.; Byford, S.; Dalgleish, T.; Greenberg, M. T. et al.; Nuthall, E.; Phillips, A.; Raja, A.; Ukoumunne, O. C.; Viner, R. M.; Williams, J. M. G.; Allwood, M.; Aukland, L.; Casey, T.; De Wilde, K.; Farley, E.-R.; Kappelmann, N.; Lord, L.; Medlicott, E.; Palmer, L.; Petit, A.; Pryor-Nitsch, I.; Radley, L.; Warriner, L.; Sonley, A.; Kuyken, W.: The Role of Schools in Early Adolescents' Mental Health: Findings From the MYRIAD Study. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY 60 (12), S. 1467 - 1478 (2021)
Kappelmann, N.; Czamara, D.; Rost, N.; Moser, S.; Schmoll, V.; Trastulla, L.; Stochl, J.; Lucae, S.; Binder, E. B.; Khandaker, G. M. et al.; Arloth, J.: Polygenic risk for immuno-metabolic markers and specific depressive symptoms: A multi-sample network analysis study. BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY 95, S. 256 - 268 (2021)
Kappelmann, N.; Dantzer, R.; Khandaker, G. M.: Interleukin-6 as potential mediator of long-term neuropsychiatric symptoms of COVID-19. PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 131, 105295 (2021)
Kappelmann, N.; Mueller-Myhsok, B.; Kopf-Beck, J.: Adapting the randomised controlled trial (RCT) for precision medicine: introducing the nested-precision RCT (npRCT). TRIALS 22 (1), 13 (2021)
Ye, Z.; Kappelmann, N.; Moser, S.; Smith, G. D.; Burgess, S.; Jones, P. B.; Khandaker, G. M.: Role of inflammation in depression and anxiety: Tests for disorder specificity, linearity and potential causality of association in the UK Biobank. ECLINICALMEDICINE 38, 100992 (2021)
Kappelmann, N.; Suesse, M.; Steudte-Schmiedgen, S.; Kaldewaij, R.; Browning, M.; Michael, T.; Rinck, M.; Reinecke, A.: D-cycloserine as adjunct to brief computerised CBT for spider fear: Effects on fear, behaviour, and cognitive biases. JOURNAL OF BEHAVIOR THERAPY AND EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHIATRY 68, 101546 (2020)
Kappelmann, N.; Rein, M.; Fietz, J.; Mayberg, H. S.; Craighead, W. E.; Dunlop, B. W.; Nemeroff, C. B.; Keller, M.; Klein, D. N.; Arnow, B. A. et al.; Husain, N.; Jarrett, R. B.; Vittengl, J. R.; Menchetti, M.; Parker, G.; Barber, J. P.; Bastos, A. G.; Dekker, J.; Peen, J.; Keck, M. E.; Kopf-Beck, J.: Psychotherapy or medication for depression? Using individual symptom meta-analyses to derive a Symptom-Oriented Therapy (SOrT) metric for a personalised psychiatry. BMC MEDICINE 18 (1), 170 (2020)
Kopf-Beck, J.; Zimmermann, P.; Egli, S.; Rein, M.; Kappelmann, N.; Fietz, J.; Tamm, J.; Rek, K.; Lucae, S.; Brem, A.-K. et al.; Saemann, P.; Schilbach, L.; Keck, M. E.: Schema therapy versus cognitive behavioral therapy versus individual supportive therapy for depression in an inpatient and day clinic setting: study protocol of the OPTIMA-RCT. BMC PSYCHIATRY 20 (1), 506 (2020)
Zong, S.; Correia-Hoffmann, C.; Mane-Damas, M.; Kappelmann, N.; Molenaar, P. C.; van Grootheest, G.; Penninx, B. W. J. H.; Rouhl, R. P. W.; Losen, M.; Martinez-Martinez, P.: Novel neuronal surface autoantibodies in plasma of patients with depression and anxiety. TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY 10 (1), 404 (2020)
Kappelmann, N.; Kopf-Beck, J.; Khandaker, G. M.; Keck, M. E.: Deciphering polygenic risk for inflammation and depressive symptoms: a network analysis approach. EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 29, S. S16 - S16 (2019)
Keck, M. E.; Kappelmann, N.; Kopf-Beck, J.: Translational research as prerequisite for personalized psychiatry. EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE 268 (3), S. 215 - 217 (2018)
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