Publikationen von P. Zimmermann

Zeitschriftenartikel (30)

Nocon, A.; Wittchen, H. U.; Beesdo, K.; Brückl, T.; Höfler, M.; Pfister, H.; Zimmermann, P.; Lieb, R.: Differential familial liability of panic disorder and agoraphobia. Depression and Anxiety 25 (5), S. 422 - 434 (2008)
Zimmermann, P.; Brueckl, T.; Lieb, R.; Ising, M.; Wittchen, H. U.: The interplay of familial depression liability and adverse life events in predicting the first onset of depression during a ten-year follow-up. Pharmacopsychiatry 40 (5), S. 219 - 219 (2007)
Wittchen, H. U.; Fröhlich, C.; Behrendt, S.; Gunther, A.; Rehm, J.; Zimmermann, P.; Lieb, R.; Perkonigg, A.: Cannabis use and cannabis use disorders and their relationship to mental disorders: A 10-year prospective-longitudinal community study in adolescents. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 88 (Suppl. 1), S. S60 - S70 (2007)
Himmerich, H.; Zimmermann, P.; Ising, M.; Kloiber, S.; Lucae, S.; Künzel, H. E.; Binder, E. B.; Holsboer, F.; Uhr, M.: Changes in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and leptin levels during antidepressant treatment. Neuropsychobiology 55 (1), S. 28 - 35 (2007)
Wittchen, H. U.; Zimmermann, P.; Waszak, F.; Nocon, A.; Höfler, M.; Lieb, R.: Pathways into ecstasy use: the role of prior cannabis use and ecstasy availability. European Neuropsychopharmacology 16 (Suppl. 4), S. S504 - S504 (2006)
Perkonigg, A.; Settele, A.; Pfister, H.; Höfler, M.; Fröhlich, C.; Zimmermann, P.; Lieb, R.; Wittchen, H. U.: Where have they been? Service use of regular substance users with and without abuse and dependence. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 41 (6), S. 470 - 479 (2006)
Nocon, A.; Wittchen, H.-U.; Pfister, H.; Zimmermann, P.; Lieb, R.: Dependence symptoms in young cannabis users? A prospective epidemiological study. Journal of Psychiatric Research 40, S. 394 - 403 (2006)
Perkonigg, A.; Pfister, H.; Höfler, M.; Fröhlich, C.; Zimmermann, P.; Lieb, R.; Wittchen, H. U.: Substance use and substance use disorders in a community sample of adolescents and young adults: Incidence, age effects and patterns of use. European Addiction Research 12 (4), S. 187 - 196 (2006)
Zimmermann, P.; Wittchen, H.-U.; Waszak, F.; Nocon, A.; Höfler, M.; Lieb, R.: Pathways into ecstasy use: The role of prior cannabis use and ecstasy availability. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 79 (3), S. 331 - 341 (2005)
Zimmermann, P.; Wittchen, H. U.; Höfler, M.; Pfister, H.; Kessler, R. C.; Lieb, R.: Primary anxiety disorders and the development of subsequent alcohol use disorders: a 4-year community study of adolescents and young adults. Psychological Medicine 33 (7), S. 1211 - 1222 (2003)

Meeting Abstract (3)

Meeting Abstract
von Kaenel, R.; Merz, F.; Pfister, H.; Brueckl, T.; Zimmermann, P.; Uhr, M.; Holsboer, F.; Höhne, N.; Ising, M.: Evidence for an enhanced procoagulant state in remitted major depression. In WORLD JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY, 21 (10), S. 766 - 774. (2020)
Meeting Abstract
von Kaenel, R.; Merz, F.; Pfister, H.; Bruckl, T.; Zimmermann, P.; Uhr, M.; Holsboer, F.; Hoehne, N.; Ising, M.: Evidence of a prothrombotic Condition in Patients with a remitted Depression. In ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PSYCHOSOMATISCHE MEDIZIN UND PSYCHOTHERAPIE, 66 (1), S. 119 - 119. (2019)
Meeting Abstract
von Kaenel, R.; Merz, F.; Pfister, H.; Brueckl, T.; Zimmermann, P.; Uhr, M.; Holsboer, F.; Hoehne, N.; Ising, M.: Evidence for an enhanced procoagulant state in remitted major depression. In PSYCHOTHERAPY AND PSYCHOSOMATICS, 88, S. 134 - 134. 25th World Congress of the International-College-of-Psychosomatic-Medicine (ICPM) on Psychosomatic Medicine, Florence, ITALY, 11. September 2019 - 13. September 2019. (2019)
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