Forschung am Max-Planck-Institut für Psychiatrie

Publikationen von Linda Dieckmann

Zeitschriftenartikel (8)

Czamara, D.; Dieckmann, L.; Lahti-Pulkkinen, M.; Cruceanu, C.; Henrich, W.; Plagemann, A.; Raeikkoenen, K.; Braun, T.; Binder, E. B.; Lahti, J. et al.; Entringer, S.: Sex differences in DNA methylation across gestation: a large scale, cross-cohort, multi-tissue analysis. CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES 81 (1), 177 (2024)
Dieckmann, L.; Lahti-Pulkkinen, M.; Cruceanu, C.; Raikkonen, K.; Binder, E. B.; Czamara, D.: Quantitative trait locus mapping in placenta: A comparative study of chorionic villus and birth placenta. HUMAN GENETICS AND GENOMICS ADVANCES 5 (4), 100326 (2024)
Ruehlmann, A. K.; Sammallahti, S.; Hidalgo, A. P. C.; Bakulski, K. M.; Binder, E. B.; Campbell, M. L.; Caramaschi, D.; Cecil, C. A. M.; Colicino, E.; Cruceanu, C. et al.; Czamara, D.; Dieckmann, L.; Dou, J.; Felix, J. F.; Frank, J.; Haberg, S. E.; Herberth, G.; Hoang, T. T.; Houtepen, L. C.; Huls, A.; Koen, N.; London, S. J.; Magnus, M. C.; Mancano, G.; Mulder, R. H.; Page, C. M.; Raikkonen, K.; Roeder, S.; Schmidt, R. J.; Send, T. S.; Sharp, G.; Stein, D. J.; Streit, F.; Tuhkanen, J.; Witt, S. H.; Zar, H. J.; Zenclussen, A. C.; Zhang, Y.; Zillich, L.; Wright, R.; Lahti, J.; Brunst, K. J.: Epigenome-wide meta-analysis of prenatal maternal stressful life events and newborn DNA methylation. MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY (2023)
Yusupov, N.; Dieckmann, L.; Erhart, M.; Sauer, S.; Rex-Haffner, M.; Kopf-Beck, J.; Brueckl, T. M.; Czamara, D.; Binder, E. B.: Transdiagnostic evaluation of epigenetic age acceleration and burden of psychiatric disorders. NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY (2023)
Czamara, D.; Cruceanu, C.; Lahti-Pulkkinen, M.; Dieckmann, L.; Koedel, M.; Sauer, S.; Rex-Haffner, M.; Sammallahti, S.; Kajantie, E.; Laivuori, H. et al.; Lahti, J.; Raikkonen, K.; Binder, E. B.: Genome-Wide Copy Number Variant and High-Throughput Transcriptomics Analyses of Placental Tissues Underscore Persisting Child Susceptibility in At-Risk Pregnancies Cleared in Standard Genetic Testing. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 23 (19), 11448 (2022)
Dieckmann, L.; Cruceanu, C.; Lahti-Pulkkinen, M.; Lahti, J.; Kvist, T.; Laivuori, H.; Sammallahti, S.; Villa, P. M.; Suomalainen-Koenig, S.; Rancourt, R. C. et al.; Plagemann, A.; Henrich, W.; Eriksson, J. G.; Kajantie, E.; Entringer, S.; Braun, T.; Raikkonen, K.; Binder, E. B.; Czamara, D.: Reliability of a novel approach for reference-based cell type estimation in human placental DNA methylation studies. CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES 79 (2), 115 (2022)
Kvist, T.; Sammallahti, S.; Lahti-Pulkkinen, M.; Cruceanu, C.; Czamara, D.; Dieckmann, L.; Tontsch, A.; Roh, S.; Rex-Haffner, M.; Wolford, E. et al.; Reynolds, R.; Eriksson, J.; Suomalainen-Konig, S.; Laivuori, H.; Kajantie, E.; Lahdensuo, E.; Binder, E.; Raikkonen, K.: Cohort profile: InTraUterine sampling in early pregnancy (ITU), a prospective pregnancy cohort study in Finland: study design and baseline characteristics. BMJ OPEN 12 (1), e049231 (2022)
Czamara, D.; Dieckmann, L.; Roeh, S.; Kraemer, S.; Rancourt, R. C.; Sammallahti, S.; Kajantie, E.; Laivuori, H.; Eriksson, J. G.; Raikkonen, K. et al.; Henrich, W.; Plagemann, A.; Binder, E. B.; Braun, T.; Entringer, S.: Betamethasone administration during pregnancy is associated with placental epigenetic changes with implications for inflammation. CLINICAL EPIGENETICS 13 (1), 165 (2021)

Meeting Abstract (2)

Meeting Abstract
Yusupov, N.; Dieckmann, L.; Erhart, M.; Sauer, S.; Rex-Haffner, M.; Kopf-Beck, J.; Brueckl, T.; Czamara, D.; Binder, E.: Transdiagnostic Evaluation of Epigenetic Age Acceleration and Burden of Psychiatric Disorders. In BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY, 93 (9), S. S166 - S166. (2023)
Meeting Abstract
Dieckmann, L.; Cruceanu, C.; Lahti-Pulkkinen, M.; Kvist, T.; Lahti, J.; Sammallahti, S.; Graebig-Rancourt, R. C.; Plagemann, A.; Eriksson, J. G.; Kajantie, E. et al.; Braun, T.; Entringer, S.; Raikkonen, K.; Binder, E. B.; Czamara, D.: APPLICATION OF REFERENCE-BASED CELL TYPE ESTIMATION IN PLACENTAL TISSUE AND COMPARISON WITH A REFERENCE-FREE APPROACH FOR DNA METHYLATION STUDIES. In EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, 51, S. E216 - E217. (2021)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Dieckmann, L.: Foundations in human development. Dissertation, 76 S., Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München (2023)

Rezension (1)

Dieckmann, L.; Czamara, D.: Epigenetics of prenatal stress in humans: the current research landscape. CLINICAL EPIGENETICS 16 (1), 20 (2024)
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