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NameOrganizational UnitPhone
Carina Lang
    • +49 89 30622-1461
    Nicole Legrand
    Occupational Therapist
    • Day Clinic for Depression
    • Work Therapy
    • +49 (0) 89-30622-8119
    Ljerka Lekavski
    • Assignment management
    • +49 89 30622-8068
    Karin Lenz
    Administrative Staff
      • +49 (0) 89-30622-8351
      Dr. Claudia Leucht
      Senior Physician
      • Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (Ward 4)
      • +49 (0) 89-30622-8548
      Jianan Liang
      • Dept. Genes and Environment
      Dr. Christoph Lindner
      • Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (Ward 4)
      • +49 89 30622-8527
      Puyuan Liu
      • Sleep Laboratory
      Ian Löhndorf
      • IT Network
      • +49 89 30622-8711
      Charlotte Lugmair
      • 60+ (Ward 2)
      • +49 89 30622-0000
      Giuseppina Maccarrone, PhD
      Head of Core Unit
      • Core Unit Proteomics
      • +49 (0) 89-30622-8113
      Katharina Mahler
      Nutrition Assistant, Diabetes Advisor
      • Day Clinic for Depression
      • Nutritional Advice
      • Private Patients (Ward 1)
      • +49 (0) 89-30622-8079
      Lisa Maier
      • Private Patients (Ward 1)
      • +49 (0) 89-30622-8246
      Meryl Malezieux
      • Dept. Emotion Research
      • +49 (0) 89-30622-8651
      Armin Mann
      Technical Manager
      • Technical Management
      • +49 (0) 89-30622-8081
      Lara Sophie March
      • Neuropsychology
      Birsen Markovic
      Head of IT Department
      • EDV
      • +49 89 30622-8080
      Tanja Markowetz
      Administrative Staff
        • +49 (0) 89-30622-8178
        Oriane Mauger
        Research Group Leader
        • Research Group Mauger
        • +49 (0) 89 30622- 8682
        Alba Meier
        • Study Center
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