Publikationen von W. Wurst

Zeitschriftenartikel (208)

Hansen, J.; Floss, T.; Van Sloun, P.; Fuchtbauer, E. M.; Vauti, F.; Arnold, H. H.; Schnütgen, F.; Wurst, W.; von Melchner, H.; Ruiz, P.: A large-scale, gene-driven mutagenesis approach for the functional analysis of the mouse genome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 100 (17), S. 9918 - 9922 (2003)
Chi, C. L.; Martinez, S.; Wurst, W.; Martin, G. R.: The isthmic organizer signal FGF8 is required for cell survival in the prospective midbrain and cerebellum. Development 130 (12), S. 2633 - 2644 (2003)
Brodski, C.; Weisenhorn, D. M. V.; Signore, M.; Sillaber, I.; Oesterheld, M.; Broccoli, V.; Acampora, D.; Simeone, A.; Wurst, W.: Location and size of dopaminergic and serotonergic cell populations are controlled by the position of the midbrain hindbrain organizer. Journal of Neuroscience 23 (10), S. 4199 - 4207 (2003)
Puelles, E.; Acampora, D.; Lacroix, E.; Signore, M.; Annino, A.; Tuorto, F.; Filosa, S.; Corte, G.; Wurst, W.; Ang, S. L. et al.; Simeone, A.: Otx dose-dependent integrated control of antero-posterior and dorso-ventral patterning of midbrain. Nature Neuroscience 6 (5), S. 453 - 460 (2003)
Trokovic, R.; Trokovic, N.; Hernesniemi, S.; Pirvola, U.; Weisenhorn, D. M. V.; Rossant, J.; McMahon, A. P.; Wurst, W.; Partanen, J.: FGFR1 is independently required in both developing mid- and hindbrain for sustained response to isthmic signals. EMBO Journal 22 (8), S. 1811 - 1823 (2003)
Brodski, C.; Weisenhorn, D. V.; Signore, M.; Naserke, T.; Fischer, T.; Sillaber, I.; Simeone, A.; Wurst, W.: Location and size of dopaminergic and serotonergic cell populations are controlled by the position of the mid-hindbrain organizer. European Journal of Cell Biology 82 (Suppl. 53), S. 40 - 41 (2003)
Müller, M. B.; Zimmermann, S.; Sillaber, I.; Hagemeyer, T. P.; Deussing, J. M.; Timpl, P.; Kormann, M. S. D.; Droste, S. K.; Kühn, R.; Reul, J. M. H. M. et al.; Holsboer, F.; Wurst, W.: Limbic corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor I mediates anxiety-related behavior and hormonal adaptation to stress. Nature Neuroscience 6 (10), S. 1100 - 1107 (2003)
Schmidt, M.; Oitzl, M. S.; Müller, M. B.; Ohl, F.; Wurst, W.; Holsboer, F.; Levine, S.; De Kloet, E. R.: Regulation of the developing hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 1-deficient mice. Neuroscience 119 (2), S. 589 - 595 (2003)
Landgrebe, J.; Wurst, W.; Welzl, G.: Permutation-validated principal components analysis of microarray data. Genome Biology 3 (4) (2002)
Cahana, A.; Escamez, T.; Nowakowski, R. S.; Hayes, N. L.; Giacobini, M.; Holst, A. v.; Shmueli, O.; Sapir, T.; McConnell, S. K.; Wurst, W. et al.; Martinez, S.; Reiner, O.: Targeted mutagenesis of Lis 1 disrupts cortical development and LIS 1 homodimerization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 98, S. 6429 - 6434 (2001)
Knöll, B.; Zarbalis, K.; Wurst, W.; Drescher, U.: A role for the EphA family in the topographic targeting of vomeronasal axons. Development 128, S. 895 - 906 (2001)
Müller, M. B.; Preil, J.; Renner, U.; Zimmermann, S.; Kresse, A. E.; Stalla, G. K.; Keck, M. E.; Holsboer, F.; Wurst, W.: Expression of CRHR 1 and CRHR 2 in mouse pituitary and adrenal gland: implications for HPA system regulation. Endocrinology 142, S. 4150 - 4153 (2001)
Nadeau, H.; Balling, R.; Barsh, G.; Beier, D.; Brown, S. D. M.; Bucan, M.; Camper, S.; Carlson, G.; Copeland, N.; Eppig, J. et al.; Fletcher, C.; Frankel, W. N.; Ganten, D.; Goldowitz, D.; Goodnow, C.; Guenet, J.-L.; Hicks, G.; Hrabe de Angelis, M.; Jackson, I.; Jacob, H. J.; Jenkins, N.; Johnson, D.; Justice, M.; Kay, S.; Kingsley, D.; Lehrach, H.; Magnuson, T.; Meisler, M.; Poustka, A. M.; Rinchik, E. M.; Rossant, J.; Russell, L. B.; Schimenti, J.; Shiroishi, T.; Skarnes, W. C.; Soriano, P.; Stanford, W.; Takahashi, J. S.; Wurst, W.; Zimmer, A.: Functional annotation of mouse genome sequences. Science 291, S. 1251 - 1255 (2001)
Preil, J.; Müller, M. B.; Gesing, A.; Reul, J. M. H. M.; Sillaber, I.; van Gaalen, M. M.; Landgrebe, J.; Holsboer, F.; Stenzel-Poore, M.; Wurst, W.: Regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical system in mice deficient for CRH receptors 1 and 2. Endocrinology 142, S. 4946 - 4955 (2001)
Simon, H. H.; Saueressig, H.; Wurst, W.; Goulding, M. D.; O'Leary, D. D. M.: Fate of midbrain dopaminergic neurons controlled by the engrailed genes. Journal of Neuroscience 21, S. 3126 - 3134 (2001)
Vetter, K.; Wurst, W.: Expression of a novel mouse gene ’mbFZb‘ in distinct regions of the developing nervous system and the adult brain. Mechanisms of Development 100, S. 123 - 125 (2001)
Wurst, W.; Bally-Cuif, L.: Neural plate patterning: upstream and downstream of the isthmic organizer. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 2, S. 99 - 108 (2001)
Bally-Cuif, L.; Goutel, C.; Wassef, M.; Wurst, W.; Rosa, F.: Corregulation of anterior and posterior mesendodermal development by a hairy-related transcriptional repressor. Genes & Development 14, S. 1664 - 1677 (2000)
Mainguy, G.; Montesinos, M. L.; Lesaffre, B.; Zevnik, B.; Karasawa, M.; Kothary, R.; Wurst, W.; Prochiantz, A.; Volovitsch, M.: An induction gene trap for identifying a homeoprotein-regulated locus. Nature Biotechnology 18, S. 746 - 749 (2000)
Müller, M. B.; Keck, M. E.; Zimmermann, S.; Holsboer, F.; Wurst, W.: Disruption of feeding behavior in CRH receptor I-deficient mice is dependent on glucocorticoids. NeuroReport 11, S. 1963 - 1966 (2000)
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