Publikationen von M. Ising

Zeitschriftenartikel (290)

Kloiber, S.; Ising, M.; Reppermund, S.; Horstmann, S.; Dose, T.; Pfister, H.; Unschuld, P. G.; Holsboer, F.; Lucae, S.: High weight affects treatment response in major depression. European Neuropsychopharmacology 17 (Suppl. 1), S. S70 - S71 (2007)
Himmerich, H.; Zimmermann, P.; Ising, M.; Kloiber, S.; Lucae, S.; Künzel, H. E.; Binder, E. B.; Holsboer, F.; Uhr, M.: Changes in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and leptin levels during antidepressant treatment. Neuropsychobiology 55 (1), S. 28 - 35 (2007)
Ising, M.: Bringing basic and clinical research together to an integrated understanding of psychiatric disorders. Journal of Psychiatric Research 41 (1-2), S. 1 - 2 (2007)
Ising, M.; Holsboer, F.: CRH1 receptor antagonists for the treatment of depression and anxiety. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology 15 (6), S. 519 - 528 (2007)
Ising, M.; Horstmann, S.; Kloiber, S.; Lucae, S.; Binder, E. B.; Kern, N.; Künzel, H.; Pfennig, A.; Uhr, M.; Holsboer, F.: Combined dexamethasone/corticotropin releasing hormone test predicts treatment response in major-depression-A potential biomarker? Biological Psychiatry 62 (1), S. 47 - 54 (2007)
Mathias, S.; Held, K.; Ising, M.; Weikel, J. C.; Yassouridis, A.; Steiger, A.: Systemic growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) impairs sleep in healthy young women. Psychoneuroendocrinology 32 (8-10), S. 1021 - 1027 (2007)
Modell, S.; Ising, M.; Holsboer, F.; Lauer, C. J.: Regarding "The Munich Vulnerability-Study on Affective Disorders: Premorbid Polysomnographic Profile of Affected High-Risk Probands" Reply. Biological Psychiatry 62, S. 702 - 704 (2007)
Reppermund, S.; Zihl, J.; Lucae, S.; Horstmann, S.; Kloiber, S.; Holsboer, F.; Ising, M.: Persistent cognitive impairment in depression: the role of psychopathology and altered hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) system regulation. Biological Psychiatry 62 (5), S. 400 - 406 (2007)
Thoeringer, C. K.; Binder, E. B.; Salyakina, D.; Erhardt, A.; Ising, M.; Unschuld, P. G.; Kern, N.; Lucae, S.; Brueckl, T. M.; Mueller, M. B. et al.; Fuchs, B.; Puetz, B.; Lieb, R.; Uhr, M.; Holsboer, F.; Mueller-Myhsok, B.; Keck, M.: Association of a Met88Val diazepam binding inhibitor (DBI) gene polymorphism and anxiety disorders with panic attacks. Journal of Psychiatric Research 41, doi:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2006.06.001, S. 579 - 584 (2007)
Unschuld, P. G.; Erhardt, A.; Ising, M.; Lucae, S.; Kloiber, S.; Kohli, M.; Binder, E. B.; Müller-Myhsok, B.; Keck, M. E.; Holsboer, F.: An association candidate-gene study on genetic variations within HTR2A in patients suffering from panic disorder. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B-Neuropsychiatric Genetics 141B (7), S. 739 - 740 (2006)
Ambrosius, U.; Lietzenmaier, S.; Wichniak, A.; Wehrle, R.; Brunner, H.; Ising, M.; Friess, E.; Yassouridis, A.: Heritability of sleep architecture, sleep continuity and sleep EEG spectral profiles - an ongoing classical twin study. Journal of Sleep Research 15 (Suppl. 1), S. 137 - 138 (2006)
Schüssler, P.; Uhr, M.; Ising, M.; Weikel, J. C.; Schmid, D. A.; Held, K.; Mathias, S.; Steiger, A.: Nocturnal ghrelin, ACTH, GH and cortisol secretion after steep deprivation in humans. Psychoneuroendocrinology 31 (8), S. 915 - 923 (2006)
Wichniak, A.; Lietzenmaier, S.; Ambrosius, U.; Brunner, H.; Ising, M.; Friess, E.: Heritability of daytime sleepiness - an ongoing classical twin study. Journal of Sleep Research 15 (Suppl. 1), S. 134 - 134 (2006)
Erhardt, A.; Ising, M.; Unschuld, P. G.; Kern, N.; Lucae, S.; Holsboer, F.; Keck, M. E.: Responsiveness of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical system in patients with panic disorder. Biological Psychiatry 59 (8 Suppl. S), S. 200S - 200S (2006)
van Rossum, E. F. C.; Binder, E. B.; Majer, M.; Koper, J. W.; Ising, M.; Modell, S.; Salyakina, D.; Lamberts, S. W. J.; Holsboer, F.: Polymorphisms of the glucocorticoid receptor gene and major depression. Biological Psychiatry 59 (8), S. 681 - 688 (2006)
Schmid, D. A.; Wichniak, A.; Uhr, M.; Ising, M.; Brunner, H.; Held, K.; Weikel, J. C.; Sonntag, A.; Steiger, A.: Changes of sleep architecture, spectral composition of sleep EEG, the nocturnal secretion of cortisol, ACTH, GH, prolactin, melatonin, ghrelin, and leptin, and the DEX-CRH test in depressed patients during treatment with mirtazapine. Neuropsychopharmacology 31 (4), S. 832 - 844 (2006)
Erhardt, A.; Unschuld, P. G.; Lucae, S.; Ising, M.; Salyakina, D.; Pütz, B.; Müller-Myhsok, B.; Binder, E. B.; Holsboer, F.; Keck, M. E.: Possible genetic implications of the endo-cannabinoid system in anxiety disorders versus depressive disorders. European Neuropsychopharmacology 16 (Suppl. 1), S. S88 - S88 (2006)
Baghai, T. C.; Binder, E. B.; Schule, C.; Salyakina, D.; Eser, D.; Lucae, S.; Zwanzger, P.; Haberger, C.; Zill, P.; Ising, M. et al.; Deiml, T.; Uhr, M.; Illig, T.; Wichmann, H.-E.; Modell, S.; Nothdurfter, C.; Holsboer, F.; Müller-Myhsok, B.; Möller, H.-J.; Rupprecht, R.; Bondy, B.: Polymorphisms in the angiotensin-converting enzyme gene are associated with unipolar depression, ACE activity and hypercortisolism. Molecular Psychiatry 11, S. 1003 - 1015 (2006)
Erhardt, A.; Ising, M.; Unschuld, P. G.; Kern, N.; Lucae, S.; Pütz, B.; Uhr, M.; Binder, E. B.; Holsboer, F.; Keck, M. E.: Regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical system in patients with panic disorder. Neuropsychopharmacology 31, S. 2515 - 2522 (2006)
Friess, E.; Kümpfel, T.; Modell, S.; Winkelmann, J.; Holsboer, F.; Ising, M.; Trenkwalder, C.: Paroxetine treatment improves motor symptoms in patients with multiple system atrophy. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 12 (7), S. 432 - 437 (2006)
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