Forschung am Max-Planck-Institut für Psychiatrie

Publikationen von I. Sotiropoulos

Zeitschriftenartikel (9)

Monteiro-Fernandes, D.; Sousa, N.; Almeida, O. F. X.; Sotiropoulos, I.: Sex Hormone Depletion Augments Glucocorticoid Induction of Tau Hyperphosphorylation in Male Rat Brain. NEUROSCIENCE 454, S. 140 - 150 (2021)
Kokras, N.; Sotiropoulos, I.; Pitychoutis, P. M.; Almeida, O. F. X.; Papadopoulou-Daifoti, Z.: CITALOPRAM-MEDIATED ANXIOLYSIS AND DIFFERING NEUROBIOLOGICAL RESPONSES IN BOTH SEXES OF A GENETIC MODEL OF DEPRESSION. Neuroscience 194, S. 62 - 71 (2011)
Sotiropoulos, I.; Catania, C.; Pinto, L. G.; Silva, R.; Pollerberg, G. E.; Takashima, A.; Sousa, N.; Almeida, O. F. X.: Stress Acts Cumulatively To Precipitate Alzheimer's Disease-Like Tau Pathology and Cognitive Deficits. Journal of Neuroscience 31 (21), S. 7840 - 7847 (2011)
Catania, C.; Sotiropoulos, I.; Silva, R.; Onofri, C.; Breen, K. C.; Sousa, N.; Almeida, O. F. X.: The amyloidogenic potential and behavioral correlates of stress. Molecular Psychiatry 14 (1), S. 95 - 105 (2009)
Sotiropoulos, I.; Catania, C.; Riedemann, T.; Fry, J. P.; Breen, K. C.; Michaelidis, T. M.; Almeida, O. F. X.: Glucocorticoids trigger Alzheimer disease-like pathobiochemistry in rat neuronal cells expressing human tau. Journal of Neurochemistry 107 (2), S. 385 - 397 (2008)
Schubert, M. I.; Kalisch, R.; Sotiropoulos, I.; Catania, C.; Sousa, N.; Almeida, O. F. X.; Auer, D. P.: Effects of altered corticosterold milieu on rat hippocampal neurochemistry and structure - An in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging study. Journal of Psychiatric Research 42 (11), S. 902 - 912 (2008)
Sotiropoulos, I.; Cerqueira, J. J.; Catania, C.; Takashima, A.; Sousa, N.; Almeida, O. F. X.: Stress and glucocorticoid footprints in the brain - The path from depression to Alzheimer's disease. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 32 (6), S. 1161 - 1173 (2008)
Silva, R.; Mesquita, A. R.; Bessa, J.; Sousa, J. C.; Sotiropoulos, I.; Leao, P.; Almeida, O. F. X.; Sousa, N.: Lithium blocks stress-induced changes in depressive-like behavior and hippocampal cell fate: The role of glycogen-synthase-kinase-3 beta. Neuroscience 152 (3), S. 656 - 669 (2008)
Cerqueira, J. J.; Catania, C.; Sotiropoulos, I.; Schubert, M.; Kalisch, R.; Almeida, O. F. X.; Auer, D. P.; Sousa, N.: Corticosteroid status influences the volume of the rat cingulate cortex - a magnetic resonance imaging study. Journal of Psychiatric Research 39 (5), S. 451 - 460 (2005)

Buchkapitel (1)

Catania, C.; Sotiropoulos, I.; Breen, K. C.; Almeida, O. F. X.: A steroid hormone-Alzheimer`s disease connection? Upsides, downsides. In: Molecular Bases of Neurodegeneration, S. 21 - 42 (Hg. Di Liegro, I.; Savettieri, G.). Research Signpost, Kerala, India (2005)
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