Publikationen von D. Spieler
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Zeitschriftenartikel (7)
3, e229 (2013)
A common variant in Myosin-18B contributes to mathematical abilities in children with dyslexia and intraparietal sulcus variability in adults. TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY 2.
7 (7), e1002171 (2011)
Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Novel Restless Legs Syndrome Susceptibility Loci on 2p14 and 16q12.1. PLoS Genetics 3.
42 (5), S. 223 - 223 (2009)
Association of the adrenergic receptor alpha1B with antidepressant treatment in the MARS study. Pharmacopsychiatry 4.
12 (3), S. 177 - 185 (2009)
Macroscopic brain architecture changes and white matter pathology in acromegaly: a clinicoradiological study. Pituitary 5.
34 (2), S. 238 - 248 (2009)
Suppressive effect of mirtazapine on the HPA system in acutely depressed women seems to be transient and not related to antidepressant action. Psychoneuroendocrinology 6.
43 (3), S. 215 - 229 (2009)
Clinical characteristics and treatment outcome in a representative sample of depressed inpatients - Findings from the Munich Antidepressant Response Signature (MARS) project. Journal of Psychiatric Research 7.
13 (Suppl. 1), S. 31 - 32 (2009)
Clinical characteristics and treatment outcome in a representative sample of depressed inpatients - findings from the Munich antidepressant response signature project. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice