Forschung am Max-Planck-Institut für Psychiatrie

Publikationen von M. Adamczyk

Zeitschriftenartikel (11)

Schüssler, P.; Kluge, M.; Adamczyk, M.; Beitinger, M. E.; Beitinger, P.; Bleifuss, A.; Cordeiro, S.; Mattern, C.; Uhr, M.; Wetter, T. C. et al.; Yassouridis, A.; Rupprecht, R.; Friess, E.; Steiger, A.: Sleep after intranasal progesterone vs. zolpidem and placebo in postmenopausal women - A randomized, double-blind cross over study. PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 92, S. 81 - 86 (2018)
Metzger, M. W.; Walser, S. M.; Dedic, N.; Aprile-Garcia, F.; Jakubcakova, V.; Adamczyk, M.; Webb, K. J.; Uhr, M.; Refojo, D.; Schmidt, M. V. et al.; Friess, E.; Steiger, A.; Kimura, M.; Chen, A.; Holsboer, F.; Arzt, E.; Wurst, W.; Deussing, J. M.: Heterozygosity for the Mood Disorder-Associated Variant Gln460Arg Alters P2X7 Receptor Function and Sleep Quality. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE 37 (48), S. 11688 - 11700 (2017)
Pawlowski, M. A.; Gazea, M.; Wollweber, B.; Dresler, M.; Holsboer, F.; Keck, M. E.; Steiger, A.; Adamczyk, M.; Mikoteit, T.: Heart rate variability and cordance in rapid eye movement sleep as biomarkers of depression and treatment response. Journal of psychiatric research 92, S. 64 - 73 (2017)
Adamczyk, M.; Genzel, L.; Dresler, M.; Steiger, A.; Frieß, E.: Automatic Sleep Spindle Detection and Genetic Influence Estimation Using Continuous Wavelet Transform. FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE 9, 624 (2015)
Adamczyk, M.; Gazea, M.; Wollweber, B.; Holsboer, F.; Dresler, M.; Steiger, A.; Pawlowski, M.: Cordance derived from REM sleep EEG as a biomarker for treatment response in depression - a naturalistic study after antidepressant medication. JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH 63, S. 97 - 104 (2015)
Genzel, L.; Dresler, M.; Cornu, M.; Jäger, E.; Konrad, B.; Adamczyk, M.; Frieß, E.; Steiger, A.; Czisch, M.; Goya-Maldonado, R.: Medial Prefrontal-Hippocampal Connectivity and Motor Memory Consolidation in Depression and Schizophrenia. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY 77 (2), S. 177 - 186 (2015)
Adamczyk, M.; Ambrosius, U.; Lietzenmaier, S.; Wichniak, A.; Holsboer, F.; Friess, E.: Genetics of rapid eye movement sleep in humans. Translational psychiatry 5, e598 (2015)
Genzel, L.; Bäurle, A.; Potyka, A.; Wehrle, R.; Adamczyk, M.; Frieß, E.; Steiger, A.; Dresler, M.: Diminished Nap Effects on Memory Consolidation Are Seen Under Oral Contraceptive Use. NEUROPSYCHOBIOLOGY 70 (4), S. 253 - 261 (2014)
Adamczyk, M.; Fulda, S.; Pawlowski, M.; Steiger, A.; Holsboer, F.; Friess, E.: Automatic detection of rapid-eye movements in REM sleep. Journal of Sleep Research 21 (Suppl. s1), S. 195 - 195 (2012)
Pawlowski, M.; Adamczyk, M.; Dresler, M.; Steiger, A.: Cordance as a biomarker in sleep EEG for treatment response in depression - a naturalistic study after antidepressant medication. Journal of Sleep Research 21 (Suppl. s1), S. 127 - 128 (2012)
Adamczyk, M.; Fulda, S.; Pawlowski, M.; Steiger, A.; Holsboer, F.; Friess, E.: Robust and stable automatic detection of rapid-eye movements in REM sleep. Pharmacopsychiatry 44 (6), S. 283 - 283 (2011)

Konferenzbeitrag (1)

Steiger, A.; Adamczyk, M.; Uhr, M.; Pawlowski, M. A.; Friess, E.: CRH R1 Genotype and Sleep Electroencepahlogram in Healthy Subjects. 72nd Annual Scientific Convention and Meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry (SOBP), San Diego, CA, 18. Mai 2017 - 20. Mai 2017. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY 81 (10, Suppl.), S. S226 - S226 (2017)

Meeting Abstract (4)

Meeting Abstract
Mikoteit, T.; Wittwer, R.; Adamczyk, M.; Binder, E. B.; Steiger, A.; Hatzinger, M.; Zeising, M.: Prospective application of the rapid eye movement sleep derived biomarker prefrontal theta cordance improves treatment outcome of major depression. In JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH, 33. 27th Congress of the European-Sleep-Research-Society (ESRS), Seville, SPAIN, 24. September 2024 - 27. September 2024. (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Steiger, A.; Adamczyk, M.; Uhr, M.; Pawlowski, M.; Friess, E.: CRHR1 genotype and sleep in healthy volunteers. In JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH, 25 (SI) Supplement 1 Aufl., S. 187 - 187. 23rd Congress of the European-Sleep-Research-Society, Bologna, ITALY, 13. September 2016 - 16. September 2016. (2016)
Meeting Abstract
Adamczyk, M.; Friess, E.; Uhr, M.; Steiger, A.: The Gln460arg polymorphism of the P2RX7 gene affects human sleep. In JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH, 23, S. 253 - 253. 22nd Congress of the European-Sleep-Research-Society, Tallinn, ESTONIA, 16. September 2014 - 20. September 2014. Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ, USA (2014)
Meeting Abstract
Adamczyk, M.; Frieß, E.; Uhr, M.; Steiger, A.: Sleep-EEG Differences in Healthy Volunteers Related to Gln460arg Polymorphism of P2RX7 Gene. In BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY, 75 (9), S. 71S - 71S. 69th Annual Scientific Convention and Meeting of the Society-of-Biological-Psychiatry, New York, NY, 08. Mai 2014 - 10. Mai 2014. Elsevier Science Inc., New York, NY, USA (2014)
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