Publikationen von Jan-Michael Heinzmann
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Zeitschriftenartikel (11)
110, S. 37 - 47 (2016)
Antidepressant treatment differentially affects the phenotype of high and low stress reactive mice. NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 2.
49, S. 229 - 243 (2014)
Mice selected for extremes in stress reactivity reveal key endophenotypes of major depression: A translational approach. PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 3.
219 (3), S. 217 - 229 (2013)
Corticosteroid-binding globulin contributes to the neuroendocrine phenotype of mice selected for extremes in stress reactivity. JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY 4.
7 (6), e38971 (2012)
Dendritic Morphology of Hippocampal and Amygdalar Neurons in Adolescent Mice Is Resilient to Genetic Differences in Stress Reactivity. PLoS ONE 5.
70 (10), S. 928 - 936 (2011)
FK506 Binding Protein 5 Shapes Stress Responsiveness: Modulation of Neuroendocrine Reactivity and Coping Behavior. Biological Psychiatry 6.
44 (6), S. 295 - 295 (2011)
Fluoxetine impacts hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis regulation and changes stress-coping behaviour in mice selectively bred for extremes in stress reactivity. Pharmacopsychiatry 7.
22 (11), S. 1187 - 1197 (2010)
Intrahippocampal Corticosterone Response in Mice Selectively Bred for Extremes in Stress Reactivity: A Microdialysis Study. Journal of Neuroendocrinology 8.
94 (2), S. 145 - 152 (2010)
Modeling psychotic and cognitive symptoms of affective disorders: Disrupted latent inhibition and reversal learning deficits in highly stress reactive mice. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 9.
44 (9), S. 566 - 575 (2010)
Increased stress reactivity is associated with cognitive deficits and decreased hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor in a mouse model of affective disorders. Journal of Psychiatric Research 10.
42 (5), S. 221 - 221 (2009)
Temporal aspects of HPA axis reactivity and regulation: microdialysis studies in the HR/IR/LR mouse model. Pharmacopsychiatry 11.
42 (5), S. 244 - 244 (2009)
Mice selected for extremes in stress reactivity: modeling clinically relevant endophenotypes of major depression. Pharmacopsychiatry Meeting Abstract (1)
Meeting Abstract
61 Special Issue Aufl., PO94, S. 56 - 56. 45th Annual Meeting of the International-Society-of-Psychoneuroendocrinology (ISPNE) on Stress and
the Brain - From Fertility to Senility, Edinburgh, SCOTLAND, 08. September 2015 - 11. September 2015. Elsevier BV, Amsterdam (2015)
Mice selected for extremes in stress reactivity reveal key endophenotypes of major depression: A translational approach. In PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY,