Publikationen von R. Landgraf
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Zeitschriftenartikel (250)
38 (5), S. 235 - 235 (2005)
Glyoxalase I: Implications for an enzyme involved in trait anxiety. Pharmacopsychiatry 122.
16 (Suppl. 1), S. S88 - S88 (2005)
A key role for hypothalamic AVP in anxiety/depression-related behavior and social recognition: An antisense study. Behavioural Pharmacology 123.
16 (Suppl. 1), S. S88 - S88 (2005)
Major role for vasopressin in a new mouse model of anxiety and depression. Behavioural Pharmacology 124.
38 (5), S. 281 - 281 (2005)
Mice selected for high or low stress reactivity: a proposed model for affective disorders. Pharmacopsychiatry 125.
65 (4), S. 185 - 190 (2005)
The involvement of neuropeptides in evolution, signaling, behavioral regulation and psychopathology: Focus on vasopressin. Drug Development Research 126.
25 (17), S. 4375 - 4384 (2005)
Idenfification of Glyoxalase-I as a Protein Marker in a Mouse Model of Extremes in Trait Anxiety. The Journal of Neuroscience 127.
564 (2), S. 515 - 522 (2005)
Regulation of activity-dependent dendritic vasopressin release from rat supraoptic neurones. Journal of Physiology-London 128.
92 (5), S. 1170 - 1179 (2005)
Differences in serotonergic neurotransmission between rats displaying high or low anxiety/depression-like behaviour: effects of chronic paroxetine treatment. Journal of Neurochemistry 129.
47, S. 14 - 21 (2005)
Neuroendocrine and behavioral response to social confrontation: residents versus intruders, active versus passive coping styles. Hormones and Behavior 130.
132, S. 867 - 877 (2005)
Differential effects of periodic maternal separation on adult stress coping in a rat model of extremes in trait anxiety. Neuroscience 131.
23 (1), S. 382 - 391 (2004)
High trait anxiety and hyporeactivity to stress of the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex: a combined phMRI and Fos study in rats. NeuroImage 132.
24 (35), S. 7762 - 7770 (2004)
Impaired repression at a vasopressin promoter polymorphism underlies overexpression of vasopressin in a rat model of trait anxiety. Journal of Neuroscience 133.
38 (4), S. 385 - 393 (2004)
Arginine vasopressin and adrenocorticotropin secretion in response to psychosocial stress is attenuated by ethanol in sons of alcohol-dependent fathers. Journal of Psychiatric Research 134.
109 (5), S. 361 - 368 (2004)
Hypothalamic neuropeptide release after experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage: in vivo microdialysis study. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 135.
34 (3), S. 309 - 318 (2004)
Two Wistar rat lines selectively bred for anxiety-related behavior show opposite reactions in elevated plus maze and fear-sensitized acoustic startle tests. Behavior Genetics 136.
369 (Suppl. 1), S. R82 - R82 (2004)
Differential galanin and enkephalin gene expression in two rat lines selectively bred for high and low anxiety-related behaviour. Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology 137.
19 (3), S. 601 - 608 (2004)
GABA selectively controls the secretory activity of oxytocin neurons in the rat supraoptic nucleus. European Journal of Neuroscience 138.
25, S. 132 - 149 (2004)
The hypothalamic-neurohypophysial system regulates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis under stress: An old concept revisited. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 139.
26, S. 37 - 43 (2004)
Nitric oxide is not involved in the control of vasopressin release during acute forced swimming in rats. Amino Acids 140.
25, S. 150 - 176 (2004)
Vasopressin and oxytocin release within the brain: a dynamic concept of multiple and variable modes of neuropeptide communication. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology