Forschung am Max-Planck-Institut für Psychiatrie

Publikationen von Silvia Cappello

Zeitschriftenartikel (33)

Dony, L.; Krontira, A. C.; Kaspar, L.; Ahmad, R.; Demirel , I. S.; Grochowicz, M.; Schafer, T.; Begum, F.; Sportelli, V.; Raimundo, C. et al.; Ködel, M.; Labeur, M.; Cappello, S.; Theis fabian, F. J.; Cruceanu, C.; Binder, E. B.: Chronic exposure to glucocorticoids amplifies inhibitory neuron cell fate during human neurodevelopment in organoids. Science advances 11 (7), S. eadn8631 - eadn8631 (2025)
Forero, A.; Pipicelli, F.; Moser, S.; Baumann, N.; Graetz, C.; Pisfil, M. G.; Pfaffl, M. W.; Pütz, B.; Kielkowski, P.; Cernilogar, F. M. et al.; Maccarrone, G.; Di Giaimo, R.; Cappello, S.: Extracellular vesicle-mediated trafficking of molecular cues during human brain development. CELL REPORTS 43 (10), 114755 (2024)
Krontira, A. C.; Cruceanu, C.; Dony, L.; Kyrousi, C.; Link, M.-H.; Rek, N.; Pöhlchen, D.; Raimundo, C.; Penner-Goeke, S.; Schowe, A. et al.; Czamara, D.; Lahti-Pulkkinen, M.; Sammallahti, S.; Wolford, E.; Heinonen, K.; Roeh, S.; Sportelli, V.; Woelfel, B.; Koedel, M.; Sauer, S.; Rex-Haffner, M.; Raikkonen, K.; Labeur, M.; Cappello, S.; Binder, E. B.: Human cortical neurogenesis is altered via glucocorticoid-mediated regulation of ZBTB16 expression. NEURON 112 (9), S. 1426 - 1443.e11 (2024)
Pașca, S. P.; Arlotta, P.; Bateup, H. S.; Camp, J. G.; Cappello, S.; Gage, F. H.; Knoblich, J. A.; Kriegstein, A. R.; Lancaster, M. A.; Ming, G.-L. et al.; Novarino, G.; Okano, H.; Parmar, M.; Park, I.-H.; Reiner, O.; Song, H.; Studer, L.; Takahashi, J.; Temple, S.; Testa, G.; Treutlein, B.; Vaccarino, F. M.; Vanderhaeghen, P.; Young-Pearse, T.: A framework for neural organoids, assembloids and transplantation studies. Nature (2024)
Bressan, C.; Snapyan, M.; Snapyan, M.; Klaus, J.; Di Matteo, F.; Robertson, S. P.; Treutlein, B.; Parent, M.; Cappello, S.; Saghatelyan, A.: Metformin rescues migratory deficits of cells derived from patients with periventricular heterotopia. EMBO MOLECULAR MEDICINE (2023)
Pipicelli, F.; Baumann, N.; Di Giaimo, R.; Forero-Echeverry, A.; Kyrousi, C.; Bonrath, R.; Maccarrone, G.; Jabaudon, D.; Cappello, S.: Non-cell-autonomous regulation of interneuron specification mediated by extracellular vesicles. SCIENCE ADVANCES 9 (20) (2023)
Pizzella, A.; Penna, E.; Abate, N.; Frenna, E.; Canafoglia, L.; Ragona, F.; Russo, R.; Chambery, A.; Perrone-Capano, C.; Cappello, S. et al.; Crispino, M.; Di Giaimo, R.: Pathological Deficit of Cystatin B Impairs Synaptic Plasticity in EPM1 Human Cerebral Organoids. MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY (2023)
Pasca, S. P.; Arlotta, P.; Bateup, H. S.; Camp, J. G.; Cappello, S.; Gage, F. H.; Knoblich, J. A.; Kriegstein, A. R.; Lancaster, M. A.; Ming, G.-L. et al.; Muotri, A. R.; Park, I.-H.; Reiner, O.; Song, H.; Studer, L.; Temple, S.; Testa, G.; Treutlein, B.; Vaccarino, F. M.: A nomenclature consensus for nervous system organoids and assembloids. NATURE 609 (7929), S. 907 - 910 (2022)
Cruceanu, C.; Dony, L.; Krontira, A. C.; Fischer, D. S.; Roeh, S.; Di Giaimo, R.; Kyrousi, C.; Kaspar, L.; Arloth, J.; Czamara, D. et al.; Gerstner, N.; Martinelli, S.; Wehner, S.; Breen, M. S.; Koedel, M.; Sauer, S.; Sportelli, V.; Rex-Haffner, M.; Cappello, S.; Theis, F. J.; Binder, E. B.: Cell-Type-Specific Impact of Glucocorticoid Receptor Activation on the Developing Brain: A Cerebral Organoid Study. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY 179 (5), S. 375 - 387 (2022)
Becker, T.; Cappel, C.; Di Matteo, F.; Sonsalla, G.; Kaminska, E.; Spada, F.; Cappello, S.; Damme, M.; Kielkowski, P.: AMPylation profiling during neuronal differentiation reveals extensive variation on lysosomal proteins. ISCIENCE 24 (12), 103521 (2021)
Francis, F.; Cappello, S.: Neuronal migration and disorders - an update. CURRENT OPINION IN NEUROBIOLOGY 66, S. 57 - 68 (2021)
Klingler, E.; Francis, F.; Jabaudon, D.; Cappello, S.: Mapping the molecular and cellular complexity of cortical malformations. SCIENCE 371 (6527), eaba4517, S. 361 - + (2021)
Kyrousi, C.; O’Neill, A. C.; Brazovskaja, A.; He, Z.; Kielkowski, P.; Coquand, L.; Di Giaimo, R.; D’ Andrea, P.; Belka, A.; Forero Echeverry, A. et al.; Mei, D.; Lenge, M.; Cruceanu, C.; Buchsbaum, I. Y.; Khattak, S.; Fabien, G.; Binder, E.; Elmslie, F.; Guerrini, R.; Baffet, A. D.; Sieber, S. A.; Treutlein, B.; Robertson, S. P.; Cappello, S.: Extracellular LGALS3BP regulates neural progenitor position and relates to human cortical complexity. Nature Communications 12 (1), 6298 (2021)
Di Matteo, F.; Pipicelli, F.; Kyrousi, C.; Tovecci, I.; Penna, E.; Crispino, M.; Chambery, A.; Russo, R.; Ayo-Martin, A. C.; Giordano, M. et al.; Hoffmann, A.; Ciusani, E.; Canafoglia, L.; Goetz, M.; Di Giaimo, R.; Cappello, S.: Cystatin B is essential for proliferation and interneuron migration in individuals with EPM1 epilepsy. EMBO MOLECULAR MEDICINE 12 (6), e11419 (2020)
Ayo-Martin, A. C.; Kyrousi, C.; Di Giaimo, R.; Cappello, S.: GNG5 Controls the Number of Apical and Basal Progenitors and Alters Neuronal Migration During Cortical Development. FRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR BIOSCIENCES 7, 578137 (2020)
Bertacchi, M.; Romano, A. L.; Loubat, A.; Mau-Them, F. T.; Willems, M.; Faivre, L.; van Kien, P. K.; Perrin, L.; Devillard, F.; Sorlin, A. et al.; Kuentz, P.; Philippe, C.; Garde, A.; Neri, F.; Di Giaimo, R.; Oliviero, S.; Cappello, S.; D'Incerti, L.; Frassoni, C.; Studer, M.: NR2F1 regulates regional progenitor dynamics in the mouse neocortex and cortical gyrification in BBSOAS patients. EMBO JOURNAL 39 (13), e104163 (2020)
Buchsbaum, I. Y.; Kielkowski, P.; Giorgio, G.; O'Neill, A. C.; Di Giaimo, R.; Kyrousi, C.; Khattak, S.; Sieber, S. A.; Robertson, S. P.; Cappello, S.: ECE2 regulates neurogenesis and neuronal migration during human cortical development. EMBO REPORTS 21 (5), e48204 (2020)
Kielkowski, P.; Buchsbaum, I. Y.; Becker, T.; Bach, K.; Cappello, S.; Sieber, S. A.: A Pronucleotide Probe for Live-Cell Imaging of Protein AMPylation. CHEMBIOCHEM 21 (9), S. 1285 - 1287 (2020)
Kielkowski, P.; Buchsbaum, I. Y.; Kirsch, V. C.; Bach, N. C.; Drukker, M.; Cappello, S.; Sieber, S. A.: FICD activity and AMPylation remodelling modulate human neurogenesis. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 11 (1), 517 (2020)
Kullmann, J. A.; Meyer, S.; Pipicelli, F.; Kyrousi, C.; Schneider, F.; Bartels, N.; Cappello, S.; Rust, M. B.: Profilin1-Dependent F-Actin Assembly Controls Division of Apical Radial Glia and Neocortex Development. CEREBRAL CORTEX 30 (6), S. 3467 - 3482 (2020)
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