Forschung am Max-Planck-Institut für Psychiatrie

Publikationen von Juliane Minkwitz

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Minkwitz, J.; Sander, C.; Himmerich, H.; Thormann, J.; Chittka, T.; Hegerl, U.; Schmidt, F.; Murray, M.; Albayrak, N.; Campbell, I. C. et al.; Scheipl, F.: Reported and Recorded Sleepiness in Obesity and Depression. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY 11, 200 (2020)
Schmidt, F. M.; Mergl, R.; Minkwitz, J.; Holdt, L. M.; Teupser, D.; Hegerl, U.; Himmerich, H.; Sander, C.: Is There an Association or Not?-Investigating the Association of Depressiveness, Physical Activity, Body Composition and Sleep With Mediators of Inflammation. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY 11, 563 (2020)

Konferenzbeitrag (1)

Minkwitz, J.; Scheipl, F.; Binder, E.; Sander, C.; Hegerl, U.; Himmerich, H.: Generalised Functional Additive Models for Brain Arousal State Dynamics. 20th International Pharmaco-EEG Society for Preclinical and Clinical Electrophysiological Brain Research (IPEG) Meeting , Zurich, 21. November 2018 - 25. November 2018. NEUROPSYCHOBIOLOGY 77 (3), P12, 77 Aufl., S. 145 - 145 (2018)
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