Publikationen von Elisabeth B. Binder

Meeting Abstract (71)

Meeting Abstract
Mikoteit, T.; Wittwer, R.; Adamczyk, M.; Binder, E. B.; Steiger, A.; Hatzinger, M.; Zeising, M.: Prospective application of the rapid eye movement sleep derived biomarker prefrontal theta cordance improves treatment outcome of major depression. In JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH, 33. 27th Congress of the European-Sleep-Research-Society (ESRS), Seville, SPAIN, 24. September 2024 - 27. September 2024. (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Narayan, S.; Roeh, S.; Czamara, D.; Miguel, P. M.; Alberry, B.; Silveira, P. P.; Schmidt, M.; Binder, E.: CHARACTERIZING SEX-SPECIFIC EFFECTS OF EARLY LIFE ADVERSITY ON THE ADULTHOOD BRAIN TRANSCRIPTOME USING A TRANSLATIONAL MOUSE MODEL. In EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, 87, S. 103 - 103. World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics (WCPG), Singapore, SINGAPORE, 15. Oktober 2024 - 19. Oktober 2024. (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Ramadan, A.; Calvano, C.; Buss, C.; Binder, E. B.; Winter, S. M.; Entringer, S.; Heim, C.: Refugee Children in Berlin: War and Migrationrelated Trauma and Biological Embedding. In PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY, 160 Supplement Aufl., S. 29. (2024)
Meeting Abstract
Froehlich, A. S.; Gerstner, N.; Gagliardi, M.; Ködel, M.; Matosin, N.; Yusupov, N.; Murek, V.; Czamara, D.; Roeh, S.; Arloth, J. et al.; Ziller, M. J.; Binder, E. B.: CELL-TYPE SPECIFIC AGEING EFFECTS IN THE HUMAN ORBITOFRONTAL CORTEX AND IMPLICATIONS FOR PSYCHIATRIC DISEASE. In EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, 75, S. S25 - S26. World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics (WCPG), Montreal, CANADA, 10. Oktober 2023 - 14. Oktober 2023. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Hagenberg, J.; Binder, E. B.; Knauer-Arloth, J.: Multi-omics clustering of transdiagnostic cases reveals new depression subgroups and two subgroups of immune-related depression. In BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY, 114, S. 34 - 34. 30th Annual Meeting of the PsychoNeuroImmunology-Research-Society (PNIRS), Boulder, CO, 12. Juni 2023 - 15. Juni 2023. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Karlbauer, V.; Czamara, D.; Martins, J.; Rex-Haffner, M.; Entringer, S.; Winter, S.; Buss, C.; Heim, C.; Binder, E. B.: TARGETED BISULFITE SEQUENCING REVEALS DRIVERS OF FKBP5 METHYLATION IN MALTREATED AND NON-MALTREATED CHILDREN. In EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, 75, S. S173 - S174. World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics (WCPG), Montreal, CANADA, 10. Oktober 2023 - 14. Oktober 2023. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Yusupov, N.; Dieckmann, L.; Erhart, M.; Sauer, S.; Rex-Haffner, M.; Kopf-Beck, J.; Brueckl, T.; Czamara, D.; Binder, E.: Transdiagnostic Evaluation of Epigenetic Age Acceleration and Burden of Psychiatric Disorders. In BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY, 93 (9), S. S166 - S166. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Palma-Gudiel, H.; Marques Feixa, L.; Romero, S.; Rapado-Castro, M.; Blasco-Fontecilla, H.; Zorrilla, I.; Martin, M.; Quintas, A. C.; Monteserin-Garcia, J. L.; Font, E. et al.; Ramirez, M.; Moreno, D.; Marin-Vila, M.; Moreno, N.; Binder, E.; Fananas, L.: Children and adolescents exposed to maltreatment already exhibit epigenetic patterns suggestive of heightened low-grade inflammation. In EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY, 65, S. S71 - S71. (2022)
Meeting Abstract
Binder, E.: Has Clinical Translation of Scientific Research been a Failure? In EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY, 65, S. S6 - S7. (2022)
Meeting Abstract
Gerstner, N.; Krontira, A.; Knauer-Arloth, J.; Binder, E. B.: Brain region specific effects on the expression of glucocorticoid receptor-regulated genes. In EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS, 30 (SUPPL 1), S. 301 - 301. (2022)
Meeting Abstract
Fietz, J.; Pöhlchen, D.; Brueckl, T. M.; Padberg, F.; Binder, E. B.; Czisch, M.; Saemann, P.; Spoormaker, V. I.: Patient stratification based on pupillometric response profiles and its brain correlates in affective and anxiety disorders. In JOURNAL OF NEURAL TRANSMISSION, 128 (11), S. 1773 - 1773. (2021)
Meeting Abstract
Meeting Abstract
Dieckmann, L.; Cruceanu, C.; Lahti-Pulkkinen, M.; Kvist, T.; Lahti, J.; Sammallahti, S.; Graebig-Rancourt, R. C.; Plagemann, A.; Eriksson, J. G.; Kajantie, E. et al.; Braun, T.; Entringer, S.; Raikkonen, K.; Binder, E. B.; Czamara, D.: APPLICATION OF REFERENCE-BASED CELL TYPE ESTIMATION IN PLACENTAL TISSUE AND COMPARISON WITH A REFERENCE-FREE APPROACH FOR DNA METHYLATION STUDIES. In EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, 51, S. E216 - E217. (2021)
Meeting Abstract
Kero, H.; Raikkonen, K.; Lahti, M.; Cattaneo, A.; Czamara, D.; Binder, E.; Lahti, J.: FOXO1 modifies associations between maternal depression and anxiety during pregnancy and offspring psychiatric problems in early childhood. In European Neuropsychopharmacology, 29, S. S118 - S119. 27th World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics (WCPG), Los Angeles, CA, 26. Oktober 2019 - 31. Oktober 2019. Elsevier, Amsterdam (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Witt, S.; Frank, J.; Kranaster, L.; Streit, F.; Foo, J.; Treutlein, J.; Sirignano, L.; Arloth, J.; Binder, E.; Sartorius, A. et al.; Rietschel, M.: Epigenome-wide DNA methylation profiles pre- and post ECT. In European Neuropsychopharmacology, 29, S. S141 - S142. 27th World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics (WCPG), Los Angeles, CA, 26. Oktober 2019 - 31. Oktober 2019. Elsevier, Amsterdam (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Breen, M.; Tylee, D.; Maihofer, A.; Tsuang, M.; Chandler, S.; Mehta, D.; Binder, E.; Hess, J.; Baker, D.; Risbrough, V. et al.; Nievergelt, C.; Buxbaum, J.; Glatt, S.: PTSD blood transcriptome mega-analysis: inflammatory pathways across biological sex and modes of trauma. In European Neuropsychopharmacology, 29, S. 1056 - 1057. 26th World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics (WCPG), Glasgow, SCOTLAND, 11. Oktober 2018 - 15. Oktober 2018. Elsevier, Amsterdam (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Freitag, C. M.; Binder, E.: Epigenetic findings in childhood onset psychiatric disorders. In European Neuropsychopharmacology, 29, S. 1036 - 1036. 26th World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics (WCPG), Glasgow, SCOTLAND, 11. Oktober 2018 - 15. Oktober 2018. Elsevier, Amsterdam (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Dammering, F.; Martins, J.; Hoffmann, F.; Provencal, N.; de Punder, K.; Overfeld, J.; Czamara, D.; Rex-Haffner, M.; McEwen, L.; Kobor, M. et al.; Winter, S.; Buss, C.; Entringer, S.; Binder, E.; Heim, C.: Psychiatric symptom severity mediates the effect of adversity on epigenetic aging in children aged 3-5 years. In Psychoneuroendocrinology, 107, S. 30 - 30. 49th Annual Conference of the International-Society-of-Psychoneuroendocrinology - 50 Years of Psychoneuroendocrinology - Returning to Where It All Began, Milan, ITALY, 29. August 2019 - 31. August 2019. Pergamon, Oxford (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Overfeld, J.; Buss, C.; de Punder, K.; Winter, S.-M.; Haynes, J.-D.; Binder, E.; Heim, C.: Childhood maltreatment severity is associated with smaller total brain size in preschool age children. In Psychoneuroendocrinology, 107, S. 5 - 6. 49th Annual Conference of the International-Society-of-Psychoneuroendocrinology - 50 Years of Psychoneuroendocrinology - Returning to Where It All Began, Milan, ITALY, 29. August 2019 - 31. August 2019. Pergamon, Oxford (2019)
Meeting Abstract
Toepfer, P.; Pokhvisneva, I.; Garg, E.; Entringer, S.; Heim, C. M.; Kobor, M. S.; Provencal, N.; Binder, E. B.; Wadhwa, P. D.; Meaney, M. J. et al.; Buss, C.; O'Donnell, K. J.: Maternal prenatal depression and infant DNA methylome maturation: Developmental regulation of DNA methylation and relevance for infant behavior. In Psychoneuroendocrinology, 107, S. 80 - 81. 49th Annual Conference of the International-Society-of-Psychoneuroendocrinology - 50 Years of Psychoneuroendocrinology - Returning to Where It All Began, Milan, ITALY, 29. August 2019 - 31. August 2019. Pergamon, Oxford (2019)
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