Publikationen von M. Ising
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Zeitschriftenartikel (290)
23 (Suppl. 2), S. S 10 - S 10 (2008)
Neuroendocrine and sleep regulation as predictors of illness course and therapy in depression. European Psychiatry 182.
583 (2-3), S. 350 - 357 (2008)
Central CRH system in depression and anxiety - Evidence from clinical studies with CRH1 receptor antagonists. European Journal of Pharmacology 183.
28, S. 389 - 398 (2008)
Polymorphisms in the FKBP5 gene region modulates recovery from psychosocial stress in healthy controls. European Journal of Neuroscience 184.
117 (1), S. 41 - 49 (2008)
Is MAO-B activity in platelets associated with the occurrence of suicidality and behavioural personality traits in depressed patients? Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 185.
57, S. 203 - 209 (2008)
Polymorphisms in the drug transporter Gene ABCB1 predict antidepressant treatment response in depression. Neuron 186.
105, S. 177 - 184 (2008)
Polymorphisms in the galanin gene are associated with symptom-severity in female patients suffering from panic disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders 187.
40 (5), S. 209 - 209 (2007)
Polymorphisms in the angiotensin-converting enzyme gene region predict coping styles in healthy adults and depressed patients. Pharmacopsychiatry 188.
32 (9), S. 1941 - 1949 (2007)
High-affinity CRF1 receptor antagonist NBI-34041: Preclinical and clinical data suggest safety and efficacy in attenuating elevated stress response. Neuropsychopharmacology 189.
40 (5), S. 210 - 211 (2007)
Polymorphisms in the leptin gene are associated with resistance to antidepressant treatment and lower cognitive performance in depression. Pharmacopsychiatry 190.
40 (5), S. 212 - 212 (2007)
SNPs in the NTRK2 gene are associated with depressive disorder. Pharmacopsychiatry 191.
40 (5), S. 212 - 212 (2007)
Susceptibility gene hunting for recurrent unipolar depression using 400k genome-wide genotype data. Pharmacopsychiatry 192.
40 (5), S. 211 - 212 (2007)
SNPs in the NTRK2 gene are associated with age-at-onset of depressive disorder and attempted suicide. Pharmacopsychiatry 193.
40 (5), S. 215 - 215 (2007)
Infralimbic prefrontal cortex structure affects therapy response dynamics in depressive disorder across clinical diagnostic entities. Pharmacopsychiatry 194.
115 (8), S. 553 - 553 (2007)
A shifted psychopathological risk profile in acromegalic patients? Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes 195.
40 (5), S. 250 - 250 (2007)
Acromegalic patients: more depressed, without panic? The 'endocrine psychosyndrome' of romegaly revised. Pharmacopsychiatry 196.
40 (5), S. 217 - 217 (2007)
Polymorphisms in the galanin gene are associated with symptom-severity in female patients suffering from panic disorder. Pharmacopsychiatry 197.
40 (5), S. 219 - 219 (2007)
The interplay of familial depression liability and adverse life events in predicting the first onset of depression during a ten-year follow-up. Pharmacopsychiatry 198.
62 (4), S. 321 - 326 (2007)
Overweight and obesity affect treatment response in major depression. Biological Psychiatry 199.
101 (1-3), S. 159 - 168 (2007)
Association of polymorphisms in P2RX7 and CaMKKb with anxiety disorders. Journal of Affective Disorders 200.
144B (4), S. 424 - 429 (2007)
Polymorphisms in the serotonin receptor gene HTR2A are associated with quantitative traits in panic disorder. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B-Neuropsychiatric Genetics