Publikationen von D. Czamara

Zeitschriftenartikel (127)

Winkelmann, J.; Czamara, D.; Schormair, B.; Knauf, F.; Schulte, E. C.; Trenkwalder, C.; Dauvilliers, Y.; Polo, O.; Högl, B.; Berger, K. et al.; Fuhs, A.; Gross, N.; Stiasny-Kolster, K.; Oertel, W.; Bachmann, C. G.; Paulus, W.; Xiong, L.; Montplaisir, J.; Rouleau, G. A.; Fietze, I.; Vavrova, J.; Kemlink, D.; Sonka, K.; Nevsimalova, S.; Lin, S. C.; Wszolek, Z.; Vilarino-Guell, C.; Farrer, M. J.; Gschliesser, V.; Frauscher, B.; Falkenstetter, T.; Poewe, W.; Allen, R. P.; Earley, C. J.; Ondo, W. G.; Le, W. D.; Spieler, D.; Kaffe, M.; Zimprich, A.; Kettunen, J.; Perola, M.; Silander, K.; Cournu-Rebeix, I.; Francavilla, M.; Fontenille, C.; Fontaine, B.; Vodicka, P.; Prokisch, H.; Lichtner, P.; Peppard, P.; Faraco, J.; Mignot, E.; Gieger, C.; Illig, T.; Wichmann, H. E.; Müller-Myhsok, B.; Meitinger, T.: Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Novel Restless Legs Syndrome Susceptibility Loci on 2p14 and 16q12.1. PLoS Genetics 7 (7), e1002171 (2011)
Glas, J.; Seiderer, J.; Tillack, C.; Paschos, E.; Wetzke, M.; Diegelmann, J.; Czamara, D.; Brand, S.: Functional SFTPD Gene Variants Are Not Associated with Susceptibility to Inflammatory Bowel Disease in the German Population. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 17 (6), S. 1439 - 1440 (2011)
Hennings, J. M.; Kohli, M. A.; Czamara, D.; Heck, A.; Domschke, K.; Arolt, V.; Baune, B.; Horstmann, S.; Brueckl, T.; Klengel, T. et al.; Menke, A.; Müller-Myhsok, B.; Ising, M.; Uhr, M.; Holsboer, F.; Lucae, S.: BDNF and NTRK2 Polymorphisms and Antidepressant Treatment Response. Biological Psychiatry 69 (9 Suppl.1), S. 152 S - 152 S (2011)
Glas, J.; Seiderer, J.; Fries, C.; Tillack, C.; Pfennig, S.; Weidinger, M.; Beigel, F.; Olszak, T.; Lass, U.; Göke, B. et al.; Ochsenkühn, T.; Wolf, C.; Lohse, P.; Müller-Myhsok, B.; Diegelmann, J.; Czamara, D.; Brand, S.: CEACAM6 Gene Variants in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. PLoS ONE 6 (4), e19319 (2011)
Kam-Thong, T.; Czamara, D.; Tsuda, K.; Borgwardt, K.; Lewis, C. M.; Erhardt-Lehmann, A.; Hemmer, B.; Rieckmann, P.; Daake, M.; Weber, F. et al.; Wolf, C.; Ziegler, A.; Pütz, B.; Holsboer, F.; Schölkopf, B.; Müller-Myhsok, B.: EPIBLASTER-fast exhaustive two-locus epistasis detection strategy using graphical processing units. European Journal of Human Genetics 19 (4), S. 465 - 471 (2011)
Czamara, D.; Bruder, J.; Becker, J.; Bartling, J.; Hoffmann, P.; Ludwig, K. U.; Müller-Myhsok, B.; Schulte-Körne, G.: Association of a Rare Variant with Mismatch Negativity in a Region Between KIAA0319 and DCDC2 in Dyslexia. Behavior Genetics 41 (1), S. 110 - 119 (2011)
Glas, J.; Seiderer, J.; Tillack, C.; Pfennig, S.; Beigel, F.; Jürgens, M.; Olszak, T.; Laubender, R. P.; Weidinger, M.; Müller-Myhsok, B. et al.; Göke, B.; Ochsenkühn, T.; Lohse, P.; Diegelmann, J.; Czamara, D.; Brand, S.: The NOD2 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms rs2066843 and rs2076756 Are Novel and Common Crohn's Disease Susceptibility Gene Variants. PLoS ONE 5 (12), e14466 (2010)

Buchkapitel (1)

Czamara, D.; Mehta, D.: Statistical genetic concepts in psychiatric genomics. In: PERSONALIZED PSYCHIATRY, S. 103 - 116. ACADEMIC PRESS LTD-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 125 LONDON WALL, LONDON EC2Y 5AS, ENGLAND (2020)

Konferenzbeitrag (13)

Czamara, D.; Girchenko, P.; Figueiredo, A. S.; Lahti, J.; Raikkonen, K.; Binder, E.: EFFECT OF GENOTYPE AND EARLY ADVERSITY ENVIRONMENT ON DNA METHYLATION. 6th Biennial Conference of the Schizophrenia-International-Research-Society (SIRS), Florence, ITALY, 04. April 2018 - 08. April 2018. SCHIZOPHRENIA BULLETIN 44 (Suppl. 1), 16.4, S. S26 - S27 (2018)
Halldorsdottir, T.; Piechaczek, C.; Pehl, V.; Wagenbuechler, P.; Greimel, E.; Soares de Matos, A. P.; Feldmann, L.; Quickenstedt-Reinhardt, P.; Allgaier, A.-K.; Czamara, D. et al.; Rex-Haffner, M.; Arnarson, E. O.; Craighead, E.; Schulte-Koerne, G.; Binder, E.: Polygenic Risk: Predicting Depressive Symptoms in Clinical and Epidemiological Cohorts of Adolescents. 73rd Annual Scientific Convention and Meeting of the Society-of-Biological-Psychiatry (SOBP), New York, NY, 10. Mai 2018 - 12. Mai 2018. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY 83 (9), F63, S. S262 - S262 (2018)
Papac-Milicevic, N.; Alic, L.; Czamara, D.; Gurbisz, M.; Ozsvar-Kozma, M.; Haslinger-Hutter, S.; Hoermann, G.; Skerka, C.; Zipfel, P.; Binder, E. B. et al.; Binder, C. J.: A genome-wide association study identifies FHR1 and FHR3 as competitors for FH binding to MDA-adducts. 27th International Complement Workshop (ICW), Santa Fe, NM, 16. September 2018 - 20. September 2018. MOLECULAR IMMUNOLOGY 102, 157, S. 195 - 196 (2018)
Pape, J.; Carrillo-Roa, T.; Wiechmann, T.; Roeh, S.; Rothbaum, B.; Nemeroff, C.; Czamara, D.; Zannas, A.; Iosifescu, D.; Mathew, S. et al.; Neylan, T.; Mayberg, H.; Dunlop, B.; Binder, E.: Epigenetic Biomarkers in Women With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder After CRF1 Receptor Antagonist Treatment. 73rd Annual Scientific Convention and Meeting of the Society-of-Biological-Psychiatry (SOBP), New York, NY, 10. Mai 2018 - 12. Mai 2018. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY 83 (9), F179, S. S308 - S308 (2018)
Suarez, A.; Lahti, J.; Czamara, D.; Lahti, M.; Knight, A.; Girchenko, P.; Hamalainen, E.; Kajantie, E.; Laivuori, H.; Villa, P. et al.; Reynolds, R.; Smith, A.; Binder, E.; Raikkonen, K.: The Epigenetic Clock at Birth: Associations With Maternal Antenatal Depression and Child Psychiatric Problems. 73rd Annual Scientific Convention and Meeting of the Society-of-Biological-Psychiatry (SOBP), New York, NY, 10. Mai 2018 - 12. Mai 2018. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY 83 (9), 127, S. S52 - S52 (2018)
Cattane, N.; Cattaneo, A.; Czamara, D.; Eriksson, J. G.; Kajantie, E.; Luoni, A.; Malpighi, C.; Suarez, A.; Lahti, J.; Mondelli, V. et al.; Dazzan, P.; Räikkönen, K.; Binder, E.; Riva, M. A.; Pariante, C. M.: FOXO1, A2M and TGFB1: Three Novel Genes Predicting Depression in Gene X Environment Interactions Are Identified Using Cross-Species and Cross- Tissues Transcriptomic and Mirnomic Analyses. 72nd Annual Scientific Convention and Meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry (SOBP), San Diego, California, 18. Mai 2017 - 20. Mai 2017. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY 81 (10, Suppl.), S. S59 - S59 (2017)
Cattaneo, A.; Cattane, N.; Czamara, D.; Eriksson, J. G.; Kajantie, E.; Luoni, A.; Malpighi, C.; Suarez, A.; Lahti, J.; Mondelli, V. et al.; Dazzan, P.; Raikkonen, K.; Binder, E. B.; Riva, M. A.; Pariante, C. M.: Identification of a long lasting stress signature associated with enhanced vulnerability for depression by using "omics' and cross species approaches. 30th Congress of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP), Paris, FRANCE, 02. September 2017 - 05. September 2017. EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 27, S.27.03, S. S560 - S560 (2017)
Elbau, I.; Brücklmeier, B.; Arloth, J.; Czamara, D.; Uhr, M.; Eidner, I.; Prosser, A.; Czisch, M.; Binder, E.; Saemann, P. G.: Stress and neurovascular coupling: A new reciprocal mechanism for stress response regulation. Conference of the World Association for Stress Related and Anxiety Disorders (WASAD), Würzburg, GERMANY, 14. September 2017 - 16. September 2017. JOURNAL OF NEURAL TRANSMISSION 124 (10), 161, S. 1296 - 1296 (2017)
Elbau, I.; Bruecklmeier, B.; Arloth, J.; Darina, C.; Uhr, M.; Eidner, I.; Czisch, M.; Binder, E.; Saemann, P.: Acute psychosocial stress impacts the hemodynamic response latency: a novel brain-phenotype of acute stress and GR-sensitivity. 30th Congress of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP), Paris, FRANCE, 02. September 2017 - 05. September 2017. EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 27 (Suppl. 4), S.16.06, S. S547 - S548 (2017)
Elbau, I.; Bruecklmeier, B.; Czisch, M.; Arloth, J.; Czamara, D.; Uhr, M.; Eidner, I.; Binder, E.; Saemann, P. G.: Acute Psychosocial Stress Impacts the Hemodynamic Response latency: A Novel Brain Phenotype that Relates to Markers of Acute and Chronic Stress. 72nd Annual Scientific Convention and Meeting of the Society of Biological Psychiatry (SOBP), San Diego, CA, 18. Mai 2017 - 20. Mai 2017. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY 81 (10, Suppl.), 566, S. S229 - S229 (2017)
Elbau, I.; Bruecklmeier, B.; Czisch, M.; Arloth, J.; Czamara, D.; Uhr, M.; Eidner, I.; Binder, E. B.; Saemann, P. G.: Acute psychosocial stress impacts the hemodynamic response latency: a novel brain-phenotype of acute and chronic stress. European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) Workshop for Junior Scientists in Europe, Nice, FRANCE, 09. März 2017 - 12. März 2017. EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 27 (Suppl. 1), P.3.021, S. S68 - S69 (2017)
Iurato, S.; Carrillo-Roa, T.; Arloth, J.; Czamara, D.; Ising, M.; Lucae, S.; Müller-Myhsok, B.; Binder, E.; Erhardt, A.: SEX-SPECIFIC DNA METHYLATION SIGNATURES IN PANIC DISORDER. 24th World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics (WCPG), Jerusalem, ISRAEL, 30. Oktober 2016 - 04. November 2016. EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 27 (Suppl. 3), T24, S. S446 - S447 (2017)
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