Publikationen von W. Wurst

Zeitschriftenartikel (208)

Trokovic, R.; Jukkola, T.; Saarimaki, J.; Peltopuro, P.; Naserke, T.; Vogt-Weisenhorn, D. M.; Trokovic, N.; Wurst, W.; Partanen, J.: Fgfr1-dependent boundary cells between developing mid- and hindbrain. Developmental Biology 278 (2), S. 428 - 439 (2005)
Deussing, J. M.; Wurst, W.: Dissecting the genetic effect of the CRH system on anxiety and stress-related behaviour. Comptes Rendus Biologies 328 (2), S. 199 - 212 (2005)
Hakim, V.; Prakash, N.; Naserke, T.; Puelles, E.; Liser, K.; Goldhand, T.; Gelstein, S.; Martinez, S.; Arenas, E.; Simeone, A. et al.; Wurst, W.; Brodski, C.: Molecular mechanisms controlling the development of dopaminergic and noradrenergic neurons. Reviews in the Neurosciences 16 (Suppl. 1), S. S28 - S28 (2005)
Hölter, S. M.; Kallnik, M.; Wurst, W.; Marsicano, G.; Lutz, B.; Wotjak, C. T.: Cannabinoid CB1 receptor is dispensable for memory extinction in an appetitively-motivated learning task. European Journal of Pharmacology 510, S. 69 - 74 (2005)
Schmidt, M. V.; Oitzl, M. S.; Müller, M. B.; Ohl, F.; Wurst, W.; Holsboer, F.; Levine, S.; De Kloet, E. R.: Regulation of the developing hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in corticotropin releasing hormone receptor 1-deficient mice (vol 119, pg 589, 2003). Neuroscience 135 (4), S. 1343 - 1343 (2005)
Chen, Y. C.; Bender, R. A.; Brunson, K. L.; Pomper, J. K.; Grigoriadis, D. E.; Wurst, W.; Baram, T. Z.: Modulation of dendritic differentiation by corticotropin-releasing factor in the developing hippocampus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 101 (44), S. 15782 - 15787 (2004)
Prakash, N.; Wurst, W.: Specification of midbrain territory. Cell and Tissue Research 318 (1), S. 5 - 14 (2004)
Austin, C. P.; Battey, J. F.; Bradley, A.; Bucan, M.; Capecchi, M.; Collins, F. S.; Dove, W. F.; Duyk, G.; Dymecki, S.; Eppig, J. T. et al.; Grieder, F. B.; Heintz, N.; Hicks, G.; Insel, T. R.; Joyner, A.; Koller, B. H.; Lloyd, K. C. K.; Magnuson, T.; Moore, M. W.; Nagy, A.; Pollock, J. D.; Roses, A. D.; Sands, A. T.; Seed, B.; Skarnes, W. C.; Snoddy, J.; Soriano, P.; Stewart, D. J.; Stewart, F.; Stillman, B.; Varmus, H.; Varticovski, L.; Verma, I. M.; Vogt, T. F.; von Melchner, H.; Witkowski, J.; Woychik, R. P.; Wurst, W.; Yancopoulos, G. D.; Young, S. G.; Zambrowicz, B.: The knockout mouse project. Nature Genetics 36 (9), S. 921 - 924 (2004)
Andrae, J.; Afink, G.; Zhang, X. Q.; Wurst, W.; Nister, M.: Forced expression of platelet-derived growth factor B in the mouse cerebellar primordium changes cell migration during midline fusion and causes cerebellar ectopia. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 26 (2), S. 308 - 321 (2004)
Kwan, K. M.; Li, A. G.; Wang, X. J.; Wurst, W.; Behringer, R. R.: Essential roles of BMPR-IA signaling in differentiation and growth of hair follicles and in skin tumorigenesis. Genesis 39 (1), S. 10 - 25 (2004)
Panhuysen, M.; Weisenhorn, D. M. V.; Blanquet, V.; Brodski, C.; Heinzmann, U.; Beisker, W.; Wurst, W.: Effects of Wnt1 signaling on proliferation in the developing mid-/hindbrain region. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 26 (1), S. 101 - 111 (2004)
Puelles, E.; Annino, A.; Tuorto, F.; Usiello, A.; Acampora, D.; Czerny, T.; Brodski, C.; Ang, S. L.; Wurst, W.; Simeone, A.: Otx2 regulates the extent, identity and fate of neuronal progenitor domains in the ventral midbrain. Development 131 (9), S. 2037 - 2048 (2004)
Bolz, J.; Uziel, D.; Mühlfriedel, S.; Gullmar, A.; Peuckert, C.; Zarbalis, K.; Wurst, W.; Torii, M.; Levitt, P.: Multiple roles of ephrins during the formation of thalamocortical projections: Maps and more. Journal of Neurobiology 59 (1), S. 82 - 94 (2004)
Istvanffy, R.; Weisenhorn, D. M. V.; Floss, T.; Wurst, W.: Expression of neurochondrin in the developing and adult mouse brain. Development Genes and Evolution 214 (4), S. 206 - 209 (2004)
Müller, M. B.; Zimmermann, S.; Sillaber, I.; Hagemeyer, T. P.; Deussing, J. M.; Droste, S.; Reul, J. H. M. H.; Holsboer, F.; Wurst, W.: Limbic Crhr1 mediates anxiety-related behaviour and is required for hormonal adaptation to stress. European Neuropsychopharmacology 14 (Suppl. 1), S. S27 - S28 (2004)
Müller, M. B.; Wurst, W.: Getting closer to affective disorders: the role of CRH receptor systems. Trends in Molecular Medicine 10 (8), S. 409 - 415 (2004)
Louvi, A.; Alexandre, P.; Metin, C.; Wurst, W.; Wassef, M.: The isthmic neuroepithelium is essential for cerebellar midline fusion. Development 130 (22), S. 5319 - 5330 (2003)
Stevens, S. L.; Shaw, T. E.; Dykhuizen, E.; Lessov, N. S.; Hill, J. K.; Wurst, W.; Stenzel-Poore, M. P.: Reduced cerebral injury in CRH-R1 deficient mice after focal ischemia: A potential link to microglia and atrocytes that express CRH-R1. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 23 (10), S. 1151 - 1159 (2003)
Deussing, J.; Breu, J.; Binder, E. B.; Ohl, F.; Holsboer, F.; Wurst, W.: Addressing in vivo functions of urocortin III, a novel member of the CRH family of neuropeptides. Pharmacopsychiatry 36 (5), S. 221 - 221 (2003)
Müller, M. B.; Zimmermann, S.; Sillaber, I.; Hagemeyer, T. P.; Deussing, J.; Droste, S.; Reul, J. H. M. H.; Holsboer, F.; Wurst, W.: Limbic Crhr1 mediates anxiety-related behaviour and is required for hormonal adaptation to stress. Pharmacopsychiatry 36 (5), S. 249 - 249 (2003)
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