Anxiety Disorders
Everyone has experienced anxiety – a natural consequence of our senses that serves to protect us from the potential dangers of life. However, if it occurs without a real threat, is inappropriate or too intense, occurs too frequently, lasts too long or is accompanied by intense physical symptoms, it is categorized as an anxiety disorder. In our outpatient clinic, we offer extensive differential diagnoses and scientifically based therapy for anxiety disorders.
Anxiety disorders are very common in the general population and occur in various forms like panic attacks, generalized anxiety disorders, agoraphobia, social phobias and specific phobias. Despite the high prevalence and excellent treatment options, they are widely underdiagnosed and sufficient treatment is often delayed.
In our outpatient clinic, we can offer both psychotherapy and drug therapy. Patients with panic disorder and agoraphobia can participate in a special short behavioral therapy program. In a newly developed group therapy, we now offer treatment for patients with social phobia. We offer special group sessions for inpatients and day patients who have panic attacks.
The first step is to schedule an appointment. At your first session, a psychologist and a specialist will carry out an examination along with any necessary diagnostic measurements (e.g., hormone analyses). On the basis of our diagnostic classification and the prior treatment, an individualized therapy will be planned. Alternatively, we can advise you on optimizing existing treatment.
Our mission is to improve diagnostics and therapy of anxiety disorders. Therefore, we conduct scientific studies in the outpatient clinic, concentrating on the influence of the endogenous stress system and the genetic and environmental factors on the origin and course of anxiety disorders.
We offer consultations in English or German.
Important advice on how to manage anxiety:
- Anxiety reactions and the resulting physical symptoms are the consequences of a normal reaction to stress
- Although it can feel bad, it poses no danger to your physical health
- Try to relax your breathing during an anxiety/ panic attack
- Do not concentrate on the physical symptoms
- Only leave the situation when the anxiety has gone or is less severe
- Do not avoid situations that might trigger anxiety
- Although it is difficult, try to face anxiety-causing situations
- Anxiety is highly treatable