Forschung am Max-Planck-Institut für Psychiatrie

Publikationen von Nikolaos Koutsouleris

Zeitschriftenartikel (53)

Blackman, G.; Byrne, R.; Gill, N.; Fanshawe, J. B.; Bell, V.; Watson, C.; Koutsouleris, N.; Fusar-Poli, P.; Pollak, T. A.; McGuire, P.: How common is secondary psychosis? Estimates from a systematic review and meta-analysis. World psychiatry: official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) 24 (1), S. 145 - 146 (2025)
Arribas, M.; Oliver, D.; Patel, R.; Kornblum, D.; Shetty, H.; Damiani, S.; Krakowski, K.; Provenzani, U.; Stahl, D.; Koutsouleris, N. et al.: A transdiagnostic prodrome for severe mental disorders: an electronic health record study. MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY (2024)
Bienek, O.; Allott, K.; Antonucci, L.; Bertolino, A.; Bonivento, C.; Borgwardt, S.; Brambilla, P.; Chisholm, K.; Dannlowski, U.; Lichtenstein, T. K. et al.: Neurocognitive dysfunction in adolescents with recent onset major depressive disorder: a cross-sectional comparative study. EUROPEAN CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY (2024)
Dong, M. S.; Rokicki, J.; Dwyer, D.; Papiol, S.; Streit, F.; Rietschel, M.; Wobrock, T.; Mueller-Myhsok, B.; Falkai, P.; Westlye, L. T. et al.: Multimodal workflows optimally predict response to repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with schizophrenia: a multisite machine learning analysis. TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY 14 (1), 196 (2024)
Falkai, P.; Koutsouleris, N.: Why is it so difficult to implement precision psychiatry into clinical care? LANCET REGIONAL HEALTH-EUROPE 43, 100952 (2024)
Koehler, J. C.; Dong, M. S.; Bierlich, A. M.; Fischer, S.; Spaeth, J.; Plank, I. S.; Koutsouleris, N.; Falter-Wagner, C. M.: Machine learning classification of autism spectrum disorder based on reciprocity in naturalistic social interactions. TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY 14 (1), 76 (2024)
Koehler, J. C.; Dong, M. S.; Song, D.-Y.; Bong, G.; Koutsouleris, N.; Yoo, H.; Falter-Wagner, C. M.: Classifying autism in a clinical population based on motion synchrony: a proof-of-concept study using real-life diagnostic interviews. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 14 (1), 5663 (2024)
Meyhoefer, I.; Sprenger, A.; Derad, D.; Grotegerd, D.; Leenings, R.; Leehr, E. J.; Breuer, F.; Surmann, M.; Rolfes, K.; Arolt, V. et al.: Evidence from comprehensive independent validation studies for smooth pursuit dysfunction as a sensorimotor biomarker for psychosis. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 14 (1), 13859 (2024)
Sahin, D.; Kambeitz-Ilankovic, L.; Wood, S.; Dwyer, D.; Upthegrove, R.; Salokangas, R.; Borgwardt, S.; Brambilla, P.; Meisenzahl, E.; Ruhrmann, S. et al.: Algorithmic fairness in precision psychiatry: analysis of prediction models in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis. BRITISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY 224 (2), S. 55 - 65 (2024)
Sarisik, E.; Popovic, D.; Keeser, D.; Khuntia, A.; Schiltz , K.; Falkai, P.; Pogarell, O.; Koutsouleris, N.: EEG-based Signatures of Schizophrenia, Depression, and Aberrant Aging: A Supervised Machine Learning Investigation. SCHIZOPHRENIA BULLETIN (2024)
Schultze-Lutter, F.; Banaschewski, T.; Barth, G. M.; Bechdolf, A.; Bender, S.; Flechtner, H.-H.; Hackler, S.; Heuer, F.; Hohmann, S.; Holzner, L. et al.: [Ethical Considerations of Including Minors in Clinical Trials Using the Example of the Indicated Prevention of Psychotic Disorders]. Minderjährige in klinischen Prüfungen: Ethische Abwägungen ihres Einbezugs am Beispiel der indizierten Prävention psychotischer Erkrankungen. Zeitschrift fur Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie 52 (5), S. 261 - 289 (2024)
Slot, M. I. E.; Castro, M. F. U.; Winter-van Rossum, I.; van Hell, H. H.; Dwyer, D.; Dazzan, P.; Maat, A.; De Haan, L.; Crespo-Facorro, B.; Glenthoj, B. Y. et al.: Multivariable prediction of functional outcome after first-episode psychosis: a crossover validation approach in EUFEST and PSYSCAN. SCHIZOPHRENIA 10 (1), 89 (2024)
Walter, N.; Wenzel, J.; Haas, S. S.; Squarcina, L.; Bonivento, C.; Ruef, A.; Dwyer, D.; Lichtenstein, T.; Bastruek, O.; Stainton, A. et al.: A multivariate cognitive approach to predict social functioning in recent onset psychosis in response to computerized cognitive training. PROGRESS IN NEURO-PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY & BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY 128, 110864 (2024)
Wenzel, J.; Badde, L.; Haas, S. S.; Bonivento, C.; Van Rheenen, T. E.; Antonucci, L. A.; Ruef, A.; Penzel, N.; Rosen, M.; Lichtenstein, T. et al.: Transdiagnostic subgroups of cognitive impairment in early affective and psychotic illness. NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY (2023)
Popovic, D.; Wertz, M.; Geisler, C.; Kaufmann, J.; Lähteenvuo, M.; Lieslehto, J.; Witzel, J.; Bogerts, B.; Walter, M.; Falkai, P. et al.: Patterns of risk—Using machine learning and structural neuroimaging to identify pedophilic offenders. Frontiers in Psychiatry 14-2023, 1001085 (2023)
Bonivento, C.; Kambeitz-Ilankovic, L.; Maggioni, E.; Borgwardt, S.; Lencer, R.; Meisenzahl, E.; Kambeitz, J.; Ruhrmann, S.; Salokangas, R. K. R.; Bertolino, A. et al.: Neurocognitive skills and vulnerability for psychosis in depression and across the psychotic spectrum: findings from the PRONIA Consortium. BRITISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY 223 (4), S. 485 - 492 (2023)
Buciuman, M.-O.; Öztürk, Ö. F.; Popovic, D.; Enrico, P.; Ruef, A.; Bieler, N.; Sarisik, E.; Weiske, J.; Sen Dong, M.; Dwyer, D. B. et al.: Structural and Functional Brain Patterns Predict Formal Thought Disorder's Severity and Its Persistence in Recent-Onset Psychosis: Results From the PRONIA Study. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY-COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE AND NEUROIMAGING 8 (12), S. 1207 - 1217 (2023)
Dwyer, D. B.; Chand, G. B.; Pigoni, A.; Khuntia, A.; Wen, J.; Antoniades, M.; Hwang, G.; Erus, G.; Doshi, J.; Srinivasan, D. et al.: Psychosis brain subtypes validated in first-episode cohorts and related to illness remission: results from the PHENOM consortium. MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY 28 (5), S. 2008 - 2017 (2023)
Mondelli, V.; Blackman, G.; Kempton, M. J.; Pollak, T. A.; Iyegbe, C.; Valmaggia, L. R.; Amminger, P.; Barrantes-Vidal, N.; Bressan, R.; van der Gaag, M. et al.: Serum immune markers and transition to psychosis in individuals at clinical high risk. BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY 110, S. 290 - 296 (2023)
Plank, I. S.; Koehler, J. C.; Nelson, A. M.; Koutsouleris, N.; Falter-Wagner, C. M.: Automated extraction of speech and turn-taking parameters in autism allows for diagnostic classification using a multivariable prediction model. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY 14, 1257569 (2023)