Publikationen von A. Nocon
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (14)
21 (Suppl. 3), S. S533 - S533 (2011)
The latent structure underlying the comorbidity of panic, agoraphobia and specific phobias. European Neuropsychopharmacology 2.
168, S. 1107 - 1116 (2011)
Interaction of FKBP5 gene variants and adverse life events in predicting depression onset: results from a 10-year prospective community study. American Journal of Psychiatry 3.
66 (12), S. 1341 - 1352 (2009)
Heterogeneity of DSM-IV Major Depressive Disorder as a Consequence of Subthreshold Bipolarity. Archives of General Psychiatry 4.
42 (5), S. 233 - 233 (2009)
Biomarkers for the combined efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy in antidepressant treatment in depression. Pharmacopsychiatry 5.
42 (5), S. 249 - 249 (2009)
The interplay of variations in the FKBP5 gene and adverse life events in predicting the first onset of depression during a ten-year follow-up. Pharmacopsychiatry 6.
18 (Suppl. 4), S. S491 - S492 (2008)
Relationship of panic and agoraphobia: rethinking of a diagnostic concept? European Neuropsychopharmacology 7.
63 (4), S. 406 - 414 (2008)
The interplay of familial depression liability and adverse events in predicting the first onset of depression during a 10-year follow-up. Biological Psychiatry 8.
25 (5), S. 422 - 434 (2008)
Differential familial liability of panic disorder and agoraphobia. Depression and Anxiety 9.
77 (3), S. 147 - 157 (2008)
Agoraphobia and panic. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 10.
16 (Suppl. 4), S. S451 - S452 (2006)
Natural course of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) over four years: findings from a prospective community study of adolescents and young adults. European Neuropsychopharmacology 11.
16 (Suppl. 4), S. S504 - S504 (2006)
Pathways into ecstasy use: the role of prior cannabis use and ecstasy availability. European Neuropsychopharmacology 12.
40, S. 394 - 403 (2006)
Dependence symptoms in young cannabis users? A prospective epidemiological study. Journal of Psychiatric Research 13.
15 (Suppl. 2), S. S165 - S165 (2005)
The natural course of obsessive compulsive disorder over four years: Findings from a prospective community study of adolescents and young adults. European Neuropsychopharmacology 14.
79 (3), S. 331 - 341 (2005)
Pathways into ecstasy use: The role of prior cannabis use and ecstasy availability. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Buch (1)
Angst und Depression bei Jugendlichen. Häufigkeit, Komorbiditätsmuster u. zeitlicher Verlauf. VDM Verl. Dr. Müller, Saarbrücken (2007), 123 S.
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Die Stellung der Agoraphobie in modernen diagnostischen Klassifikationssystemen: Beitrag zu einer nosologischen Kontroverse. Dissertation, Technische Universität, Dresden (2009)