The 3rd Munich Winter Conference on Stress
A Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry / Weizmann Institute of Science Conference
Organizers: Mathias Schmidt and Alon Chen
Dates: March 12-16, 2022
Venue: Hotel Königshof, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
(just 1 hour south of Munich and easily accessible by public transportation)
Contact: mschmidt@psych.mpg.de
Covid19 related questions:
Despite the ongoing Covid19 restrictions the conference will take place in person. All participants and speakers will be on site and there will be no possibilities to attend virtually. We have booked the entire Königshof Hotel for the conference, and therefore can hold the conference under general hotel accommodation regulations. This means that all conference attendees need to be fully vaccinated and this will be checked upon arrival. In addition, FFP2 mask wearing will be mandatory during the sessions.
Please carefully check the travel regulations for entering Germany from your home country.
We are delighted to invite you to the third international Munich Winter Conference on Stress. This conference will again bring together world renowned experts in the field of stress research to discuss the latest research whilst taking in the stunning and invigorating environment of the German Alps. Conference days will feature scientific morning and evening sessions, combined with the opportunity to enjoy winter activities during the day (e.g. skiing, hiking, sightseeing, etc.). In 2021 this conference had to be cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but with vaccinations being available to everybody we can now safely organize this event in person again and look forward to seeing you all in Garmisch next year.
The following distinguished scientists have already agreed to participate:
- Debra Bangasser (speaker)
- Tallie Z Baram (speaker)
- Stacy Bilbo (speaker)
- Johannes Bohacek (speaker)
- Oliver Bosch (speaker)
- Paula Brunton (speaker)
- Francesca Cirulli (speaker)
- Michael Fanselow (session chair)
- Nils Gassen (speaker)
- Nastacia Goodwin (speaker)
- Jakob Hartmann (speaker)
- Marloes Henckens (speaker)
- Oded Klavir (speaker)
- Aniko Korosi (session chair)
- Marija Kundakovic (speaker)
- Juan Pablo Lopez (speaker)
- Mackenzie Mathis (speaker)
- Cheryl McCormick (speaker)
- Onno Meijer (speaker)
- Caroline Menard (speaker)
- Kerry Ressler (speaker)
- Cosima Rhein (speaker)
- Carmen Sandi (session chair)
- Lars Schwabe (speaker)
- Nic van der Wee (speaker)
Registration for this conference is closed. If you want to participate, please contact the organizer Mathias Schmidt (mschmidt@psych.mpg.de) as a few places might become available on short notice.
Abstract submissions for poster presentation:
All registered participants have received an email with instructions how to submit titles for the poster presentation. Every attending scientist has the possibility to present a poster at the conference. We are not asking for abstracts from the attendees in order to enable everybody to present their latest, potentially also unpublished, data. Furthermore, we will select a few outstanding young scientists to present their research integrated into the main sessions together with the established scientists. Instructions how to apply were also provided to all participants via email.
We look forward to welcoming you in Garmisch-Partenkirchen in March 2022.
How to reach the conference hotel
The conference hotel Königshof is conveniently located just outside the main train station in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. The trip from Munich airport will take about 2 hours. The best option is to take the S1 or S8 from the airport to Munich train station and connect there to the local train to Garmisch-Partenkirchen, which runs about once per hour. Transportation options and tickets can be booked here https://www.bahn.com/en/view/index.shtml and are also available via Google maps. From the train station, it is a 3 minute walk to the hotel.