The 4th European Stress Conference


Dates:                  March 16-18, 2025

Venue:                 Hotel dasMei, Mutters (near Innsbruck), Austria




Following the success of the first three editions of the European Stress Conference series it was decided to further develop this series to a full European format. The conference was renamed to European Stress Conference and will now take place in varying exciting locations across Europe. Keeping the same spirit and setup, this conference will again bring together world renowned experts in the field of stress research to discuss the latest research whilst taking in the stunning and invigorating environment of the Austrian Alps. Conference days will feature scientific morning and evening sessions, combined with the opportunity to enjoy winter activities during the day (e.g. skiing, hiking, sightseeing, etc.).

Local Organizers

Simone Sartori, Austria
Nicolas Singewald, Austria

Steering committee

  • Mathias Schmidt, Germany
  • Alon Chen, Israel
  • Alessandro Bartolomucci, USA/Italy
  • Johannes Bohacek, Switzerland
  • Katharina Gapp, Switzerland
  • Freddy Jeanneteau, France
  • Juan-Pablo Lopez, Sweden
  • Simone Sartori, Austria
  • Nicolas Singewald, Austria

The following distinguished scientists have already agreed to participate and present their data:


Registration will open in August 2024


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